Fear Of Loosing

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Author's POV

Vanaa reached Surya's home by late afternoon, nobody was there at living room. Aathira went out to do shopping with Sudhir, so Vanaa decided to go to her room. While she tried to step on the staircase her mother in law stopped her by calling her name.

"Vanaa, Why does it take so long for you to return from temple, is there everything ok??" Asked Surya's mother calmly.

Vanaa was surprised to see her mother in law's unusual polite gesture. She muttered herself what happened to her suddenly?? Why she was talking so sweetly?? Am I hearing her properly??

" It was late noon did you eat anything Vanaa?? Shall I make something for you to eat??" asked her mother in law.

Vanaa's head started to spin, she pinched herself to check whether it was dream or real. Her mother-in-law chuckled to see her childish behaviour. Vanaa smiled sheepishly and blinked unknowingly at her mother in law's sudden change.

"Vanaa please forgive me without any reason I started to hate you " said her mother in law. Vanaa was stunned more than before, she became dumb.

"I know it would be difficult for you to believe me, after all how I treated you all these days" she said. Vanaa didn't say a word she was listening to her keenly.

" Trust me Vanaa, you changed me... Yeah...it's you. Honestly you brought that changes in me because of your kindness and polite behaviour" said her MIL.

"But why suddenly??" asked Vanaa with a doubt. Her mother in law smiled inwardly.

" Because you saved my daughter's life, now she is happy because of you" said her MIL with tears. Vanaa was shocked at her confession, hiding that she asked.

" I don't understand, what do you mean ?? " Said Vanaa. Her MIL chuckled and said,

" Vanaa, I know you saved Aathira from that forced marriage and arranged her wedding with Sudhir. If she didn't marry Sudhir definitely she would have ended her life" said her MIL wiping her tears. Vanaa was helpless to do anything she stood silently watching her all movements.

"Eventhough we hate you, humiliated you, stopped your family from meeting you, we never acknowledged you as this house daughter in law, but you never showed any enmity towards us. Instead you showered love to all. Everyone in this house including my in-laws and my husband accepted you and started to love you then why not I??", said MIL.

"You saved my daughter's life, yeah Aathira is more than Surya for me. I may not be her biological mother but she grew in my lap " said her MIL caressing Vanaa's head. Vanaa was in tears.

" Now I expect only one thing from you , be my daughter in law forever and live happily with my son. I will bless you whole heartedly" said her MIL and hugged Vanaa tightly.

Vanaa was so happy to see her new side and accepted her love wholeheartedly but she didn't give any words to her about her future life with Surya. She didn't want to hurt this mother. After a long conversation with her mother in law, she went to her room and expect a storm tonight.

The time was around eleven 'o clock at night, Vanaa was sitting on the balcony chair watching the drizzling rain along with chill weather, she was expecting Surya at anytime. She prepared herself to deal with him, If he starts to fight with her. She made her mind to leave Surya without any expectations but until she wants to stop him to take advantage from her.
Unexpectedly she slept sitting on the chair with her hand support, she was tired with a long day with so much emotional moments.


Around half past twelve Surya returned home, originally he planned to come earlier to confront Vanaa, but he was stuck with his work. He went to his room and carefully opened the door to not to disturb her peaceful sleep. He didn't switch on the lights, walked slowly to the washroom, he did fresh up and returned back with his half trousers and round neck sleeveless t-shirt.

He searched for water to drink in that night with his mobile torch,only by that time he noticed Vanaa was not on the couch. Immediately he checked on his bed but she was not there too. He turned on the lights and checked for her in their room completely. But she was not there, even he shouted her name many times, but there was no response from her.

He gone mad with her sudden disappearance, he was occupied with the fear of loosing her. He called her number again and again but it was disconnected( Because she already blocked his number). Instantly he felt a twitch in his stomach, he started to sweat in that chill weather, he gulped in fear. He was panicked and asked himself, Where did she go at this time??

All of a sudden his eyes fell on the balcony door, which was half opened. He rushed there and checked out immediately, he opened the door and saw his wife sitting and sleeping on a chair like a beautiful angel. He felt relaxed and breathout peacefully by seeing her.

He was mesmerized to see her flawless beauty in that dim light, he started to walk near her unknowingly and he was attracted by her charm. She didn't do any make up but she was simply beautiful with her messy hair and in her casual night wear. Her head was laid on her hand for a support so she showed puppy face and slept like a baby. Surya's lips automatically smiled seeing her in such a sleeping pose. He silently captured her cute pics in his mobile with a puppy face. He pinned her loosely flying hair strands behind her ears. He became very naughty and pinched her sharp nose tip lightly, she was disturbed a little but again continued to sleep.

As the time passes the rain started to shower heavily so, he picked her in his arms gently without disturbing her sleep and went inside their room. He stood near the couch and was about to drop her down, suddenly she held his neck tightly and cuddled on his chest. He was stunned at her act, he felt a current shock inside him, when she cuddled closer.

He tried to release her hands and drop her down carefully but she rubbed her cheeks on his shoulder blades, and she hugged him more tightly. Immediately he was feeling something new in him, it was a kind of different feel for him. Her proximacy disturbed his heart he realised that, he knew slowly he was falling for her charms and longing for her attention. Also he knew this was not wrong between the real couples, afterall they were married and need to move on forgetting their past. Breaking his thoughts she called him,

" Surya... Surya... You are..." she blabbered something unconsciously by calling his name. He didn't understand anything than his name but he was more than happy to hear his name from her lips. He found peace while holding her in his arms. Now he didn't leave her down instead he carried her to their bed.

Without a thought he dropped her gently on the bed and laid down next to her. He didn't detangle her hug or remove her hands from his shoulders, instead he moved closer to her and encircled her waist with his arms. She rubbed her face on his bare neck he felt a chill in his spine and raised his lips to smile as a token of acceptance.
He gently kissed her forehead then turned off the lights and started to sleep peacefully by holding her throughout the night.

To be continued....

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Meenakshi Jothi

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