Vanaa In Guilty

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" Vanaa... Vanaa... " Her family members called her name again and again. But nothing went in her ears or mind, she was still unconscious. Her brother Gowtham sprinkled the water on her face, soon after that she gained her conscious and cried vigorously in Surya's memories. Everyone tried to console her.

Meanwhile her father informed to doctor and she came to treat Vanaa. The doctor checked up Vanaa and said she is very weak maybe she didn't eat properly, and she has so much stress, that's why she fainted. The doctor suggested her to get relax and take rest other than nothing to worry.

Her family members gets concerned about her and asked her to take care of her health. But without a word Vanaa cried louder closing her face with her small palms. Gowtham gets scared looking at her sister and asked her to stop crying.

" Vanaa... Vanaa... Please stop it. Already you are weak, you should not cry like this"

" Gowtham Anna, I did a huge mistake,I realised it now I want to find Surya. Please help me Anna" begged Vanaa infront of her brother. Including him while family looked shocked.

" Vanaa think calmly and decide this is your life so we won't interfere in your decisions. Do you really love him still ?? Do you want to live with him??" Asked her grandfather.

Vanaa was silent for a few seconds then she said, " Grandpa, I will die if he is not in my life, I realized this truth. I love him forever despite of whatever happened"

Grandfather was quite for moment and said,
" Ok Vanaa, we will stay with you and support you. Take Gowtham with you and find your husband, we will also search him, nothing is important to us than your happiness. We are ready to talk with your in laws" said grandpa emotionally. Vanaa embraced her mother and cried silently.

Her parents and grandparents decided to meet Surya family and to set everything right for Vanna's happiness. Vanaa looked shattered to know Surya went missing, her family consoled her and then they all took Vanaa to her in law's house.


" Atleast now you realised his love, its really good Vanaa. But what is the use of it?? Because my grandson disappeared without telling any of us. And you are the reason for this" Surya's grandfather accused Vanaa.

Vanaa looked down in guilty to unable to face anyone. Surya's family went out their disappointment on her, she felt extremely sad. Then Surya's grandmother stopped all from accusing her and said Surya was also equally responsible for whatever happened. She asked everyone to stop their blame game and to find Surya as soon as possible.

Shiva and Aathira decided to go in search of Surya, Vanaa requested to take her with them but Shiva refused it. Broken Vanaa took Gowtham's help and went out to search Surya. Apart from them elders of the family also search him in every possible way.

They went in check all the places they could suspect where Surya could be,but all went in vein. Till the late evening they can't find him, Vanaa gets scared about him. Gowtham consoled her and promised her to being hrr husband back to her. When he realised she was not convinced, he took her to Surya's house and asked her to stay with them. He promised to her that he will come tomorrow with any good news about Surya and left the house worried about his sister.

Surya's family assured Vanaa to bring him back soon, they asked her to wait for him patiently. Vanaa prayed to God to show him soon to her eyes and went to their room with a heavy heart.


After so many days Vanaa stepped inside her room, I mean Surya and her bed room. Her heart ached a lot looking at their bedroom, she saw their marriage pictures hanging on the wall, all old memories with Surya flashed in her mind one after another. She fell down on the bed, cried a lot and sank in his memories.

Whole night she was awake, she looked at their wedding album and gets emotional. After a while her vision fell on the gift she gave him before she left the house. She saw that portrait and felt guilty for not giving him a chance to explain his side. She reminisced how badly she humiliated him and warned him to not to show his face forever.

Vanaa wondered where did Surya go?? She was extremely worried thinking about him. Almost next day sunrises, Vanaa spent sleepless night thinking about her husband.
She called her brother and asked whether he got any news about Surya, but he gave her negative reply. Vanaa gets anxious once the time passes, she gets mad thinking about Surya's whereabouts.

Soon after that her eyes fell on the portrait she gifted Surya, her mind recollected Surya's last words before he leave that day. Instantly Vanaa guessed where Surya could have gone, her eyes flickered and shed happy tears. She prayed to God that Surya must be there and rushed out of their room.

Breathing heavily she went to Shiva and declared that she knew Surya's whereabouts, Shiva and whole family stunned at her confessions.

Shiva asked her eagerly, " Where is he ??"

To Be Continued...


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Meenakshi Jothi

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