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In the Spring season it was early afternoon.....

The sun was waiting to come outside at any time, the clouds were blocking it's way to peep out. Trees were waving like a small girl playing with a butterfly. Two sides of the road were covered with a natural green carpet with bushes,plants and small trees. Here and there it was sprinkled with flowers of different size and colour, made it look adorable. The blowing air spreads the fragrance of the flowers all over the place.

A chill breeze touched her face immediately turned her cheeks pink, her hands were shivered to hold her two wheeler handlebar. Still she needs to cover up some distance to reach that old fort. It was residing far out of that village, once it was a proud symbol of the king who ruled this place but now it's getting ruined, none interested to take care of that monument.

Vanaa POV

Oh god!! I must return home before evening otherwise mom would have scolded me badly, I might have missed my bus. Tonight I have to leave my college hostel, since my spring festival vacation was over today, tomorrow I have to rejoin my college. Yeah, I'm studying my final year of graduate studies in agriculture. Since my hill station is small I have to goto city to pursue my education. Here we have only arts and science colleges, but I was interested only in studying agriculture.

Breaking my thoughts, rain drops drizzled. It's already very cold and now it has started to rain. I will make it fast to reach the fort. But the roads were not helping me because it was a hill area and the roads were not smooth. That too the road extends towards the fort would be worse, that area was uninhabited. So there was no need to set the road well, It's my need I'm going there.

With so much difficulty I entered into the small narrow valley. From here we couldn't drive two wheelers so I locked my vehicle and started to walk. While walking the bushes on the sides pricked my skin, the sand turned mud due to rain but still I didn't care and walked fast. Though it was the spring season, the cool breeze brought goosebumps on me. I felt a chill in my spine instantly. I wrapped myself with my dupatta and moved forward.

While walking to that fort, my mind was running back a year ago, the same month, the same spring season I met him, it was like a dream. The dream never wants to stop or to wake up from that.

My heart was struggling whether he would be there today like last year? I'm not sure but still I came rushing here only to see his face and those powerful brown eyes which disturbed my day and night for a year. I was longing for a whole year to meet him, I was nervous. What would I do if he was there? I blushed immensely. Or what will I do ? If he was not there? A sudden darkness spread over there, my palm turned chill no.. no.. nothing like that, he will definitely come. My grandmother always says if you truly believe something that would happen to you one day, your thoughts will be our destiny. She gave this piece of advice every time. I truly believe he will be there. Today I'm going to meet him, the love of my life. One Day my dream of being with him will come true. With determination I entered that fort and stepped inside with a lot of hope.

To be continued...


Hey guys I know it's a small update but please excuse me next time I will make a lengthy one. I hope you all will like this new story, please all continue your support.

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