Angry Groom

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Vanaa's POV

I lost my conscious and fell I didn't fall down beforehand, someone stopped me from hitting on floor, his warm hands embraced me.

I heard some panic voices shouted my name "Vanaa... Vanaa..." It must be my family.

I tried my best to open my eyes but I lost completely. After a while I felt someone patting my cheeks later water sprinkled on my face. Slowly I opened my eyelids with much difficulty.

Atfirst I got to see my parents worried and tears filled eyes. Next was my brother who gave me water to drink. He was worried and asked me, " Vanu ma are you ok, what happened to you? ", I just nodded my head. Slowly I turned my head in all directions and finally I stopped at him.

Yes it was him... I'm not dreaming, he came in real now after a long time, finally I met him. He was standing next to me with a tensed face. My eyes filled with tears and blurred my vision, he too looked at me and it was in mixed emotions. Once again my eyes closed but now it didn't open now, I felt a severe pain in my head, soon I lost my sense completely.

Author's POV

Vanaa was shifted to hospital immediately. Doctors treated her inside, her family and groom's family stood at the entrance with lots of confusion, they were fuming inside. But none started anything because now they want to know about vanaa's health. Soon after a treatment doctor came out and said she is fine now, and she had a mild panic attack due to some shocks. Let her rest for sometime she will be in private room, later you can take her home.

All her family members were relieved to know she was out of any danger. They went inside to check her health. She was sleeping peacefully by medications. So they are all silently walked out of her room except her mom. She chose to stay with Vanaa.

Meanwhile outside the room storm was awaiting for them,now the groom's family was burning in anger. They felt cheated and their family's respect was also questioned. Once Vanaa's family returned back they shooted out their questions. Especially his mother she has such a sharp tongue literally she damaged everyone of Vanaa's family.

She yelled at top of her voice" you people are not at all worth of our status just because my son liked your house daughter we agreed to this wedding. But finally you all showed your true colours".

Vanaa's grandfather tried to speak something but she cut him in the middle and shouted " Where is Sanaa? and Why did you swapped the bride?? Why didn't you tell you anything before marriage??"

Vanaa's father stopped grandpa and with folded hands he said sorry to the groom's family for all the misunderstandings.

Now the groom's father asked" What happened?? Suddenly why did you change the bride?? We knew that your daughters were twins but you can't take it as on advantage to cheat us. We asked your elder daughter Sanaa's hand for marriage not your another daughter Vanaa".

He didn't speak rude like his wife but still his words were too sharp and crystal clear reflection of his justified anger.

Vanaa's father said " I know whatever I say it was not justified, because mistakes were on our side completely. With a pain he continued to say Sanaa left the home yesterday night she didn't turn up till now, none know where did she go her mobile was also switched off".

"What???? "
Everyone in their family shouted in shock.The groom's mother opened her mouth wide, her husband was in rage. He felt it was a great insult to his family. He gritted his teeth and asked, "It means did she elope???".

A cold male voice came from behind everyone turned their head in that direction. It was the groom he tried to not to loose his temper but failed.

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