Heart Broken

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Author's POV

"Stop It"  Surya's voice echoed in that whole living area.

Everyone in the home were shocked to see him standing as an angry man. Vanaa and Sanaa both were equally shocked at him.

"What the hell, you both the sister's are thinking about me?? Am I joker for you??
You both are playing with my emotions" said Surya controlling his heavy lbreathe. He turned to the other side to compose himself. He became so emotional after what Vanaa said about their first meeting.

Vanaa was taken back at his words, but she was sure he was hurt more than angry. Immediately she rushed to his side and kept her hand on his shoulder.

She said " Surya trust me I never cheated you or either played with your emotions. I'm your wife how can I think of hurting you or see you in pain". She shed tears seeing him hurt. He was touched with her kind gesture.

" Surya even I can't see you in pain. Then how will I run away from our wedding?? I love you the most, really I can't be away from you. It's your love which made me alive today. Please trust me, this girl is trying to separate us.  I told you everything happened to me, now it's your decision" said Sanaa cunningly.

"But remember one thing before you take  any decision, just think about our love and lovely time we spent together " said Sanaa and shed her crocodile tears. Vanaa looked at her disgustingly. Surya closed his eyes and remember Vanaa and his love moments.

After a while Surya opened his mouth and said,  "Ok now I will decide whom should I trust. Until that you will stay here in this house." said Surya looking at Sanaa. She was extremely happy that Surya asked her to stay here. She felt she was almost succeed in her plan. She thought it was a first step to throw Vanaa out of Surya's life, so she wants to stay here at any cost.

Everyone looked at him in dead shock. But Vanaa was more hurt than anyone. Her throat became dry to unable to speak up a word. She asked herself " It means still he believe her and took her words more than mine" silently she cried staring at him.

"Surya with whose permission you asked her to stay here??" Asked Surya's mother.

"Amma this is my life. More than anyone's permission I think my decision matters.
So, I will decide whom I should believe, I need sometime before I take a decision " said Surya firmly.

" It means do you believe her words more than your wife ??" Asked grandma.

"Grandma...I just believe my intuition, I will do what it says. I don't want any discussion about this further. Let Sanaa stay her for somedays" said Surya.

"But we have problems with that, we don't want our one daughter to stay in our another daughter's in-laws house. Already our family reputation at stake because of her, now your decision of making her stay at your house will ruin it completely" said Vanaa father with a worry.

Gowtham too agreed to his words, he said,
" Whatever happened Sanaa is my sister, we will take her to our home and solve this problem. We can't leave an unmarried girl at your house". Sanaa was irritated and tried to hide it.

" Listen you all know what happened from the beginning. After all so much dramas, do you expect me to sit idle at my home??
I need answers, I want to find the truth.
So, she will stay here until I ask her to leave" said Surya. Vanaa's father and brother was perplexed and  still not convinced.

" Still if you want to take your daughter Sanaa...with you, then take your another daughter too with you" said Surya and looked at Vanaa. Whole family was taken back at his statement, Vanaa was stunned to hear his words, looked at him with a tearful eyes, her lips trembled she bite it to control her pain.

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