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Author's POV

"Surya why did you ask me to come here immediately??" Asked Shiva sitting next to Surya.

"Shiva my doubts was right, after marriage I suspected about the girl I married. Now all my suspicions was true" said Surya happily.
Shiva was clueless, he asked him the same to tell the things clearly. Surya explained how he met Vanaa, later how he assumed Sanaa as Vanaa, then proposed her for marriage and the incidents happened till Sanaa's return. Shiva couldn't believe this all, He wondered how can someone perfectly act like another for so long time??

"I can't believe it. From the beginning I don't like Sanaa, even I was very much happy that you didn't marry her, but I can't imagine about her doings. Are you really sure about this ??" Asked Shiva with a doubt.

" Shiva you know about me, I would never come to conclusions without a deep analysis. I'm pretty sure this was all planned by Sanaa, but somewhere her plans backfired and I got married to Vanaa. Now I'm very sure Vanaa is innocent. And we need to prove it" said Surya firmly.

" Ok... If you are sure then let's proceed. So how are we going to prove it??" Asked Shiva.

"I have a plan, I hope this will bring out Sanaa's real face out" said Surya.

" Surya ... So what's your plan now??" Asked Shiva curiously.

Surya explained him the whole plan, Shiva listened carefully and asked him, " I think this would be a suicide attempt, What if Vanaa misunderstand you and leave ??".

Surya replied immediately "I will not let her leave me, yeah I know this is risk , this will hurt her. But we need to do this for Vanaa, orelse her sister will not let us live happily. We don't have enough time, we should send that traitor out before Aathira's wedding. And this time she will be send to jail for her impersonation and cheating me ". His fist tightened in anger. Shiva obliged his words and started to work according to their plan.


Surya returned home and went to his room, he saw Vanaa and her belongings missing from there. He recollecter her words and felt sad that she shifted to Aathira's room. Without a thought he rushed to Aathira's room to see Vanaa, later he stopped himself thinking about their plan. If Sanaa sees him with Vanaa she will not believe his act and get alerted, so he returned to his room with a heavy heart. He fell down on the bed and reminisced his moments with Vanaa. He had a tear droplets in his eyes thinking about the pain he caused to her, he felt guilty for making her suffer. He vowed to keep her happy always after throwing Sanaa out from their lives. He held their wedding photo and with her memories he fell asleep slowly.

Another side Vanaa was pouring her heart ache to Aathira, she was devastated. She can't believe Surya choose Sanaa more than her, Aathira tried to console her and encourages her to prove her innocence. Vanaa was silently weeping the whole night think about how her marriage broken within a day they started to live together. She determined to prove her innocence and leave Surya forever without a second chance to him.

Next day morning Sanaa sits on dinning table before everyone and flaunted her love for Surya infront of all. She started to serve his food and sat next to him, Surya was annoyed about her behaviour but controlled himself. He pretends that he was also interested in her, his whole family was shocked to see this drama. His grand parents and parents warned him to be in his limits with Sanaa, since he was already married to Vanaa. His grandfather asked Sanaa to shift to outhouse until she proves her innocence, he said she don't have any rights here. Surya opposed his words and declared she will be staying at home with him, all looked at him shocked when he argued with his grandfather very first time. He took Sanaa's hand and left the living room immediately. Vanaa witnessed everything and left heart broken.

Meanwhile Sanaa was flying high with this recent events, she didn't doubt Surya. He took her to restaurant, spent some time with her and asked her to help him to prove her innocence. He added that he had to marry Vanaa just because she was not there, but now he wants to send Vanaa back away from there lives. He knew definitely Sanaa will believe him and do some mistake so that he will progress in his plan. As he thought she came in his trap, she said

" Surya don't worry I'll help you, we can collect evidences against her and throw her out" her eyes glowed in hatred for her sister.
Surya smirked at his plan was working. Suddenly he received a call from someone and got angry. Sanaa asked him what happened, he excused himself from her by saying it was an emergency business call and rushed away immediately. Sanaa was perplexed but ignored him and went home happily.


"Shiva... Are you sure is he the same person who came to our home with Sanaa??" Asked Surya anxiously.

" I'm damn sure, he was the same person who chased Vanaa with Pradeep at hospital that night. You can see the CCTV proofs, moreover I got Vanaa's mobile repaired and checked her phone memory too. She clicked the photos of these two at the hospital, both are same man. He disguised himself as tribal man and accompanied with Sanaa" said Shiva and showed some pictures along with videos to Surya.

Surya checked them all and said,
" Damnit, she is more dangerous then I thought, it means whatever Vanaa said about Sanaa and Pradeep was true. It was good I took her broken mobile that day and kept it safely with me. Otherwise we couldn't have any leads against this disgusting girl". He gritted his teeth in anger.

"Surya did Vanaa know that you took her mobile??" Asked Shiva.

"No... actually I thought to surprise her by getting this mobile repaired and giving it to her. But later on I forgot this completely, thank god!! Now this is what helping us" said Surya. Shiva nodded his head in anticipation.

" Surya... But I have a doubt. As per Vanaa's confession Pradeep and Sanaa had a fight and she pushed him down, but he was survived. Later he came to take revenge from Sanaa so, why would his friend will be helping Sanaa now?? Practically he should help Pradeep right??" Asked Shiva.

Surya was in deep thoughts later he said,
"As we know she is very cunning maybe she would have bribed him with money or threatened him with some reason so, I didn't wonder about him taking her side. But I'm worried about one more thing now".

"What is that Surya?? Now we got some solid evidence against Sanaa. Then why are you worried??" Asked Shiva.

"You are wrong Shiva. Actually our problem is getting complicated now. We need to find him to prove Vanaa's innocence" said Surya.

"What?? Whom do you want to find now??" Asked Shiva confusedly.

"Pradeep" said Surya.
"Only he can tell us the whole truth about Sanaa, so we need him "said Surya.
"Where is Pradeep?? What happened to him??" Asked Surya worried. Shiva's eyebrows raised up in shock.

To Be Continued...


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Meenakshi Jothi

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