Shiva In Trouble??

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Vanaa ran to her room, locked herself and cried sitting alone on the floor. She felt so painful to see Surya with Sanaa. She recalled their happy moments and felt betrayed by Surya.

She didn't know how long she cried, until her mobile ring. It was from her brother Gowtham, she left the call unanswered. But again and again he called her, she thought he might he worried about her. So, she picked the call with great difficulty.

"Hello..." Said Vanaa controlling her tears.

"Vanaa... Everything ok?? Why are you crying??" Asked Gowtham panicked.

She was quite for a while, then answered
"Anna... I'm alright. How is all there?? Suddenly you called me, anything important??"

" Vanaa, don't change the topic. Tell me what happened??" Asked Gowtham.

Vanaa was Silently crying thinking about their intimate dance moments.
" Vanaa, is that devil troubling you??" Or
" Did, Surya bother you??" Asked Gowtham.

Shortly after that Vanaa was completely broken, she cried and said,
" I'm unable to witness the cruel things happening here, I can't tolerate it anymore, I want to leave this hell". She cried louder.
Her brother was stunned.

" Vanaa, what happened tell me?" Asked Gowtham worried. Vanaa told him briefly about Sanaa's doings and her couple dance with Surya. Her brother boiled in anger.

" I told you before itself, leave him and come to our home. He don't deserve you, better he will be with that traitor. She suits him well "said Gowtham angrily.

" Anna... Don't say such, he is my husband" said Vanaa while sobbing.

" Are you still taking his side Vanaa?? It's pathetic" said her brother bitterly. She was silently weeping on another side.

" Vanaa, I think this is the high time to decide your life. Only you have two options"
Said Gowtham. Vanaa heard calmly.

" Either leave him and come to our home, or prove your innocence and make him realise his mistakes" said Gowtham.

" Anna... Eventhough I love him, I will not forgive him this time. I'm not staying here to live with him, right now I want to prove my innocence. I will leave his house and his life after that" said Ramya firmly.

" But, how will prove him your innocence?? That bitch planned well and executed everything against you" said Gowtham angrily.

Vanaa said calmly, " Anna... Definitely I will prove, I don't know how?? But I will prove infront of all" said Vanaa while sobbing.

" Vanaa... Don't be childish. If you want to prove then, you have only one way. That dirty girl has to confess everything with her own mouth. But it would never happen" said Gowtham frustrated.

After a while Vanaa's eye twinkled, she smiled and stopped crying suddenly, like she found something treasurable. From her brother's words she got an idea to trap Sanaa.

She said happily, " Thank you Anna, I got an idea to tear her masks. Let me try this "

Gowtham was stunned and asked her,
"What was that??"
She explained her plan to him. He was not completely satisfied with her plan but, he said he will be with her and asked her to proceed. Vanaa nodded her head and determined to expose her soon.

" Vanaa be careful, she is very smart If she suspects you and do some acts then, again you will be in trouble" Gowtham warned Vanaa. She looked on.

"Don't worry Anna... I will be careful" said Vanaa and hung up the call.

After talking with her brother, Vanaa wiped her tears and started to pack her luggage. She carefully picked up her belongings which is in really need of her.

Then she checked the party from her room window, it was almost going to get completed. Her eyes wandered for Surya, he was not found there and so, Sanaa. Something hit her heart, it was so painful for her. A tear droplets escaped from her eyes, she wiped that and determined to not to cry for a person who, never ever cared about her.


After performing couple dance in the party, Sanaa became so confident about getting back Surya. She thought he believed him completely and ignored Vanaa, she felt ecstatic.

Using this Sanaa tried to take an advantage and moved closer with Surya. After realising her true face Surya felt disgusting to be with her. He excused from her and went away to move details from Shiva. He checked his mobile and was happy to know that Shiva progressed in their plan.

" Surya... What is in your mind??" Asked grandpa calling him alone.

" Grandpa... Give me a day. I will tell you everything clearly. Until that please don't bother me" said Surya. Grandpa was in thought and left the place.

" Surya... Shall we have dinner together?? I feel so hungry" said Sanaa by pouting her lips and fell on Surya. She tried to kiss him infront of all, Surya felt irritated and yelled at her.

" Behave yourself Sanaa, I have some reputation don't ever dare to spoil that. Go to your room, I will talk with you later", said Surya by gritting his teeth, his eyes turned red in anger. Sanaa's face became pale and she moved back fearing of him.

Surya was checking his mobile and gets restless that he didn't receive any updates from Shiva for a while. He worried about him and decided to check.


Shiva followed Deepak silently in a safe distance, Deepak was in a dead fear of being caught so, he didn't mind anything or anyone around him. After a travel of one hour he reached an isolated place on the hill top. He stopped his vehicle there and started to walk on the small two feet road.

Following him Shiva also parked his vehicle little far from him, silently he walked on the same road behind Deepak. It was so dark without any lights so, it was difficult to find a way in it, Shiva struggled.

After twenty minutes walk inside the road Deepak was suddenly disappeared , Shiva was shocked and searched him all around there. When he was trying to get through the deeply covered bush, he was hit by someone at his head and lost his conscious completely.


After seeing Surya's bad temper, Sanaa roamed around the party for sometimes and then went to her room, she was not dared enough to trigger his anger. She knew none in this house wants her so, she should not do any stupid things to annoy Surya, he is her only hope.

She walked in her guest room, and turned on the lights. She was shocked to someone sitting on her bed.

She got scared for a moment and asked,
" You??"
" What are you doing here??"

To Be Continued...


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Thank you
Meenakshi Jothi

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