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Vanaa's POV

The sun rays passed through the glass door and touched my face, disturbed by that bright yellow light, slowly I opened my eyes the next day morning. When I turned around to see where I was?? I understood it was a hospital room. I noticed that my mother was sleeping at the couch, she must be so tired. Still I felt my head heavy and unable to lift it up.

Something glitters between my hands I looked down to see what was that?? It was my mangalyam, a small gold ornament tied with a sacred yellow thread which denotes that I'm married now. Yesterday events flashed in my mind, but the only thing I remembered clearly was his face

A face which I yearned to see for more than a year. Tear droplets escaped from my eyes. Hereafter I'm gonna see him everyday, can't believe how it happened to me. Now the truth was we both are married, he is my husband, I'm his wife.

Yeah my First and secret love turned to be my husband. I felt ecstatic I will be with him from now on, I can see him, talk with him , fall in eternal love with him forever. Slowly my lips raised up and grinned into a wider smile with happy tears from my eyes. But a sudden realisation stops me, a bitter truth hit my mind.

He didn't want to marry me. He wanted to marry my sister Sanaa.
Oh god!! how did I forget this???
He is my sister's fiancee. I hit my back head myself on the pillow and shed silent tears.

Eventhough it was silent my mother heard my sob she got up instantly and took me in mer arms.

Like a weeping child I surrendered myself to her. She caressed my back and kissed on my head. Once my tears were controlled she made me sit and gave some water.

She asked me, " Vanna how do you feel now? Are you ok?", I nodded.
She didn't ask me much questions, even I was remained silent. After sometime my whole family was there in my room, everyone enquired about my health. I was explaining them as well as my eyes were searching him.

"Vanaa, what are you searching? " asked Gowtham, her brother.
She stammered "Nothing Anna I didn't search anyone", I lied.

All looked relaxed but looking at their worried eyes they were not I felt, after sometime they went to home, my SIL stayed back with me and sent my mother to home. Meanwhile none bothered to tell me about him, I was perplexed,
what happened in between??
Why he is not here?? I decided to ask about him to my SIL, but struggled how to start??

"Vanaa what are you thinking for a long time??" asked my SIL.

"Hmmm nothing Anni, nothing simply something" , I said.

"Something?? Or Someone??" She asked me and smiled. My face turned red in shy just because she knew my mind, I was embarrassed to look at her. She held my chin and made me look at her face, I was confused with her facial expressions I felt it was not pleasant.

She said " Vanaa stop dreaming about him, please don't have any hope on him, its better you forget this marriage as a worst nightmare".

I was frozen as a statue even forgot to breathe, just a tears shed from my eyes without any other movement from me. I tried to gather all my strength and asked her " Why Anni?? What happened?? Anything serious ??"

She just nodded and said the entire conversations happened between his family and mine after I was hospitalized.

Hospital Flashback
Author's POV

"Mapillai(son in law) we never thought to cheat you or your family, we tried our best to find Sanaa but unfortunately we failed, to save our families respect we made her sister Vanaa as a bride. She married you for our family sake and to save my life" , said grandfather.

"We should have informed your family before, but we didn't have that courage to face you all. Please forgive us and accept our daughter" Vanaa's father requested the groom with folded hands.

He added "How can we do bad with one daughter for another's life??, We didn't know why Sanaa disappeared before wedding, everything happened with her approval. Infact she only convinced us all for this wedding when we were worried about your status".

The groom didn't speak immediately after a while he cleared his throat and said coldly
" Whatever reasons you give I can't forgive your betrayal, I hate the people who cheat others. Keep it in your mind I just loved Sanna and I thought I married her, but you people fooled me by swapped the bride and played with my heart. Don't ever think I will accept your another daughter, I have nothing to do with her. Dad mom let's leave enough of this drama, I'm tired".

He and his parents were about to leave by that time, Vanaa's brother Gowtham stopped him and asked his forgiveness.
"Please don't punish my sister she is innocent, for the sake of families respect we pushed her in this marriage". Still that groom and his family moved further ignoring their pleads.

Now Vanaa's uncle ( Sanaa's adopted father) stopped him, he held his hands and asked him to punish them but not Vanaa.
He said "She didn't do anything please pity her, we forced her into this marriage. It was all ours mistake don't leave our house daughter, also now she is your wife".

That groom stopped and raised his eyebrows, shrugged his hands from Vanaa's uncle's held and mockingly said " Wife?? My wife was Sanaa to this entire world, now I have nothing with this girl. I abondoned her long back, take your daughter with you".
He left the place in a hurry never listened to their pleads.

His mother smirked and said " Always she will be your daughter but not my daughter in law. My son will never accept her, he can't forgive the cheats from his childhood".

His father said "I can send you all to prison, but my family will be also ashamed. My competitors will make fun of us if they come to know the bride swap. I can't tolerate that, So better don't show your faces hereafter",they all left.

Entire family was standing in a shock they thought they can convince the groom because he was kind to them before. But this man looks completely different today with so so much of arrogance and anger.

Now back to Present

Vanaa who listened all this from her sister in law was broken into tears. She cant tolerate the fact that her husband, her love of life abondened her. She pushed her face on her knees and cried inconsolably. Her SIL looked at her helplessly she was hurt to see Vanna like this. she tried her best to calm her, nothing went in her ears.

To be continued.....


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Stay safe
Meenakshi Jothi

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