Vanaa Replaced Sanaa

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Vanaa's POV

My sister in law took me to wedding altar, I forgot the way in my own house. My vision was blurred and would have fall down at any moment. I was walking only by their support, I wanted to run from this place, this wedding but I can't I was messed up completely, just because of my own sister.

I looked down myself with a different saree and ornaments, for all in the crowd I may be looked as a bride but I found myself as a scape goat. I cursed that Sanaa for spoiling my life, my love, my dreams and my everything.

Immediately my eyes filled with tears in his memories. I felt I was the most unlucky girl in this world. Every nerve of my body yearned to see him and to live with him forever. But everything was taken from me forcefully....within sometime he will be my past.... painful past... I had a heart piercing pain inwardly.
But still I controlled my emotions and walked further.

I took my baby steps and climbed the stairs to reach wedding altar. Before that my grandparents blessed me, my parents hugged me with tears I saw my brother's helpless gesture and his pain in his eyes.

My sister in law made me sit next to a stranger, whom I thought as my sister's would be husband even one hour ago. But now everything changed my dreams were crushed and my life was turned upside down in a moment. Slowly I noticed the heavy object fall on my shoulders, it was a wedding garland. Undoubtedly it was weared to me by him, someone thrusted the garland on my hands to make him wear. After a hesitation, I does the same without looking at him, I was not interested to see that man who spoilt my dreams of marrying my love.

Prohidhar chanted the wedding mantras and he was doing some rituals and following him I had to do the same.

I said myself in my mind it's over Vanaa it's over, stop your day dreams and accept the reality. You will be someone's wife you can't think about another man after wedding. In this holy fire throw all your memories. I lowered my eyes to hide my tears.

I noticed his hands were taking the mangalyam (sacred thread) and moving so close to me. My body shivered instantly, I started to sweat and I held my knees tightly with my hands and closed my eyes to bear this unwanted wedding.

Prohidhar said ketti melam... mantras chanted. The only thing I heard was my grandfather's words, it echoed in my ears.

"Vanaa can you marry your sisters groom, please for family's sake"

He tied the mangalyam with three knots. All the guests were throwing the archadai ( Turmeric rice) on us. I didn't lift my head even an inch or opened my eyes. He filled vermillion in my forehead, now slowly I opened my eyes. His warm breathe brushed my cheeks and his chest rubbed my arms I was more uncomfortable and moved little far from him.

He stood up and extended his hands to me, but I didn't obliged him. He didn't take it back it was still extended, my sister in law took my hands and placed on his palm. He held it and closed his palm, it was little hot. I felt a warmth running under my spine because of his touch. My SIL made me stand on my feet and we both were asked to take 7 wedding rounds.

He took my hands in his and we were started taking rounds, soon we finished the rounds with the wedding vows. I promised to follow the vows with lots of agony. Soon after he took my feet placed it on ammi( a stone) and fixed toe ring on second finger, followed the same for next feet too.

All the rituals completed, now we both were declared as husband and wife. We took blessings from the elders of both the families. My mother and grandmother hugged me with a tears, my brother said sorry, I didn't look at him and say a word. Guests were all came one after another to bless us and to pass their gifts.

All this time I stood as a statue which obliged others orders, but I never mind him or his words. I was not even ready to look at his damn face. I was holding myself and standing there with so much difficulty. Sometimes his arms touched mine which aggravated my inner pain.

I found all the guests were throwing theirs happy smiles while wishing me, but I was crying inwardly. I was hell tired with a headache and waiting for this torture to complete as soon as possible.Slowly the crowd was moving out and only very close family relatives were there, everybody were busy in their own chats. Suddenly some people giggling sound pulled my gaze to them. It was a group of youngsters with some unknown boys and girls. I looked at them casually but, a known face stopped my heart beat. I closed and reopened my eyes and clearly looked at him once again.

I was dumbfounded to find this man in that crowd, my eyes widened and I was at cold feet. Slowly I turned my head and looked at a man next to me, my eyes widened more.

Next moment I lost my conscious and fell down... No I didn't fell down suddenly a pair of warm hands stopped me from falling down and getting hurt.

To be continued.....


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Meenakshi Jothi

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