Surya's Sweet Gesture

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Author's POV

Vanaa and Surya walked together holding their hands towards her house. She was extremely happy to step in her house with her husband for very first time.

As they entered into her parents house, they were all pleasantly surprised to see them together happily holding their hands. Soon she explained her parents about their sudden visit, they were happy about their daughter's wedding life turned to be normal.

Surya apologized to them for his misbehavior, he touched her grandfather's feet for an apology.
He accepted his apology and asked to forgive them all about the confusion in wedding. Finally they settled their disputes and both the sides whole heartedly accepted the new relationships.

Her family took them to the pooja room to give offering to god and asked them to take blessings from God and elders of the family. Vanaa and Surya took the blessings from elders as they say.

After that they all were busy with family talks, most of them were about Vanaa's childhood. Her mother and grandmother cooked special dinner for that night. Her brother pulled her legs with some funny talks, her grandfather and father too joined in that conversation.

Her sister in law started to tease Vanaa about Surya's changed behaviour. She was embarrassed and felt completely shy, her cheeks turned pink she was unable to see Surya's face. Eventhough they were married sometimes back, she felt shy towards him and glowed like a newly wedded girl. Surya enjoyed all those conversations and felt content seeing his wife's face glowing with happiness.

The whole family had dinner together after a long time. Vanaa took Surya to her room and showed her childhood photos. They converse with each other like any normal couples, they teased one another happily.

Around 11 o clock they said goodbye to her family. To Vanaa's surprise Surya invited her whole family to his house for a lunch. The family present them some valuable gifts and gave them a send off. They both took elders blessings, before they leave they all took their family selfie showing their happy faces.

Surya took Vanaa in his car she was extremely happy and conveyed her gratitude to him. He also said thanks to her for taking good care of his family. On the way they both indulge in a normal chat.

Meanwhile she asked him, " Did you really forgive my family??"

"Yeah, why are you asking??don't you trust my words??" Asked Surya.

" It's not like that really I believe you, but I wondered how did you change all of a sudden. Till yesterday you said you can't forget or forgive them, but today you behaved totally different" said Vanaa hesitatingly.

" For you" said Surya with a chuckle.

" What?? For me??" Asked Vanaa surprisingly.

" Yeah.. only for you. Because it's your family, you love them so much, they are all your happiness. Now I really don't want to separate you from your family, I want you to be happy forever so forgetting the past I accepted them whole heartedly. From now on they will be my family too" said Surya.

Vanaa was overwhelmed by his words , she got happy tears. She forgot that they were in car sand and he was driving. Without a thought she jumped from her seat held his face tightly and kissed on his cheek. Surya was stunned by her sudden kiss immediately, he parked his car on the roadside and looked at her surprisingly holding his cheeks with his hand.

She blushed, sat on the seat and turned to the other side to hide her face. He was very happy because it was her first kiss after marriage. She never herself came closer and kissed him before.

"So Is this the secret to get lovely kisses from my dear wife??" Asked Surya naughtily. Vanaa blushed immensely in that moon light her face glowed.

" Ok then every week I will take you to my in laws house. So that I will get lovely kisses from my dear wife"said Surya by winking his eyes. Vanaa smiled without a reply, he kissed her forehead.

After a moment he started to drive the car but this time one of his hand were holding his wife fingers and playing with that. Vanaa was enjoying all those sweet moments between them.
Suddenly she noticed that they were not going on their usual route to their house.

She asked him the same,
"Surya this is not our route, are we going somewhere else??"

" Ofcourse, right now we are not going to our home" said Surya.

" Where are we going??" Asked Vanaa.

" Surprise" said Surya.

Vanaa was in thought what is his another surprise.

To be continued.....


Hey guys!!

I'm very sorry for the delayed update. Last somedays I was not well and busy with my personal works, so couldn't post on time. This chapter was also little short due to my work pressure I can't write lengthy one, next time I will try to post lengthy chapter as soon as possible.

I hope you all like this chapter if you are impressed with my work please never mind to post your comments and share your votes.

Your support is the most important thing for me to write further and entertain you. I believe you will continue to encourage me with your votes and comments.

Thank you 😊
Meenakshi Jothi

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