Romantic Drama

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Vanaa's POV

I fell from the chair without any support, I was panicked to get my knees break and closed my eyes tightly. But surprisingly neither did I fall down nor I break my knees, I felt like I was flying in the air something warm encircled my body firmly. Slowly I opened my eyes to check what was that.

It was Surya, immediately my eyes widened in surprise. He was holding me in his arms and looking at me calmly but his eyes were intriguing . My arms were encircled on his shoulder blades, I became dumb to see him so closer even I forgot to blink my eyes and looked at him. He was also doing the same we both were lost.

I was not aware how long we stood like that suddenly he dropped me down like he felt a current shock and threw angry gaze at me. Ignoring that I tried to convey my gratitude to him for saving me.

"Thank you...", I said sincerely in a deep voice, but he interpreted in between and roared,
"Shut up why are you here?? I told you to stay back in my room. Who the hell asked you to roam around?? This is not your house to roam wherever you want, did you get it??" He shouted and clenched his teeth to control his bad temper and closed his eyes.

I was teary eyed at his ruthless words but still surprised why all of a sudden he was controlling his temper. Usually he hurts me worse, now already the damage was done. His words echoed in my ears,
My room.....
Not your house.....
Did you get it??

I didn't speak a word simply wept standing as a statue. He rubbed his neck in frustration and dragged me out of the room by holding my arms,I lost my balance and about to fall on him but he never mind it.

"Anna where are you taking her??" Asked Aathira with a guilt. I looked at her with a knot in between my brows as a question. She pleaded with her eyes and said,
"Sorry Anni suddenly I got an important call so I left without informing you". As an anticipation I nodded my head slightly. She explained everything to her beloved brother.

"What's wrong with you Aathira why are you so irresponsible??" Asked Surya. I was confused at his strange act.

"Anna sorry I didn't mean to do it" said Aathira deeply.

"Don't give silly excuses, if you did bring her to your room. Then you should take care of her safety too. What if I didn't come on time?? She would have broken her knees. She is my responsibility until she stay here" said Surya fiercely.

My eyes popped out hearing his words, oh god !! This man is really unpredictable. Just now he shouted at me for stepping out, within a minute he changed into a responsible man. What is his originality???

"Sorry Anna, sorry Anni hereafter I won't repeat this" said Aathira and sobbed in between. I felt bad seeing her in tears I know she is a good soul with pure heart.

I nodded my head slightly and said "It's ok Aathi no prob it's an accident, you didn't do anything just leave it".

She smiled instantly and hugged me with so much love. "Anni you know you became very close to me like someone" said Aathira and winked her eyes. I was perplexed and looked at Surya, his brows were raised up in surprise. I was more confused and asked her to explain clearly.

She giggled and said "Anni you called me Aathi, which was only called by my sweet brother". I was speechless and looked at him who was observing my face, I felt more uncomfortable and felt embarrassed.

"It's nothing like that simply I called you just like that. I never knew someone called you like that", I said and ran away to my room to avoid his further gaze on me. I clearly heard Aathira's naughty laugh following me mockingly.

I held my breath once I reached my room and looked at my face in mirror. It was turned into red as apple I felt ashamed for running away from his presence. Why am I getting weak infront of him?? I scolded myself internally and cursed his strong aura.

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