First Dance

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Vanaa's POV

Let's welcome the newly wedded couples Mr & Mrs. Surya Pratap, Shiv and Sudhir anna announced louder together.

I want to dig a hole and hide in that, I can't do this. I was restless about the upcoming, it will be really tough for me to dance with him that too with tied hands and balloons. We will be so closer to each other, I was afraid what if he discovered my secret feelings for him. Definitely he will mock me, he will think bad about and badmouth about me. No, I can't let him to do that so I don't want to dance with him,I decided to refuse.

"No I'm so tired, my legs are painful so, I can't play this game " I said bit louder. Everyone seemed to be surprised at my statement, they looked at me differently. Shiv and Sudhir anna were disappointed, but I was helpless .

"We will dance" all were shocked and looked at the direction of the voice coming.
"It's ok let's dance I will take care of you" said Surya from my behind firmly.

With a jerk I turned back to look at him. He smirked and took my hands and moved to the dance floor. I was not dare to refuse him so I walked silently with him. Our hands were tied together and ankle were tied with balloons. His one hand held mine and another hand were embraced my waist. I became nervous and started to sweat due to his proximacy I prayed to the god to save me today.
DJ played the music and we all started to dance accordingly.

We danced slowly along with the background music. Our bodies brushed while dancing I felt unease and looked down avoiding his eyes. But I felt his gaze on me, he looked at me continuously. I was shy and immediately started to shiver, my lips trembled. I even felt difficult to breathe properly in his arms.

"What happened ??
Are you alright ??
Why are you shivering ??" Asked Surya.

"Nothing I'm tired. I...I...want to leave , please stop this. I...I...can't do this" I pleaded him without looking at his face.

"Shut up" roared Surya. His grip tightened on my waist, It caused me little pain. My eyes were flickered to control my tears to not to let it out.

"Listen look at me" he said deeply and I obliged immediately without a thought. His eyes were sparkled in the dim lights, I was frightened.

"I don't want to loose this game eventhough it is a game I don't want to be a looser. So better focus well and play the game properly, instead of giving lame excuses" said Surya.

I nodded my head and asked him what I should do now. His brows went up in surprise just for a moment then he look same as before.

"Defence" said Surya deeply pulling me more closer to him. I was frowned and asked him with a hesitation,
" Don't get angry I wish I could understand what you said, but.... can you explain??".

"Hmm...ok... I mean just save balloons don't try to hit others instead save ours. I'm sure we will win the game" said Surya.

I nodded my head and followed his words. We together started to defend our balloons while we danced.

Author's POV

The music played continuously they were also dancing without a break. To save the balloons Surya pulled Vanaa more closer to him, but it was a breathe taking moment for her she couldn't tolerate his proximacy. He rolled his arms around her waist and danced with her vigorously. Without her knowledge her mind went back to their first meeting which she kept so preciously all the while.

She was getting so weak when time passes and she didn't dare to look at him. Throughout the dance she looked down or somewhere and danced with him. After a while all the others couples were lost the game except two pairs, including Vanaa and Surya. So now it was a tough competition between only they two, the another couple was Surya's one of the investor they were also newly married and they together danced well.

Surya whispered to Vanaa in a hoarse voice to focus more on game instead of looking down. He was really annoyed to see Vanaa's care free attitude towards him. Whatever he tried she didn't pay attention to him and danced like a doll, it triggered his ego. But he never knew that Vanaa was sinking in her own world only with his memories.

"Listen I will try to break their balloons by the time you save ours" said Surya. Vanaa nodded her without a glimpse of him, there he lost his saturation point. He mistook her behaviour as an arrogant attitude.

He couldn't realise he was getting restless of her ignorance. He wants his wife to look at his face he wants to find her emotions but she was not dared to do that. He pulled her violently and made her dance fiercely. He showed his anger in every possible way and broke the other couple balloons. Still he didn't stop after that and continued to dance with Vanaa, he looked like he lost his sanity.

Everyone were so much involved in their dance performance and enjoyed except his family they all understood that something was wrong with him.

Not aware about his emotional friction Vanaa continued to ignore him and danced like a doll hiding her pain. Before she understand his act her body became very tired she got trembled with the terrible body pain hence she was getting more weak physically as well as mentally. She started to sweat continuously and slowly her mind went blank and her eyes shut down.

She was passed out completely....
And she was lying on his arms unconsciously, Surya was shocked to see her pathetic condition, only by then he got some senses and realised what he did with her.

To be continued....


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Meenakshi Jothi

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