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Vanaa was discharged from the hospital with the help of Athira and Shiv, but her wounds were still fresh and deep so doctor advised her to rest for some days. She had bruises on her head, elbows and knees, moreover little she felt difficult while walking.

She reached Surya's home except her MIL everyone in the home were genuinely worried about her and consoled her. Surya's grand parents were very much worried about Vanaa but internally felt happy about the growing bond between the young couples.

Grand pa enquired more intensely about that incident and advised her to be cautious and not to be careless atleast for some days. Because nobody knows grandpa was suspecting something fishy around Vanaa and someone behind this incident like it was a kind of planned one.

Vanaa agreed to his words, bid bye to all and rested in her room. She was in deep thought ignoring every other things, almost the midnight arrived but there was no sign of Surya's return, she felt alone and missed her family during this time. Everyone here in this house took care of her but she wants to meet her family she didn't meet them for more than a month. Thinking about Surya's warning she was not dared to go to her home. But she missed her mother she was longing to see her, she wants to see her beloved brother and tell him everything about Sanaa and that stranger, she believed he was the only person to help her.

For that all atfirst she should goto her home she which she can't do now. So she decided to seek Surya's permission to go to her maternal house. Since he was not there she tried to call him numerous but his number was not reachable. Vaana was worried, she threw her mobile somewhere in anxious, she wants to know about his whereabouts but she was not comfortable to ask others.

" Anni you didn't sleep yet???" asked Athira entering into the Vanaa's bedroom and breaking her thoughts.

"No, Athi I didn't feel sleepy" said Vanaa giving a place for Athi to sit on her bed.

"Hmm did you take your medicines??"
Asked Athira.

"Yeah I took it after dinner" said Vanaa. Athira noticed that Vanaa looked worried.

"Anni did you miss anyone?? I mean your family?? "Asked Athira with a hesitation. Vanaa remained silent nodded her head and looked away.

"Anni whatever the reason might be but you need to take rest after medication also, you look so tired and week. You can do anything only if you take rest and get stable so please ignore the otherthings and rest now" said Athira with a concern.

Vanaa also silently agreed to her lay down on the bed and said good night silently closing her eyes. Athira left the room soon after turning off the lights and closed the door. Vanaa tried to get some sleep and turning on the either sides.

Vanaa's POV

How hard I tried but didn't get the sleep eventhough medicines didn't help me yet. So many questions popped out in my mind the main one was about the relationship between that stranger and Sanaa, definitely it was a sweet turned bitter relationship between them I guessed. But what made him to push so far to behave like an insane. His last words echoed in my mind before he escaped from there.

He whispered near my ears when Surya entered into that dark room..
" Don't be happy Sanaa, once again you are saved from me, but soon I will come back to take your life, I will make you beg infront of me"
he said firmly like it was a warning call for me. I was shocked at his cruel intensions looked at his face, but his eyes were clearly brimming like a wounded lion and he left immediately without a delay.

I got up from my bed with lots of sweat, I turn on the bed side lamp near me, I was really nervous and felt chill in my spine thinking about his warning. To be honest I was afraid about that stranger I felt he was following me. I checked the time it was around 2' o clock, strictly I determined to find his side story soon. I drunk some water and switch off the lamp, again laid down on the bed.

Sometime after shortly a faint sound heard in the room. Atfirst I thought it might be my illusion and tried to ignored it. But again the sound heard now I was little panick and silently listened to the sound and tried to figure out the direction it comes. Again the sound heard but this time I found out it was from my room doorstep I clearly heard that someone twisted the nob of the door lock and I saw a man walked in. Soon he closed the door without a sound and locked it from inside. The room was completely dark so I could see only his shadow. Is he an intruder??

I was literally dying in fear now ,
Who was he??
Why did he come to my room??
What if he hurt me??
I should call someone immediately I moved my hands slowly below my pillow and searched for my mobile, but the real fact hits me.....
Oh my God!!!
I threw my mobile in anger and forgot to take it back.
What will I do now???
How will I get escaped???
Meanwhile that man walked like a cat and came near my bed. I felt a twitched in my stomach and I started to sweat profusely. He stood near me and watched, I grabbed the pillow firmly and closed my eyes tightly out of fear. I tried my best and acted like normal and I was sleeping. I realised some movements from him and slowly opened my eyes and checked him. He was bending and taking a pillow near me without any sound. My heart beat was beating faster like I was running somewhere, I tried hard to hide it and pretends to be slept.

With a pillow in his hand he moved so closer to me, I was shocked.
Is he going to kill me???
But who was he???
A sudden thought flashed in my mind
Is he that same man, stranger???
Who tried to harm me in shop.
How did it happen???
How can he come here???
Yeah he said he will kill me, how can I forget it so early???
As I know this place was highly secured, how did he come to my room???
Now I should do something otherwise he will suffocate me with this pillow.
Vanaa think fast I said myself. He bend near my face.... and about to extend his hands.
Idea... finally I got an idea... Quickly I moved my hand and grabbed the night lamp on the table. He was so closer to me without a delay I raised it up to hit his head.

To be continued....

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Stay safe
Meenakshi Jothi

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