Surya Disappeared

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"Vanaa... Vanaa...where are you?? " Shouted Shiva on top of his voice standing at the center of Vanaa's house.

The whole family looked clueless about his strange behaviour. They tried to interrupt him and ask the reason for the same. But he denied answering any of them and impatiently waited for Vanaa to show up her face. After few minutes Vanaa reached the place confused.

" Shiva, What's wrong with you?? Why are you creating a scene here??"asked Vanaa.

Shiva looked at him angrily and asked,
" Where is Surya?? What did you say to him??". Vanaa was perplexed at him questions, she looked confused.

" Come on tell me Vanaa, where is he??" Shiva shouted at Vanaa, she flinched in fear.
Looking at her terrible condition her brother Gowtham stepped in between them and asked Shiva to not to shout at her sister.

" Shiva, don't threaten my sister. Why are you shouting at her??" Asked Gowtham.

" Why would I threaten her ?? I'm scared of her now" said Shiva mockingly. Vanaa looked shocked, she could feel the indifference in his voice.

She asked him " Shiva do you think whatever your cousin did with me was right?? Do you think I'm wrong??"
She looked teary eyes.

" Am not saying he was right, you are wrong but, did you ever give him a chance to explain a reason for his behaviour?? " Asked Shiva angrily. Vanaa was silent.

"Why would I ask him?? He don't deserve it"
Said Vanaa angrily.

" This was your problem Vanaa, before you were so calm and composed when he was rude with you. Now he had changed a lot for you, and ready to do anything for you but, you deny to see his love and getting mad at him" said Shiva restless.

Vanaa felt hurt hearing his accusations, she asked him annoyed,
" What do you want now?? "
" Why are you here??"
Shiva looked stunned seeing her carefree behaviour.

He said " I'm here to talk about Surya" Vanaa interrupted him and replied irritated,
"I don't want to talk about him, please leave"

" He is missing from yesterday...."said Shiva raising his voice. Vanaa and her whole family looked dead shocked. There was pin drop silence in their home, everyone looked stunned.

Gowtham came out from his shock and reacted first, he asked
" What joke is this??Where is he??"

" I'm asking the same, where is he?? What did you people do with him?? Yesterday he came here to talk with Vanaa, only after that he went missing" asked Shiva. Vanaa looked terrified.

" What are you saying Shiva?? Didn't he come home?? But he left soon yesterday noon itself, we had an argument then he left after that" said Vanaa panicked.

" After seeing the divorce notice, he look shattered. He determined to stop this divorce by talking with you. That's why he came here yesterday. But I don't know what did you tell him yesterday, he didn't return. Now I'm sure you and your family must have humiliated him and hurt him a lot. Damnit Tell me Vanaa, what happened yesterday?? " Yelled Shiva looking at Vanaa. She flinched in fear.

Gowtham said annoyed, " We didn't humiliate him , he locked himself with my sister in a room and threatened us to not to disturb them. He spoke with her for sometime, we didn't stop him, we didn't know what did they talk "

Shiva looked at them indifferently and asked Vanaa, " It was you , right??"
Vanaa looked down with a guilty.

" Tell me Vanaa, what did you tell him yesterday?? He must be damn hurt definitely" said Shiva. Vanaa hesitantly told everything to Shiva, he fumed in anger after hearing her unpleasant words about Surya.

" Shut up Vanaa !!" Shouted Shiva, Vanaa looked panicked, her eyes raised up in shock.

Shiva asked him angrily " If you ever love him truly, you must have think about his pain. But you are blind folded with your anger, your also supporting it, don't forget one-thing all this mishaps were done by your family member, your own sister Sanaa, even we are also suffering " her family members looked ashamed at Shiva's words.

" My cousin Surya sincerely tried to apologize you for his mistakes but you didn't listen to him even once" said Shiva. Vanaa looked stunned.

" Didn't your family and you cheated him in marriage?? Didn't you swap the bride??Even he was angry at you first then later he accepted you whole heartedly before knowing the whold truth. But you people are so cunning and selfish"

"Why you people are behaving like you never committed any mistakes?? You all don't deserve to accuse him, including your grandfather and you" stormed Shiva loosing his temper. Vanaa and her family looked speechless.

"He loves you truly Vanaa, he only  pretended to be with Sanaa to catch her red handed, but he failed to inform about this to his dumb wife. Maybe he would have thought that you will trust him once he tells the truth " said shiva disappointed. Vanaa cried silently thinking about Surya.

" Atleast now you realize his love and try to believe him, pray for him to return soon safely if you have little love for him " said Shiva and walked out of her house fast. All stood dumb, Vanaa broke the silence.

Vanaa cried louder reminiscing her mistakes, she remembered his pleads and felt guilty for hurting him badly.  She recollected Shiva's words about Surya missing, and gets scared about Surya's safety, all of a sudden she lost her conscious and fainted. Her brother Gowtham held her before she hits the ground.

To Be Continued...

Due to some reasons I have to remove last few chapters of this so kindly be patient until I update the chapters. Sorry for the inconveniences.

Thank you


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Next update will be next week guys , kindly wait for that.

And one more thing  guys, I would like to share with you all, very soon this story will get completeted. And now I'm requesting you all to share your experiences of reading this story.

Thank you
Meenakshi Jothi

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