Surprise Gift

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Author's POV

Surya and Vanna travelled more than an hour and reached the hill top at the forest area After a while Surya stopped the car at the entrance of a big gate, he spoke with the watchman and entered into that area. There was an old building inside that place,he stopped his car and then asked Vanaa to get down from the car. Vanaa was very much excited to know what he was upto?? She obliged his words and followed him inside the building. It was a villa with ancient architecture touch.

"Vanaa you wait here I'll come back within a minute" said Surya and asked Vanaa to wait on the lounge.

"Hmm... Ok Surya" said Vanaa. She waited in lounge as he Surya said and looked around the place.

That place looks quite pleasant, it was completely blessed with nature. The full moon light with fresh flowers fragrance made it feel like heaven. Vanaa completely lost her mind in enjoying nature's beauty.

"Do you want to spend our whole night here?? " Asked Surya teasingly by patting on her shoulders.

"Haa.... actually this place is so beautiful, so... I was just enjoying. By the way when did you come back?? "

" I came five minutes before, I was calling your name thrice but you were lost somewhere" he chuckled.

" Yeah... I have never been here before. This place is awesome, I was just lost in its pleasant beauty" said Vanaa.

"Hmmm... I understand, when I came here very first genuinely I too had same feeling. I have been here for quite sometimes. This villa and nearby places belongs to Ajay, so occasionally we friends came here to enjoy" said Surya.

"Oh.... That's good" said Vanaa.

" I want to show you my favourite place. So.... Shall we go inside??" Asked Surya.

" Yeah definitely I'm super excited" said Vanaa.

He held her hand and went inside the villa, they crossed the living area, walked through the side door and went ahead into the garden. Night light were fixed here and there, after few minutes walk they reached a forest area. It was so dark and tough to locate the path, Surya used his mobile torch and walked ahead by holding Vanaa's hand.

Vanaa was stunned by the beauty of that place, she didn't speak a word, thoroughly she enjoyed that place, always she was nature lover. She clearly understood Surya knew this place very well, because in that dim light he walked without a confusion.

After a short while he stopped, Vanna who was in dream world bumped on him. He held her in his arms to prevent her from falling down.

" What?? it seems like again you were lost somewhere. So many surprises for you don't get into your dream world again my dear wife" said Surya and pinched her nose.

Vanaa was embarrassed, she nodded her head in anticipation and moved little away from him. He didn't say anything just smiled at her cuteness.

"Look at there??" Said Surya and turned Vanaa to her side.

She was speechless, her eyebrows raised up in surprise. She can't believe what she was seeing. She pinched herself and confirmed that it was all real.

" Dont pinch so much then you will turn into red " said Surya teasingly behind her ears.

" That is my job only I will do it. To paint you red" whispered Surya. He touched her arms and gently pressed his head on her shoulders. Slowly he pulled her towards him and it was turned into a warm hug from her behind. As he said she turned into tomato red immediately. She can't resist his touch she closed her eyes, her palms started to turn cold, she held her saree tightly.

Surya noticed her changes, he was about to kiss her shoulder blade, but suddenly he stopped himself and released her from his hug.

" No... not here let's first go there inside" said Surya. Still he was holding her hand and walked ahead to that beautiful place.

It was a beautiful, yet elegant tree house on top of the branches. Surya carefully walked towards the tree, climbed on the wooden stairs and went inside the house along with Vanaa. The house comprised of a living area, a small kitchen and a bed room with open balcony.

Vanaa was astonished by its interior, though it look small from outside it was not that small. Instead it was compact and so elegant with its interior decorations and light works.

To add more beauty to the place Surya decorated with scented candles and flowers. So atlast that place looks lovely like a heaven. Vanaa was astounded and now really once again lost her mind.

"How is this surprise?? My angel" asked Surya by hugging Vanaa from her behind. Surya's touch and voice broke vanaa's dream world

She was shy and muttered few words in a low voice.

" Indeed, this place... I... Really... I...feel like being in heaven. I love this place " said Vanaa

" So do you love only this place??" Asked Surya innocently.

Vanaa blushed, she understood the meaning of his question. She nodded her head , detangled his hands from her turned around his side and tip toed near his ears.

Slowly she murmured "Not only the place but also the person who brought me here". After confessing her little secret she ran away from there for a hideout.

Now it was Surya's turn he went to the dream world after hearing his wife's love confessions. He was lost for a while when she moved so closer to him, his heart beat raised when she tip toed near his ears and breathed her warm air. He had goose bumps when her silky hair touched his cheek, he felt cold feet.

Suddenly the cool breeze touched his face, only then he gained his sense and looked for his beautiful beloved wife Vanaa. By that time Vanaa ran away from him and went to the balcony. She was very shy to face her husband after she confessed her secret to him. She didn't plan to propose him but it just happened. She knew he was also having feelings for her but now she was shy and embarrassed about the truth that she confessed first.

All of a sudden a warm hand touched her waist, it was playing here and there on her bare waist and a hot air brushed her cheeks, it was Surya behind her. She closed her face with her palms and smiled shyly.

" One more surprise...Do you like this gift??" Asked Surya by tickling her hip. Only then she noticed a hip chain over her waist. She blushed immensely, she breathe heavy, slowly she turned back to him and thrusted her face on his shoulders.

He smiled wider, though she didn't answer his questions, he knew well that she like the gift and she was happy about everything.

" I love you Vanaa" said Surya.

To be continued...


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Meenakshi Jothi

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