Twin Sisters

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Vanaa's POV

A girl looks like me...

Is she my twin sister Sanna???

I was stunned for a while, by reading my face my mother came with a smile.

" Vanna what are you staring she is your twin sister Sanaa. Is she resembles exactly like you". Her smile widened. As a mother she was very much proud about her twin daughters facial resemblance.

Once my mother said about our face resemblance I checked her from head to toe. Yeah, she looked like me but not exactly like me. I was not convinced completely, there was something different in her unlike me. 

So what was that???

She is not my carbon copy, but I was not able to figure out our differences.

My mom shook my shoulders and called my name. I came out from my own world and smiled at her sheepishly, suddenly my twin sister came forward and hugged me. I didn't expect this but I was also little emotional by seeing her almost after a decade, I hugged her back. We had a normal conversation.

We all family members chit chatted together for sometime, most of our talks were about her wedding. She looked extremely happy but there was something more than happiness in her face, especially her eyes. Strangely I felt that she looked at me often with a smirk while discussing her wedding plans. I never understand why, but my intuition says there must be something.

Engagement Evening...

I dressed up pretty in a golden lehenga with loosely pinned hair and minimum makeover with matching jewellery. I checked myself in the mirror and I was satisfied with my look before I left my room. 

Once I stepped out I saw my father discussing something with my brother. When I reached near them they looked at me surprisingly. They both praised my look and together raised their lips to smile.

" Wow Appa(Father) who is the bride today?" My brother winked his eyes.

I was shy and said " Anna stop teasing me, this is our family function, so I dressed up pleasant". 

"It's ok Vanna your Anna is making fun, but you look beautiful today but not so prettier than your mother" he shifted his gaze on my mother who walked towards us. 

My Anna and myself giggled seeing my father's naughty side. My mother was totally shy and hid her face in her palms. Later my grandparents and my sister in law joined us.We totally enjoyed that evening with so much fun.

My father arranged an engagement function on our lawn. It was so big to accompany more than a hundred people. The place was tidy and decorated with natural flowers with a stage at the centre. I was in incharge of taking care of the guests.

Slowly the time reached half past seven. Sanna wore a red and green lehenga,she looked stunning. The entire crowd looked at her in awe. I must admit that even though we both are twins her style of dressing, hair do, make over everything made her look much prettier than me. 

I decided to stay with her till the function started but she ignored that unpleasantly. I felt a little bad and roamed with my friends ignoring her rudeness.We all were waiting for the groom's family to arrive.

A Car horn...  

Groom family arrived in many high end cars. I was surprised to see so many cars one after another, my mother said they are so rich people. A couple of my parents' age was getting down from the car, though they were old they had some charisma in their face, they are  the groom's parents I guess. My mom told me that they have so many businesses in the main cities since their son is in love with Sanaa. They agreed to this marriage.

Yeah, I forgot that Sanaa's marriage is a love marriage. It was unbelievable she lived here only for four months. In that time she found a man of her choice, they fell in love and now finally they are going to marry.

Breaking my thoughts a beautifully decorated  lavish car arrived,  suddenly my mobile rang. I got a call from my sister in law, maybe something important so I went to the corner and picked her call. She asked me immediately to locate the engagement ring. She kept it somewhere it seems, knowing the seriousness of the issue I rushed inside and searched it along with her. It was a diamond ring specially designed for the groom.

After a search of fifteen minutes we found it finally under the table. She was relieved only by then and we both immediately went to the entrance area. By the time the groom also arrived and aarthi was done. The groom and his family were sitting inside for some pooja and rituals.

My mother scolded me for being irresponsible, because it's our one of the rituals that grooms aarthi should be done by the bride's sister. But I missed it, so she scolded me badly in front of some guests. I had tears in my eyes. But my Anni came to my rescue and explained everything to my mom. Now it was her turn to get earful from my mother. 

After she was done and walked inside to attend the rituals, I peeped outside with my friends, as I don't want to stay with Sanaa. Because, I knew Sanaa too didn't like my company.

All my friends praised the groom for his looks and they enquired about him. When I said I didn't know anything about him they mocked me. One of my friends teased me that I might be jealous of Sanaa. 

Once she said those words I was on top of my anger, immediately I scolded her and rushed to the backyard of my house. I cried helplessly thinking about him. His memories flashed in my mind one by one. I cursed myself for missing him this morning at the railway station.

I love him so much more than anything, my days and nights are ending with his memories, then how can I get jealous of Sanaa for being with some rich man. I never mind how rich he is, it's absolutely none of my business.

Her words echoed in my ears.

My dream man was not rich like this groom, little I know was he said he is an archaeologist. So practically he may not be a businessman like him. I pushed my face on my knees and sobbed in his memories. 

After some time I heard the orchestra and clap sounds together. I was sure the ring exchanging ceremony was over. I was not in a mood to look at them. Instead I imagined my engagement ceremony with him, my dream man.

We both were standing happily with our entangled hands.

To be continued.....


Note: For better understanding

Anna - Brother in Tamil language

Anni - Sister in Law

Appa - Father

Amma - Mother

Hey guys!!

First of all, thank you for giving me a chance to tell my story. I hope you all started to like our Vanaa. There will be an interesting love story ahead. So please keep on continuing your support with your valuable votes and comments.

Your support is the most important thing for me. I believe you will continue to encourage me with your votes.

Thank you 

Meenakshi Jothi

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