Surya was Accused

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Author's POV

Next day morning Vanaa woke up hearing her mobile alarm sound. She felt sleepy so she turned off the alarm and tried to roll on the bed to get some more sleep. But she was captivated by something, her hands moved on it and hit something hard, eventually she turned around to see what was that.

Her eyes raised up in surprise, it
was Surya, who cuddled with her in sleep. She didn't remember how she
came here to his bed, so far she remembered was, she sat on the balcony and waited for Surya, atlast she slept. Finally she concluded he would have brought her when she slept there. Still she was in his hold slowly she tried to detangle his arms from her waist but she couldn't.

She looked at him deeply and was asking herself in her mind,
" What kind of a person he was??
I can't understand him, sometimes he care for me sometimes he hurt me".

" Don't look at me like this my dear wife, then I will be not responsible for whatever happen" said Surya teasingly by opening his eyes slowly.
His grip was tightened, he winked his eyes teasingly and pinched her waist.

Vanna was frowned, she forgot to blink her eyes or look away from him. They both had an intense eye-lock, each looked at others passionately. His hand moved to her cheeks and caressed it gently. She was trembling in his touch, her hands were on his t-shirt, she held it tightly to hide her emotions. She tried to speak but unfortunately she couldn't raise her voice to stop him, her throat became dry. They both were only inch away from eachother, their hot breathe were touching eachother's face, suddenly Vanaa licked her dry lips out of fear. Surya's eyes noticed her act Slowly his hand moved from her cheeks and touched her lips, he pulled it gently between his fingers and said in a deep voice.

" Vanaa, I'm warning you please don't repeat this again, then I cannot assure about the consequences" said Surya hoarsely.

Vanaa gulped nervously and looked at him deeply, she flickered her eyes and blushed immensely. Gradually they inched more closer, Surya took it as a sigh and kissed Vanaa on her forehead, her eyes, then on her nose. Vanaa closed her eyes, moaned in pleasure and fighting with her own emotions, Surya gently pressed his lips on her cheeks for a moment and he tried to kiss her lips, he murmured her name "Vanaa".

All of a sudden Vanaa was awakened from their dream world and pushed him vigorously away. She didn't stop there, she threw the blanket on him and beat him with the pillow. Surya shouted to stop her crazy act, though she stopped but she didn't stay there for a second, immediately she ran inside the washroom and locked it up.

She stood below the shower and cried louder about thinking what happened before. When Surya murmured Vanaa's name she didn't hear him properly and misunderstood it was as Sanaa's name he said, when they were so intimate. She was broken at that moment thinking about her pathetic condition, she couldn't handle it. She can't tolerate that her husband was calling another girl's name.


Surya was fuming in anger sitting on his bed, before he realised what happened there, everything happened just like that. He was confused as well as angry for her rude behaviour. Suddenly he heard someone howled louder, soon he realised it was Vanna. He was worried about her and immediately rushed near the washroom and banged the door by calling her name profusely.

"Vanaa...Vanaa... open the door" shouted Surya by banging the door.

" Listen Vanaa... Don't hurt yourself. Please come out" said Surya again and again, she didn't respond. For next few minutes he banged the door and shouted but Vanaa didn't open the door. He didnt hear her voice for a while he got panic, he lost his patience and immediately started to break the lock by dashing the door with his arms. After some strong hit he was able to broke and open the door lock.

He entered inside and he was stunned to see Vanaa under the shower weeping silently, she was shivering almost she was numb and turned pale.

"Oh my God!!! What happened to you??Why did you do this Vanaa??" Surya exclaimed with a worry.

He immediately closed the shower and took her in his arms, she resisted but he carried her forcibly. He moved to their bedroom and carefully dropped her on their bed. Instantly he turned on the room heater and wiped her with a towel. But she didn't accept his help and angrily threw that towel away. He didn't mind her act instead he wrapped her in blanket and started to rub her palms and feet.

Vanaa, who was in heart break couldn't tolerate him anymore, yelled at him and pushed him on the floor. She threw the blanket on his face and started to shout like an insane.

" Don't touch me... stay away. I feel disgusted when you touch me" Vanaa yelled on top of her voice.

Surya was stunned and he stood as a statue. He was beyond the shock literally he was hurt to know about Vanaa's hatred for him.

" Stop pretending to be an ideal man. I know about you, I'm not going to fall for your cheap tricks" Vanaa shouted. She was in emotional turmoil, she was angry about her for being weak infront of him, so suddenly her emotions bursted out.

Surya couldn't believe his own ears he was totally confused about her sudden anger and rude words. He tried to speak but she stopped him by showing her hand.

" I know what you will say. If I disobey your words then you will threaten me to punish my family. Am I right?? Do whatever you want. But I will not allow you to touch me. You are a selfish and such a filthy man. You are trying to use me for your desires. Don't you feel ashamed??" Asked Vanaa in a trembling voice with a tearful eyes.

Initially Surya was listening to her quietly, but after hearing her open accusations about his moral values he lost his temper. His eyes turned red in anger pulled her arms rudely and asked her by gritting his teeth,

"How dare you accuse me like this??"

To be continued....

Hey Guys!!

I'm really sorry for the delayed update. Enjoy reading this new chapter.

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Meenakshi Jothi

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