Surya Threatened Vanaa

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Author's POV

The narrow road looks plain and calm without much vehicles. The weather was in favour today, it was drizzling and the trees on either side covered the entire path like an arch. The wind sounds hum like a soothing music. The entire hill station looks more beautiful than usual, but it went looking unnoticed.

Breaking the sizzling wind a car was crossing the road with maximum speed. The silence of that place was completely disturbed by the sound of the car tyres.

Vanaa and Surya were travelling in that luxurious car together. Vanaa who sat in passenger seat was in no mood to enjoy the pleasant weather or her first car travel with her newly wedded husband. She looks extremely sad, her eyes were watching outside but mind were lost somewhere. Meanwhile Surya didn't show any emotions while driving though he was burning inside, but he focused only on driving.

None of them were ready to talk with eachother, both were in mood off with their own reasons.

Vanaa's Mind Voice

I couldn't believe that I'm going to my In laws house, even before an hour I thought there will be no such place for me in my life. After he, my husband abandoned me and blindly blamed my family for all his miseries, I decided not to think about him and I thought to move far from his life as possible.

But, what happened now???
My fate is playing a cruel game with me. I'm going to live with him, I have to see his face daily also his hatred for me. It will be a punishment for me for the mistake which I have not done.

Oh God!!! How will I change my feelings for him??? When it has no future. Please give me the strength, I know he hates me and my family, he will never accept me as his wife, soon he will be going to get rid of me. Again and again his hateful words echoed in my mind filled my eyes with tears.

Flashback An Hour Ago...

"Are you ready to come with me to my Villa?? Did you pack your luggage??" Asked Surya.

Vanaa was stunned to see Surya at her home, her eyes widened in shock. She thought he would never comeback in her life. She couldn't believe he came in person after her denial to join his house. Along with that her past feelings for Surya flashed in her mind. Their first meet and her unconditional love for him, their marriage. Suddenly breaking her thoughts Surya snapped his fingers infront of her face, she came out of her thoughts.

Surya mercilessly asked her "Will you shamelessly glance and daydream about your sister's fiance??"

She was shocked to hear him, her face changed red. She was hurt to see his attitude towards her. Immediately she closed her eyes and controlled herself. He looked at her with a smirk.

After a while she opened her eyes and politely said, " I'm looking and dreaming only about my husband, not anyone's fiance". Now it was his turn to wide his eyes in shock.

From now on Surya assured that Vanaa was not so easy to handle eventhough she look naive. With these last two conversation he understood that she was not ready to take the blame of any marriage misunderstandings. He looked at her fearless eyes, he felt some current shock in his body and something he felt strange. Immediately he turned his gaze away and wear his goggles to hide his emotions.

With a short break he asked her the very first question once again,
"Are you ready to come with me??"

Now loosing her patience Vanaa straight away replied "No" and she turned her face. She was fuming inside about his rude behaviour towards her. She was thinking how can he expect her to come with him after all his false accusations.

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