Vanaa Vs Sanaa

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" You??? What are you doing here in my room??" Asked Sanaa angrily.

"Nothing... I was waiting for my beloved twin sister" said Vanaa sarcastically.

Sanaa smirked at her and said, " I don't want to see your face, leave my room"

" Sure, soon I will leave this room or this house but, before that I want to know certain answers from you " said Vanaa.

Sanaa said annoyed, " I'm not bounded to answer you, get out"

Vanaa looked so calm like she expected this kind of behaviour from Sanaa. She said,
" Ofcourse you are bounded because, you are my sister"

" Sister...??" Sanaa laughed like an insane.
Vanaa looked on.

" You know Vanaa, I hate the fact that you are my sister, it is disgusting for me" Sanaa spit the venom. Vanaa was shocked.

" But why?? Why so much hatred??" Asked Vanaa hiding her pain.

"Because you snatched everything from me" said Sanaa angrily throwing the things away.

Vanaa looked confused and asked, " What did I snatch from you?? I don't understand??"

" Don't pretend like an innocent, I know you well, from childhood you are the one who sidelined me and grabbed everyone's attention and love. Because of you I left my family and lost my parents love. That's why I hate you so much" said Sanaa with a heavy breathe.

Vanaa was stunned to know her sister's hate for her. She felt bad and worried that why she hate her this much??

" Sanaa, you are mistaken I'm not such person to snatch others things. I never hate you or considered you as my foe, believe me, we are twin sisters" Vanaa was broken inside.

"Is it?? Then why didn't you ever worried about me, when I was far from family??
Did you ever tried to talk with me??
Did you ever shared sister bond with me??" Asked Sanaa angrily, Vanaa was stunned.

" What?? now you became dumb?? Always your sugar coated words impressed all and they gave you so much importance and love. But what did I get??" Sanaa cried.

"The truth is you separated me from my family, because of you I had to live alone in my own house. That's why I went with our uncle and aunty to get their full attention and love. But I couldn't get happy with them too. I always longed for love and attention from my parents but, none bothered about me. It was you who, snatched my family from me" said Sanaa and pushed herself on the floor.

Vanaa was completely lost, she had tears in her eyes and looked at her sister shockingly.
" I'm also your family Sanaa, how can I aloof you from our parents ?? I didn't do anything, why don't you understand that??" Asked Vanaa with tears rolling down.

" Who?? You?? Not at all,I never considered you as my family. You are my enemy, like my parents you snatched my love Surya too. How can you marry my Surya??" asked Sanaa.

Sanaa showed fake anger and manipulated Vanaa to fall in her trap. As she thought Vanaa was guilt striken for Sanaa's condition. She held her responsible for Sanaa's pain and separation, she was hurt to know that her actions made Sanaa like this.

" Sanaa... It was your mistake,you left Surya in wedding altar. I had to marry him to save our families respect. I didn't snatch him from you, it was not at all preplanned one. Nobody knows that this will happen", said Vanaa holding her tears.

" I didn't run away from my wedding, it was all happened by that stupid Pradeep. He came in-between and spoilt all" said Sanaa gritting her teeth.

" So, you loved him, right??" Asked Vanaa.

" Yeah I loved him once, even I got engaged with him so, what?? Can't we do breakup??" Said Sanaa annoyed. She spit her truth unknowingly.

" So, you planned to kill him because of that?? " Asked Vanaa curious.

Sanaa was alerted by this time and asked Vanaa,
" What are you trying Vanaa, you want to prove me a killer?? We don't like eachother for that sake, please don't blame me with the false accusations" Sanaa cried to get Vanaa's sympathy.

" Listen I didn't do anything to him, it was him who threatened to tell about my past relationship with him to Surya. I was scared so I went to meet him, because I don't want any problems between me and Surya. That coward only pushed me from mountain cliff, I have no idea about him after that" said Sanaa.

"Ok... I agree it was my mistake that I went to meet him on that wedding night. Later I was attacked by him and I was survived from an deadly accident but, now I returned right?? Why don't you leave Surya and go away from our lives" asked Sanaa without a mercy.

Vanaa was stunned, she difficult to breathe, she stammered " What are you saying?? We both are married he is my husband, I'm his wife. How can I leave him just like that?? "

" But he love me right?? Only me. I'm in his heart, Then why don't you leave us decently to let us lead our happy life. From the beginning he only love me not you, don't forget that, he was cheated by you in the name of marriage. He still loves me, didn't you see how happy he is with me??
How much he care about me??
How he supports me??
Even in today's party we both were so happy with eachother. He want to marry me, he only love me, he want to live with me forever " said Sanaa. Vanaa was in heart break she silently cried.

" I will show you something, wait... " said Sanaa and picked an envelope from her wardrobe. She thrusted that in Vanaa's hand and said " Read it, Surya wants to give this to you after Aathira's marriage"

Vanaa opened the envelope and she became dumb, her head started to spin she felt Sanaa was saying the truth and believed that Surya didn't love her and wants to leave her to marry Sanaa.

"Before Surya ask you directly, better sign this divorce papers and leave this house with some dignity" said Sanaa with a smirk.
Vanaa's vision was blurred with teardrops.

" If you really love me , consider me as your family please leave my Surya. Already you snatched my family now don't repeat the same by snatching Surya from me. We both will be happy if you walk away" said Sanaa by shedding crocodile tears. Vanaa looked at the divorce papers in her hand with an agony.

To Be Continued...


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Meenakshi Jothi

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