Surya's Misery

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Surya and Shiva both searched vigorously for Vanaa. Surya reminisced all his moments with her and felt guilty for pushing her to take such a drastic decision. Surya's whole family was worried about Vanaa and felt bad about her situation.

Another side Vanaa's family was stunned with Sanaa's arrest and Vanaa's missing. Through Aathira they came to know what happened with Vanaa and how Sanaa was caught for her misdeeds. They worried a lot about Vanaa and went in search of her.

Gowtham gets mad at Sanaa for being jealous and insensitive with their own sister. His parents severed all ties with Sanaa and denied to help her to get her bail. Her father expressed his disappointment and forbid her from their lives, after knowing that she did an murder attempt and chased away her sister.

Everyone searched for her throughout that hill station and nearby city but they couldn't get any information about her. After an exhausted day, next day morning Surya reached his home dejected for not getting Vanaa. But he was unaware Vanaa's whole family was waiting for him at his house to roast him for his actions.

Once Surya entered with Shiva to his house, Gowtham held his shirt collar and questioned him angrily,

" Where is my sister?? What did you do with her?? ". Surya became dumb with this sudden attack. Immediately Shiva came for his rescue and asked Gowtham to be calm.

" Gowtham, we can understand your pain. Believe me, we are also sailing in the same boat. We all are worried about Vanaa, especially Surya became mad and searched for her everywhere as possible" said Shiva.

" What a hell use of his damnit search?? "
" Because he was the sole reason for my sister's pain and situation, she was not a coward girl to run and hide from us. But your bloody cousin made her to disappear. It was all because of his double standard towards Vanaa and Sanaa. We did a mistake by made her marry a cunning man like him " stormed Gowtham.

Surya was standing silently by putting his head down with a tired and tears strained face. Shiva was silent after Gowthams accusations, he knew very well his cousin Surya was really rude with Vanaa.

" He didn't do anything with bad intensions, he tried to prove Vanaa's innocence and planned against Sanaa to send her to prison for her illegal activities. Truly he love only Vanaa, he accepted her completely that's why he was worried about her" grandfather defends Surya after Gowtham accused him.

All looked tensed and worried, breaking their silence Vanaa's grandfather asked Surya, " Why did you do this with my grand daughter?? If you don't believe her completely, you must have send her back to us. Who asked you to do all this chaos in my granddaughter's life??"

Surya felt emotional and said, " Sorry grandpa I didn't expect this from Vanaa. Actually I thought to solve all the problems and then to explain everything to her. Don't think that I don't believe her, I know she is innocent...." Stopping him Vanaa's grandpa hit hard on his cheeks.

The entire living room was shocked with his sudden outrageous act. Surya felt pain in his cheek and touched it with his palms.

"How dare you justify your acts?? Did you find her innocent after she went missing??" Asked grandpa. Surya stood silent, all his family members tried to interfere between them, but he stopped all.

" All these happened only because of me, I felt guilty about my Vanaa more than anyone. She agreed to marry you because of me, it was my blunder. I thought one daughter of my family dumped our families respect so, I requested another to save it".

" But what did you do with her?? You left her in your wedding then threatened her to come with you for your family sake. You humiliated her, troubled her a lot and restricted her from meeting us. We know all your tortures to her, but she never disclosed anything to us to not to make us feel bad"

" Finally we all believed you changed completely and accepted her whole heartedly. But you fooled us all, you were an opportunist and took advantage of my granddaughter's innocence. That's why you ditched her after your lover Sanaa return" said grandpa spitting venom to Surya.

" Don't say that you believed her and tried to save her from Sanaa's trap. The truth was you yourself was not confident about Vanaa's innocence until you find the strong evidence against Sanaa. That's why you made Sanaa stay in this house and hurt Vanaa" said grandpa.

" Grandpa, you are mistaken Surya believed Vanaa completely but he thought Sanaa will get alert if he continued to stay with Vanaa. That's why he pretends to ignore Vanaa" said Shiva defending his cousin.

" Then why didn't he tell all his plans to Vanaa and asked her to help him?? If he had done that definitely we wouldn't have missed our daughter" said grandpa with tears. Shiva also felt bad, Surya stood silent,  like he accepted all the blames against him.

Elders of the Surya family interrupted and tried to defend their son's actions. But Vanaa family was not in a mood to listen and cursed Surya for hurting Vanaa.

At that time Vanaa's father mobile rang and picked up the call instantly for hoping of any news about his daughter Vanaa.

" Really?? I will come soon. Don't let her go anywhere. We are all coming there" said Vanaa father and disconnected the call.

Surya listened to all his conversation and instantly his face brightened. He asked happily,
" Uncle is this call about Vanaa?? "
" Did you get information about her whereabouts??"
" Where is She??
" Let's go soon and bring her back" said Surya grinned. Vanaa's father looked at him indifferently and said,

" Listen Surya, my daughter was disappointed with you and disappeared from everyone, most importantly she wants to go far from you. Now we found her and we will convince her at any cost to bring her back to us, she will live with us in my home from now on. I swear I will not let you spoil her life once again. If you planned to hurt her again I won't spare you. This is my warning to you. I will bring my daughter back and she will return only as my daughter not as your imposter wife to replace Sanaa. Don't dare to come infront of her then you will see worst of me because I don't believe you now. You are not in her life from today"

Surya was astounded and tried to ask them about Vanaa's whereabouts and requested them to take him along with them. But her family brushed away his pleads and went out from his house after a final warning. All the men of her family was against Surya and started to hate him. Surya clenched his fist helplessly and stood with tears filled eyes.

To Be Continued...


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Meenakshi Jothi

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