Vanaa's Anger

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Vanaa's POV

I finished my bathe, dressed up with pyjamas and came out of washroom. He was sitting on the bed resting his head on head board with closed eyes, stretched legs and folded hands, I ignored him completely and comb my hair to tie a plot. After done it I took a pillow and bed sheet from the bed and went to couch to sleep.

Meanwhile he woke up and his eyes were on me but I didn't pay attention to him and focused on my work.

I noticed he got up from his cot and came near me, but I didn't turn. He cleared his throat to get my attention. I turned back and looked at him without a word. After few seconds he broke the silence.

He said " Tomorrow we have our wedding party for my clients and business partners. I can't avoid this party really it is so important to me. So better get ready by evening 6 'o clock. I will get you a party wear tomorrow and will send it to you through someone" he stopped and waited for my reply.

I replied "ok fine I will be ready as Sanaa (I pressed the name) your impostor wife, as you expect. Don't worry I have some good wears so I will wear any one of that and will be ready on time".

He sneered "what if your dress was not upto my status, so it's better I will get you one". Without my reply he moved away like he was done talking with me.

I was boiling in anger he was not leaving any single chance to pull me down.

"Excuse me.... Wait a minute" I said.
He stopped instantly and turned into my side.

"Listen I may not be rich like you, I may not born with silver spoon. But I have self respect don't think that you can humiliate me in each and every possible way. By the way don't forget that I'm also from a well settled and educated family. My parents gave me a good upbringing and everything whatever I needed. So I don't need your charity. If you want me to come with you, I will come with my dress whatever I have and not with what you get", I bursted out with heavy breathe.

I didn't wait for his turn like he did with me. I set my bed on couch and lie down closing my eyes. I saw his fist tightened and he was fuming in anger, let him fume it doesn't matter to me. Afterall he can't insult me like this.

Suddenly he dragged me out from the couch and holding my arms tightly he started to yell, " How dare you speak to me like this?? You know none rised their voice infront of me. Though you know clearly it was all your family's mistake you are dared to speak against me and disobey my words". He squeezed my arms in a fit of rage. It started to pain badly but I didn't show up and looked in his eyes.

I said firmly looking at his eyes, "See you had threatened me to come with you because I have mistake from my side. Whatever happened it was my family's fault, I agree that they should have informed you everything prior to our marriage. But they didn't so, it was their one and only mistake, also we apologised for that many times. But still you didn't find it reasonable to forgive us, that's fine I will wait for that time. But until that don't try to boss over me thinking me as your slave. I'm not in your none list to not to speak against you. However the way I behave with you will be your own reflection. I will respect you only if you respect me, keep that in your mind", I gave him a fit reply and dared to look at his arms squeezing mine. I was little teary eyed with the pain he gave me and looked down to control my rolling tears , all of a sudden he left my arms and I walked away to the couch and lie down and closed my eyes.

Shortly after I felt movement in the room then door locked sound. I guessed he would have went to washroom to change. I didn't mind him after that and slept immediately. I was damn tired after all his dramas.

Since it was a new place I couldn't sleep properly I woke up at midnight to get some water. Suddenly I got to see an innocent child who was holding a pillow and sleeping peacefully. His lips were curved a little may be he would have got some pleasant dreams. In that night lamp his face was still glowing, his hair was waving with the air flow. Really he looked stunning in his sleeping pose all of a sudden he giggled and blabered something which was not audible. I moved near to his bed side to listen his words, but suddenly he moved slightly and turned to next side. Immediately I ran back to my bed holding my breathe. I kept my palms to close my mouth to avoid any noise.

Oh god!! What will I do, if he catch me so close to him. Definitely he would mistake my intention and frame me again , hereafter I need to maintain distance with him. I should not behave like a dumb girl.

Seeing his attractive smile I felt bad because, after our marriage he didn't smile like this. Forgetting my personal grief I was angry about Sanaa for crushing his dreams as well as our families happiness and pride. Slowly my eyes closed when it was pleading for sleep.

An innocent smile of Surya appeared in my dreams and haunted my sleep.

To be continued....


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