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Hey Guys!!
Good morning!! Sorry for the delayed update. I hope you all will like and enjoy reading this new chapter.

Thank you!!


It was around early morning 4' o clock, Surya was driving alone towards the hill top, he was very much tensed about Shiva's whereabouts. His mobile number was not reachable, following his previous GPS  Surya reached the place where Shiva left his car. It was completely dark Surya was unable to see the to things clearly, his car headlights helped him to locate and confirm Shiva's car.

When he saw his car and he gets more anxious about Shiva's whereabouts. He was worried much about what happened with him?? all of a sudden why he was  disappeared without any message to him.

After parking his car safely in a hidden place, Surya took something in his hand and rushed ahead. He looked around the place to get any clues about which way Shiva went. He used his mobile torch light and moved towards the narrow road where Shiva went few hours ago.

Surys noticed the highlighter mark ok the trees and suspect where it was created by Shiva to find him. This thought frightened him more, carefully he took his mobile, he texted something then sent a message to someone and walked ahead in that road. He struggled to find a way, but Shiva's marks on the trees helped him to locate it somewhat.

After few minutes of walk he was strucked by something, he was confused to how to go now?? There was no indication of any marks to help him move further. He was frowned, and rubbed his neck in frustration.
Suddenly his eyes fell on something glitters on the ground. He immediately looked it carefully and had a look on it, it was a car key.

Surya was stunned to see Shiva's car key there, he felt tensed and assured that now Shiva is in grave danger. He prepared himself and went inside the bushes where the car key was fallen down. Silently he peeped inside that bushes without making any sort of noise. Shortly after he got to see a suspicios brick house there. He carefully noted down that area and determined to break inside the house.


Shiva was awake regaining his conscious, he was puzzled looking at the place. He felt a pain behind his neck and tried to touch that place, but he couldn't move his hands only by then he realised he was tied with a chair and his hands too.

There was a faint light in that room, with that help he examined the room he was tied.
There he saw some other man tied along with a chair in a same way he was tied. Only they both were there in that room, he tried to see that person's face clearly as possible.

That man looks so weak and tired, his dress was shabby, he was bleeding on his forehead, his half of the face was buried behind the beard and mustache. Looking at his pathetic condition Shiva gets suspicious and tried to call him.

" Pradeep... Pradeep...."
"Pradeep...." Shiva called him secretly. See

After hearing Shiva's voice few times that man woke up and looked at him feeble.

Shiva asked him once again, " Are you Pradeep??". That man faintly nodded his head. Shiva was glad that his efforts were fruitful, somehow he found the person who can solve their problems. He thought to know more about him and tried to strike a conversation with him before anyone come.

"Pradeep, don't worry I will save you. I came here to find you so, trust me. You may not know about me but I know you well. We need your help" said Shiva.

" But who are you?? Why are you saving me?? What can I do for you??" Asked Pradeep confused.

Shiva said carefully, " Truth"
Pradeep perplexed and asked him,
" Which truth??"

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