Vanaa Rejected Surya

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Aathira's marriage happened with Sudhir, but all the members were unhappy thinking about Vanaa. Aathira felt guilty for getting married without Vanaa's presence because she was the reason for this marriage. Helplessly she can't postpone her wedding at last minute. So internally she apologized to Vanna and got married to her man.

After getting Aathira married to Sudhir, Surya left his home in a hurry to meet Vanaa. He asked others to focus on the post wedding rituals and the guest arrived for the wedding. Shiva volunteered to come with Surya, since he was unsure about Vanaa and her family's reaction. Initially Surya refused but later accepted him to come along with him. Both the cousins drived towards Vanaa's Aunty's house and reached after few hours Vanaa left the place.

Surya and Shiva entered into Vanaa's Aunty's house and enquired about her. Her uncle and aunt fumed at Surya die for making Vanaa suffer. They taunted him and said that Vanaa left to her home with her family. They said that she pledged to never return to him, and warned him to mend his ways.

" I feel to slap you for what you did with our family girl but, I don't want to stain my hand. It's good our daughter realised your true face and left you. Better don't trouble her atleast from now on, she would never believe you and come back to you" raged Vanaa's uncle.

Surya became dumbstruck hearing their words, he requested them to listen to his side of story but, they see denied his pleas and pushed him out. Shiva consoled broken Surya, he asked him to meet Vanaa before she go so far. Surya wiped his tears and drived towards Vanaa's home. Shiva offered to drive since Surya was looks so worried and tensed, he too obliged. Throughout the way his heart was reminiscing his lovely moments with Vanaa. He realised ahis mistake of hiding such a big truth from his wife, he held himself responsible all her worries and shed silent tears.

Surya was scared to see her after  talking with her uncle, anyway he determined to get her forgiveness and bring her back in his life.


Late evening Surya reached Vanaa's home and rushed inside her house to see her.
But he was stopped by Vanaa's father, he asked angrily,

" Why did you come here?? Can't you let my daughter live in peace??"

Surya controlled his temper and said,
" I came to meet my wife, you can't stop me "

Her father gets angry seeing his aggressive behaviour, he gave him a warning to go away from there. He said Vanaa wants to move on from his life, Surya didn't believe his words and demands to meet his wife and talk with her directly. Her father refused for his demands. But Surya denied going back without meeting Vanaa. Shiva also politely requested them to give him a last chance. But they all stayed adamant and didn't let him inside.

The raged Surya ends up fighting with Vanaa's family, Gowtham warned him to go away from his sister's life, he said she didn't want to see him.

" Stop it Surya" shouted Vanaa coming out from her room towards the entrance.
Surya gets emotional seeing Vanaa, immediately he ran towards her and tried to hug her. But she stopped him and pushed him away from her. Surya looked shocked.

" Stop your acting " yelled Vanaa. Surya looked hurt, his eyes welled up with tears.

" Vanaa, I agree I did a mistake but believe me...."  Surya was interrupted by Vanaa.

" What do you want?? " Vanaa asked rudely.
Surya was stunned but took that chance to give her an explanation for his acts,

" Vanaa, actually until Sanaa return I didn't know that the girl I met in fort was you, Sanaa tricked me to believe it was her. I misunderstood her identity because of your face resemblance. But finally we were married thankfully"

"After knowing the truth I thought to catch that Sanaa red handed so I pretended infront of her. Please believe me, I didn't ask for our divorce it was all planned by that evil vamp. I love you Vanaa, I can't imagine a life without you. Trust me Vanaa " said Surya  kneeled down infront of Vanaa.

Vanaa and her whole family listened to his confessions silently. Later on Vanaa looked at him indifferently and said,

" Have you done ?? Leave my house" said Vanaa sternly showing him the gate.

Surya gets up teary eyes, he can't believe that his soft and kind hearted wife treats him rude. Shiva also stunned by Vanna's  behaviour, before coming here he believed they can convince Vanaa somehow but now he doubts that.

" What are you thinking?? I don't want to see your face or hear your lies better leave from here" said Vanaa firmly.

Surya stood dumb, Shiva requested Vanaa to believe him and give them a chance to prove their innocence.

"Vanaa, he is not lying really he planned everything to bring out Sanaa's truth and sent her to prison now. He saved Pradeep from Sanaa, now he is hospital if you don't believe us you can ask him. He will tell you the truth" said Shiva.

" No need... I don't want to ask anyone because personally I know well about your cousin" said Vanaa bitterly. Surya looked on.

"What do you know about me?? "Asked Surya sadly.

" You are a cheat, selfish, opportunist, you played with others emotions to get what do you want. The best example was after our marriage, the way you brought me to your home forcefully" said Vanaa with heavy breathe. Surya looked stunned

" You left me after aware about bride swap then you forced me to come with you to save your family reputation. After that you took advantage of my love and came closer to me, I thought you love me in real and accepted you but I was a fool. You just used me in absence of Sanaa, when she returned your old feelings rejuvenated and you threw me away like a shit " said Vanaa while breaking into tears. Surya was shattered to hear her accusations.

" Don't you have any shame?? You said you misunderstood her as me and fell in love with her. What kind of love is yours?? Can't you identify the person whom you had fell in love ?? The truth is you neither loved me truly that's why you can't find your lover" said Vanaa loudly.

" When you came to know that Sanaa cheated you, definitely you must me mad at her so you planned to avenge her. Don't dare to say that you did all that for me. Because I'm not the same innocent Vanaa to fall for your sugar coated words"

" As you said, if you had done that for me why didn't you explain me before?? 
Why did you flirt with her infront of me?? Why did you take so much time to apologize for your deeds??
Because you are so mean.
You were not bothered about me and enjoyed at your sister's wedding, right?? Then now why are you shedding fake tears ?? I'm not a fool to believe you once again. I won't come with you. I don't find any difference between you and Sanaa. She wants to take her revenge on me and you want to take advantage with me. Both of you are disgusting " said Vanaa indifferently.

Surya was completely shattered and silently broken in tears. Shiva held him tightly to give him a support.

" Get out of my life" said Vanaa angrily. Surya became dumb seeing her hatred.
Vanaa and her family left the place and went inside their home. Shiva asked Surya to come with him, he said this is not right time to argue. He walked like a soul less body thinking about Vanaa's bitter words.

To Be Continued...


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Meenakshi Jothi

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