First Date

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Author's POV

At the evening Vanaa dressed up tidy and excitedly waited for Surya's arrival. She wore cherry red colour saree it suited well to her magnetic appearance, she looked very pretty in it. She didn't do much make up but she looked stunningly beautiful with her simplicity, atlast she filled vermillion on her head, left her hair to fall free on her shoulders.

She sat on the balcony and eagerly waited for her husband. Meanwhile she also packed her first gift for her beloved husband. She wanted to present him in a special occasion, so she hid it in their room cupboard and thought to gift him tonight after their return.

Shortly after sometime Surya reached home, he entered into their room within few moments. Immediately his eyes searched for his wife. But she was not there, deliberately she hid behind the curtains and watched his reactions.

As a wife she wants to know how much her husband miss her, so she watched him keenly. Surya called her name few times, he was tensed about her disappearance. So he checked throughout the room worriedly, finally he noticed her foot behind the curtains and understood her play. He thought to play with her for some more time.

He sat on the couch and relaxed for sometime. To tease her more by relaxing he said louder,
" Thank God!! she is not here I can be at peace for sometime".

Hearing his words Vanaa was on top of an anger she was fuming. She was still hiding and was waiting to know what else he say.

Suddenly she was pulled out by Surya. He encircled her in his arm, she looked at him surprisingly because he caught her. They didn't speak a word for a moment only their eyes spoke. Surya was stunned at her beauty, he can't think anything else when she was around him, her beautiful face made him dumb for sometime.

Breaking their silence Vanaa said,
"Leave me I will go from here then you will be at peace". She started to beat him and tried to break his hug.

" Hey I know you were watching me so, I was just playing with you" said Surya trying to stop her.

Vanaa was silent for a while, then she asked him " How did you know I was hiding here??"

"It's very simple. I saw your little cute foot behind the curtains" said Surya looking at her lovingly.

"Goddamn how did I forget this??" Asked Vanaa herself annoyed.

"Cool.. cool.. sometimes it happens we can't be smart forever atleast infront of handsome man like me. " said Surya teasingly looking at Vanaa.

Vanaa showed fake anger and broke herself from his embrace. She moved away from him and acted like she was angry.

"So are you ready for our first date??" Asked Surya.

" Who said I was ready?? I'm not interested to come with you" said Vanaa.

Surya bursted into laughter, and said,
" Yeah I believe it completely atleast after seeing your make-over".
she got more angry and tried to walk out of their room.

He blocked her way kneeled down infront of me her , extended his hand and said,
" Can you come with me for a date Mrs. Vanaa Surya Pratap??"

Vanaa was surprised at his sudden proposal, she felt shy when he asked her hands so romantically. Eventually she gave her hand in his hand, he kissed it and stood up.

"Vanaa you look so beautiful and thank you for giving a chance to me" said Surya in a deep voice. Vanaa didn't say anything just smiled in anticipation. He kissed on her forehead by cupping her face in his palms, Vanaa felt shy.

"Give me ten minutes I will refresh and be back soon" said Surya and rushed to change his clothes.

Soon he came out wearing his casuals red tshirt and blue jean which matches Vanaa's red saree. Vanaa looked at him awe, he felt happy, he winked his eyes and smiled at her for the way she looked at him, when she was aware she was caught by him red-handed, she blushed immensely.
He didn't say anything which make her more uncomfortable, he held her hand gently and walked away from the room.

Everyone in their home were happy for this lovable couples they blessed them to stay together forever. They both left alone in the car for their first date. It was dark and rainy outside, Vanaa got nostalgic.

This darkness and unusual car travel with Surya made Vanaa to think forcibly about her first bitter car travel with him after their marriage. Without her knowledge a tear droplets escaped from her eyes.

Suddenly Surya's hand joined his fingers with her,she looked at him questioningly, he said

" I know what's running in your mind. Please forget the past. I can't change anything happened earlier. But I can say one thing, Just store this moment in your heart, let's cherish together". Vanaa smiled back pressed his fingers in between hers and nodded her head as a token of acceptance, he too smiled with her.

All of a sudden Surya stopped the car, Vanaa checked outside to know which place it was??

She was puzzled about the place and looked at his face confusedly. He just smiled and got down from the car. He went to her side and opened the door for her, he said

"This is my first surprise for you.Let's start from here Vanaa. " said Surya.
Vanaa was really surprised she didn't expect that he would bring her here.

" Vanaa, I want you to feel special, I want you to be happy. I know your happiness is here in this house,so I brought you here" said Surya. Vanaa was in happy tears she held his hand and step down from the car and moved towards her home with her head high.

It was vanaa's house.

Let's wait for more surprises!!

To be continued.....


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