Vanaa In Danger

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Vanaa's POV

I was searching for a person whom I want to meet but suddenly someone blind folded my eyes. I felt only dark and was panicked, immediately I tried to shout but that person closed my mouth tightly and dragged me somewhere rudely and closed the door of that room. I guessed it could be a man with strong arms his palms almost closed my nostrils I was struggling to breath. I tried to escape from his clutches but his grip was tightened. I was slowly loosing my conscious...

I said myself, "No Vanaa don't loose it, you have to try more otherwise something bad will happen".

Instantly I bit his fingers which closed my mouth mercilessly, he took off his hands from my mouth and flinched in pain but only for a moment, just a moment. When I tried to remove my blindfolds he captured me in his clutches and strangulated my neck. I was running short of breath but I didn't give up I don't want to loose my life without knowing the truth who was trying to taking away it from me.

I used my full strength and kicked him and tried to push him far from me. Once I kicked he yelled in pain and screamed,
"Aaa... you bitch. How dare you kick me?? You lier, fraudulence girl. Don't try to be smart, this time I will not leave you. I will take you with me", said the stranger.

By the time I tried to remove the cloth tied on my eyes, it was so tight to remove. But I heard his screaming and shivered a little but didn't leave my guts to face him.
I want to know who he is??
Why he was trying to kidnap me??
I untied the blindfold, opened my eyes and rubbed it to see the clear vision.
I was shocked to find only the darkness infront of me, still I tried to figure out where I'm standing and where was that kidnapper. I turned to my back and searched for him but suddenly someone grabbed my hair and slapped hard on my cheeks. I lost my balance and fell down, I felt something running below my lips I guessed it would be my own blood.

I shouted " What do you want?? Leave me?? Who are you?? Why are you troubling me??".

He slapped me and shouted, "Did you forget me so soon?? You lier, are you trying to fool me again??". I tried my best to see his face but nothing was fruitful, Just I could see a dark image infront of me standing like a beast. A chill spread in my spine, slowly I tried to move far from him but without a delay he extended his hands and catched me.

This time he was so vigorous he violently pushed me to the front of him then tied my hands at my back and slapped me again hardly. I fell on the nearby rod and hit my head on it. I screamed in pain immediately he closed my mouth with a piece of cloth.

"Last time you were escaped now let me see what will you do?? none will save you from me. You cheated me and made me a joker now you have to suffer for all your deeds. I vowed to destroy you" said stranger gritting his teeth.

I was in half conscious but thinking deeply about this stranger but still unable to figure out, whom he is?? Why is he trying to hurt me??

Meantime he took a baby steps and reached closer to me, I was taken back. His eyes were brimming with anger and vengeance, I had a lump in my throat, sweat rolled from my forehead. Suddenly he bent down and teared away my duppata ( shawl) only then I understand his intentions were not to only kill me it was more than that. I got my senses and steadily pushed him with my head and tried to escape from him.

I tried to run in that darkness without a clearly visible light, I just got a glimpse of light in that dark room. He shouted vigorously and followed me, listening to his footsteps I tried to escape from him. I was unable to shout for help since my hands was tied and mouth was closed with a cloth. I was praying to God to save me from this animal, I know I don't have time though he struggled in darkness soon he may catch me at anytime.

Suddenly a bang sound, oh my god!!! once again I got dashed by something I was going to fall down following that, immediately a terrible sound appeared like something fell down completely on the floor. It was a carton boxes I guessed it, because some of them fell on me, I winched in pain.

"Ha... Ha...Ha..." He laughed like a mad man, I felt a twitch in my stomach.
"See now again I caught you, enough of this cat and mice game.Now you are completely injured so don't try to do some more crazy things to escape. Because that will never happen. Today I will take my revenge
Miss. Saana ...sorry... sorry...
Mrs.Sanaa", said that stranger.

My eyes widened in shock so he was trying to hurt me, thinking me as Sanaa.

He came near my face and tried to misbehave with me. I turned away my face and hide it from him.
God... I have to let him know the truth before something happens. Give me a strength show me a way or please help me. He pulled my legs and tried to molest me but I was struggling.

A sudden bright light appeared following the sound. I shrinked my eyes only because of the sudden bright light.

Fortunately the door of that room was opened and someone were standing in the entrance. I felt relieved immediately kicked the stranger and tried to make some noise to catch that new man's attention.

But that person was already started to walk in my direction, he stood in the bright light I was astonished to see his face.

To be continued....

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Meenakshi Jothi

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