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Vanaa's POV

Suddenly the door of that dark room opened and a man was standing at the entrance. I kicked that stranger(molester) tried to make some noice to show that new man my terrible condition but beforehand I noticed that he was moving in my direction. He came forward and stood in a light I was surprised to see him.

He was my husband... my so called husband Surya. I was flabbergasted, and I did widened my eyes in surprise.
How is it possible??
How he was here at this time??

But I felt happy and relax to see him near me, once he found me I noticed a change in his eyes but I wasn't sure what kind of feel was that. I looked at the kidnapper and Surya too tilted his head and saw that kidnapper trying to misbehave with me. I noticed his fist tightened and body stiffened, immediately he started to chase that kidnapper. But meantime, that kidnapper was also trying to run and escape through the window.

Slowly I was loosing my strength and felt exhausted, my eyes were closed and shed tears due to the pain I endured. But now I was pretty sure nothing wrong going to happen with me. I was saved from this beast that too by my husband not only husband also love of my life. My eyes closed completely I felt only darkness, someone shouted my name but, I lost my sense within a second.

A Day Later...

I opened my eyes and realised that I was hospitalized. I tried to lift my head up but couldn't, it was too heavy to do, I felt like I was flying somewhere. I started to recollect my last encounter with that stranger and felt a chill in my spine but following that I was also in thought about Surya, without my knowledge my lips were curved up. So he saved and admitted in this hospital, it means he care for me. I was happy and felt shy when I remembered how he entered into that darkroom and saved me.

I touched my head and found out it was bandaged, still I have a pain over there I remembered how he had hit me yeah, it was all caused by that man.

That stranger,
He didn't want to hurt me, his intentions were not to hurt me, I was disturbed with the fact that he didn't tried to harm me instead he assumed me as my sister and kidnapped so, his target was Sanaa.

But why her???
What did she do to him???
I noticed a disappointment and pain in that man's eyes. So Sanaa was not so good as I expected, she had planned something big and she played with others emotions. But somewhere her plans went wrong. I'm suffering to the worse only because of her, very first time I felt dejected to be her identical twin sister.

The door opened and the doctor entered with nurse, they checked me thoroughly and prescribed some medicines. Following them Shiv Anna and Aathira came and stood at a corner of that room, her eyes were swollen and face was pale. I understand that she cried a lot, maybe because of my condition. I decided to console her so I tried to speak to her once the doctor left.

But before that she rushed, hugged me and cried on my shoulders. I gently caressed her back and tried to pacify her. But she didn't listen to me and cried uncontrollably, literally her body shivered in fear. I was helpless and felt bad by seeing her in such state, because I know she is really a good soul and always showered me with unconditional love.

"Anni I'm sorry I didn't expect this I was terrified when you were suddenly disappeared. Did you know I searched you everywhere like a mad girl", said Aathira while weeping.

"It's ok Aathi I'm alright now so please don't cry", I said.

"No Anni I can't forget that incident, you were like a half dead soul when we found you in that dark room. Thank god we got you finally otherwise I couldn't have forgive me myself", said Aathira and hugged me again.

"It's ok Aathi... it's ok, nothing was your mistake, relax", I said and my eyes excitedly were searched for someone at the doorstep.

" How do you feel Vanaa?? Better", asked Shiv Anna worriedly.

" Yeah feeling better but still have some pain" , I said with a faint smile.

" Do you know that guy who tried to harm you??" Asked Shiv anna seriously.

I was confused whether to tell them the truth or not. Finally decided to not to reveal atleast by now, what will I do, if they don't believe me?? Because I don't have any evidence against Sanaa. So let me find the complete truth first then reveal them about her. There I decided to tell them only half truth.

"No Anna I don't know him, I had never seen him before", I said. He nodded and was in thought.

My eyes searched for him impatiently, I asked myself...
"Where is he??"
"Did he left me alone??"
"Or, was that all my illusion??"
"Did he really saved me or someone else was that??"
I was disturbed with his absense and questioned myself profusely.

"Vanaa, whom are you searching??" Asked Shiv anna teasingly and winked his eyes. I blushed, said nothing and looked down, but he didn't leave that and teased me again.

"Anna who saved me yesterday??" I asked him. He was surprised and raised his eyebrows. But I waited for him to confess Surya's name eagerly, I expected some confirmation.

"Why do you doubt it was Surya, who found and saved you" said Shiv.

I felt happy but shortly after little disappointed, I asked him frankly
"But he didn't come to see me now? ". Shiv anna smiled wider also Aathira, I was shy to face them.

"Vanaa you can ask me directly where is your husband?? I'm obliged to tell you" said Shiv anna teasingly. I was embarrassed and just nodded my head as an anticipation.

He said " Surya had just now left Vanaa, he was waiting for you from yesterday and was expecting you to be awake soon but, you slept like anything more than that you snored so he was irritated and left in a bad mood " said Shiv and laughed.

I was embarrassed as well as hurt to know that he was not here and left before I woke up, but I tried to hide it from them.

"What happened Vanaa?? You look so worried?? Is it more painful??? " Asked Shiv.

"No...No...nothing I'm alright let's go home", I said looked away.

"It's ok Anni we will leave today evening till that you rest", said Aathira. I just nodded and closed my eyes, but forgot to notice their secret eye conversation.

Doctor suggested me to take rest for next two days with the medications and discharged me the same evening. Shiv anna finished all the hospital formalities and Aathira helped me to go back to home. Till the last moment I was expecting Surya to turn up but finally got disappointed and left the hospital.

To be continued....

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Stay safe
Meenakshi Jothi

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