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Author's POV

The new and fresh morning arises elegantly, fog covered that place like smoke, the flowers blooms, the birds chirps, the Sun rises. Its rays penetrate through the balcony windows and fell on Vanaa's face. Her innocent flawless beauty glowed in morning sunlight, the bright and warm light disturbed her deep sleep, she woke up slowly opening her eyes. She realised that the time was early morning, checked her mobile timing and got up lazily from her bed rubbing her eyes slowly. Her head was heavy she felt damn tired, because she was not aware how long she cried last night and when did she sleep.

Without any thoughts her eyes went to bed where she got to see Surya sleeping peacefully like a baby holding a pillow. She was attracted for a moment only for few seconds soon she got a flash of his last night conversation with a guest,

"What's your wife name " asked that guest.
" Sanaa " said Surya with a smile.

Her whole body shivered, her eyes were filled with pool of tears. She bit her lips to control her tears and prevent it from falling down. She felt humiliated as a wife and more that that as a woman.

Vanaa's POV

How can he say that??
Eventhough after staying together as a husband and wife for longtime. I was sure many times he moved closer to me, we had some intmate moments. Everytime he was the person to initiate that between us. Then how can he say her name as his wife??,
What am I to him??

A sudden spark hit my mind, was it possible???
I looked at his face once again, he looked so innocent while sleeping but I felt something hidden behind that face. I lost my temper my face burnt red in anger.

Am I a passing cloud for him??

So, it means he never regarded me as his wife. He was just using me for his desires just because I looked like Sanaa. So for that reason only he can't give me divorce and set me free. Once he find Sanaa he will throw me like a thrash. Unknowingly tears rolled down from my eyes, I controlled that and sobbed silently. I determined to not to cry or long for this unworthy selfish man. From this moment he was nothing to me, first time ever I felt disgusted to love him and marry him.

I brushed away the tears from my cheeks and from now on I determined to not to let him closer to me, I will stay strong. I will find Sanaa soon and throw him away from my life before he does. Definitely I will teach them both a lesson for spoiling my life and my family's happiness.

Author's POV

Thinking about her family she got reminded about meeting her brother Gowtham today. Along with that she decided to see her family by taking risk.

Immediately she went into washroom and finished her morning routines. While she came out dressed up neatly in red silk cotton saree with green silk blouse, she looked more pretty than usual.

She walked out of the closest sat on the dressing table chair and started to comb her hair. In the mirror she saw the reflection of Surya staring at her, by that time he was awake, laid on bed and looking at her intensely. She moved her gaze from him and wore her silk thread jhumka and necklace. Finally she tied her wet hair little loose and let it flow on her shoulders, now she filled her forehead with vermillion and stood up from the chair.

All of a sudden she was stopped by a hard rock it was Surya who was standing infront of her. She blinked for a moment and turned her gaze away.

" Vanaa are you going out?? You look like that " Asked Surya.

She expected this question from him, ofcourse definitely he will ask her questions, if she dressed up tidy and get ready early morning itself.

" Yeah I'm going to temple" said Vanaa looking somewhere and tried to walk away by crossing him.

Surya didn't notice the difference in her, because it was usual she won't talk with him much. He stopped her by holding her wrist and said,

"Wait give me sometime I will fresh up and come with you"

Vanaa was shocked to hear him, because she didn't expect him to join with her. Now she wants to go alone to see her family, so she can't go with him. She thought that he will trouble her family.

She jerked her hand from his clutches and said, " No... No...It's ok I will go on my own. It's normal that I go to temple often. You please carry on with your work. Don't waste your time for me " Vanaa said sarcastically.

" This is not waste of my time. Really I wish to come with you. Just give me fifteen minutes I will get ready" said Surya and rushed into washroom.

"No need listen to me...I'm fine with going alone, I don't need anyone" said Vanaa. But Surya was not there to hear,he went into washroom and she was speaking with air.

Vanaa was frustrated and also anxious she didn't want to go with him eventhough if she didn plan to meet her family, she felt now she can't tolerate his presence around her. She started to get angry on him for his selfish deeds.

She decided to go against him and to face any consequences. She decided to not to get afraid of his threatens anymore. So she prepared to go out of the home before he come after bathe, slowly she packed her bag, booked a cab and left the home silently. While leaving she informed grandma and dropped a text to Aathira,
" Good morning!!  I'm going to temple, will come soon, bye" Vanaa texted.

Surya after getting bathe he dressed up neatly, came down and searched for Vanaa in their living room. But servant informed him that Vanaa went out sometimes back.

He was shocked as well as hurt and he was instantly tried calling her number many times, but she already added his number in block list. He threw his mobile in anger and had a thought,

What's wrong with her??
Why is she avoiding me deliberately??

Yesterday she was happy while dancing, then suddenly she went to sleep. Today morning I said I will come with her to temple, but she left without me. He kicked the cafe table, picked his car keys and went out angrily.

Vanaa was travelling in a car and she was excited to see her family after a longtime.

To be continued....

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Stay safe
Meenakshi Jothi

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