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Author's POV

Somewhere deep inside the forest which was little far from the hills, a group of native tribal people where living peacefully. People of the place were not much connected with the outside world, their village was so small but was abundantly blessed with goddess of nature. It was placed between the valley of mountains also close to the riverbank.

A man around the age of 70 finished his morning prayers and entered into his hut with his assistant. There he sincerely examined and started to treat a young girl with his ayurvedic medicines. The girl looked familiar, she was beautiful. It seems to be she was lying on the bed for so longtime without aware of anything around her. The girl looks like she was from wealthy family, but her face was pale it had so many bruises. It was like the girl met with some deadly accident and didn't woke up for many days.

"Guruji we were treating her for more than three months but there was no sign of her to wake up, but will we do now??" Asked the assistant.

"Hmm... I'm also thinking the same, but don't worry. God will be with us, she will recover soon".

How far we tried we can't find anything about her, we don't know her identity, not even her name. Also none came in search of her, how we will find her family??" Asked assistant.

"First we will treat her for her recovery then we will think about her family" said Guruji.

"Ok Guruji" said assistant.

" Very soon I'm going to treat her with powerful herbs, definitely she will wake up after that. I need some herbs for that treatment, now we will search that herbs inside the forest, you come with me" said guruji.

Both the guruji and assistant left the hut leaving someone behind there to take care of that girl.



Three months back a girl on top of the mountain cliff tried to collect her jewels which scattered on the cliff. But due to the sudden rain and wind she fell down from the mountain top and hit her head with the rock. She got hurt by the trees branches and lost her conscious completely when she fell on the rock. She was on blood pool, lying there unconsciously almost for a day.

Fortunately, next day she was saved by the native tribal people, they carried her to their village and there she was treated by their guruji.

Almost three months completed all her wounds were healed, but still there was no improvement in her health, she did not woke up yet, she was in coma.

So who was that unknown girl????

She was Sanaa...

To be continued....

Hey Guys!!

Atfirst I would apologize for a late and short chapter, little I'm busy with my family commitments, so please excuse me. Definitely next time I will make it long.

I hope you all like this chapter if you are impressed with my work please never mind to post your comments and share your votes.

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Thank you
Stay safe
Meenakshi Jothi

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