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Author's POV

" Vanaa, please just give me sometime. I will explain you everything" said Surya. Vanaa hesitated for a moment then nodded her head in anticipation.
With a deep breath as a sighn of relaxation Surya started to explain.

"Vanaa I knew I was so rude with you from the beginning. But I didn't mean to hurt you purposely, everything happened according to our situation. You said your stand very clearly, I accept you were not deserve for all this but at a same time even I don't deserve to be cheated" said Surya.

" Just for a moment put yourself in my shoes. A girl came in my life like an angel, I fell in love with her at a first sight. I searched everywhere for her like a mad man. Finally I found her, she too anticipated my love. Soon we decided to marry but my family was not so happy it, after so many hurdles we got engaged and we got married" Surya paused for a moment and closed his eyes to control his tears.

"Do you know how did I feel??"
Asked Surya. Vaana was shedding silent tears.

"I felt I was the luckiest man in the world. I felt to say each and everyone in this world how happy I was ???Because I thought I was married with my angel... My angel..." Said Surya with a tears rolling from his eyes.

"But what happened actually?? " Asked Sury looking at Vanaa.

" I married with her twin sister... that too without my knowledge" said Surya.

"Now you think about my heart break and pain I went through. It was not easy for any man to accept everything at a moment immediately.  That bitter truth pushed me in deep pain, that time I can't believe Sanaa ran away because I was mad at her. It questioned my true love" said Surya with a deep breath.

" you and your family suffered, in a same way I too suffered. But I was not justifying my actions, believe me I never get any happiness in troubling you or your family. This mess was all created by your family, if they informed me everything before our marriage, we wouldn't have faced all this pain. Maybe we would have married as a normal couples, who knows what would have happened??"

"But excluding your family you can't completely blame me for all your miseries. Remember one thing in this sudden marriage, I was not involved in it, like you even I was a victim" said Surya.

Vanaa silently sat on the sofa and she accepted in her mind what he said was true. She couldn't forget that day how her family forced her to marry him. Unknowingly tears escaped from her eyes.

Surya sat next to her and held her hands in his palms, he caressed her fingers and said,
" Vanaa, please stop crying everything was over, let's forget our past and start new.....If you wish"

Vanaa looked at him surprisingly,  he chuckled and sat little far from her leaving her hand.

" I know you will not believe after what I did with you. But just give a try definitely you won't be disappointed"  said Surya with a smile. Vanaa felt little relieved after listening to his side and she was comfortable to talk with him.

"Why sudden change??" Asked Vanaa.

"It means" asked Surya.

" It means, nothing changed between us still now. My sister disappeared, we were married, you were angry at me, still you hate my family. Then how suddenly??" Asked Vanaa.

" Because my heart says you were  innocent" said Surya looked at her eyes deeply. Vanaa was stunned.

"Yes...Vanaa this is what my heart says after our marriage. It didn't take so long for me to understand you, just after a few days of our marriage, after we started to live together my heart says the same thing over and over, whenever I threw my anger at you. But I was mad at that time so I ignored it, and chose to avoid you, but eventually I failed" he chuckled.

"Do you remember when I denied to give you a divorce?? Do you know why?? Because I didn't wish to divorce you, even my heart said not to... I never intended to hurt you" said Surya. Vanaa was speechless she forgot to breathe looking at him.

Surya smiled wider, he caressed her arms and said " Vanaa... Easy... Easy... Just relax breathe out" he laughed louder.

Vanaa came out from her world and understood his teasing, she showed him fake anger. She started to beat him, he still laughed wider and started to run around the room to escape from her.

Finally he was blocked between her and the wall, she was about to punch him but he held her hand. She was stunned, he pulled her closer by keeping her between his arms. Once again she forgot to breathe even to blink her eyes.

" Vanaa.... I want to give a chance to our marriage. Why don't we try to change our marriage as a real one?? Everyone in our family expecting only that from us. Now I'm ready, wholeheartedly I want to start fresh with you. What do you say??" Asked Surya. Vanaa couldn't believe her own eyes or ears, she never imagined that oneday he would have accept her.

"Surya.... But... you...and...Sanaa... " Said Vanaa hesitatingly.

" I understand you completely, believe me from now onwards you can trust me, only you are my wife. Vanaa, I won't lie to you after our marriage I tried to find her but all went in vein then, I understood she ditched me, otherwise she would have contacted me atleast later, but she didn't". Said Surya with a deep breath. Vanaa looks on.

" Then slowly I realised your place in my life. I started to forget her soon I will overcome everything about her, she is no more in our life. Now it's between you and me, take your own time and tell me your decision. I respect your decision. Now , I have to go to office, I will get ready" said Surya and released Vanaa from his hug. He pinched her nose once, smiled and went inside the washroom. Vanaa stood there as a statue, she was in mixed emotion. She couldn't believe her own fate.

After a while Surya dressed up and came out from closet, he smiled wider looking at Vanaa still standing in a same place he left. Once again he pinched her nose playfully and asked,

" Are you dreaming about me??"
Vanaa blushed immensely and nodded her head as no. She said,
" No... I was thinking something else..." She turned her face to hide from his eyes.

He giggled teasingly and said,
" If you believe me and want to give a chance to our relationship get ready by today evening 7' o clock. I will come home and pick you up" said Surya and walked towards the door.

" But... Where??" Asked Vanaa without a thought.  She bit her lips thinking about her act, really she  was excited to know where he will take her. Her cheeks turned in red, she looked down, Surya noticed and enjoyed her cuteness.

He came near her cupped her cheeks and said " Surprise... This will be our first date" he winked his eyes, kissed on her forehead and left the room. Vanaa was really surprised and stood in a same position even after he left
slowly she regained her conscious, thinking about what happened earlier she was extremely happy and started to flying in the sky.

To be continued....

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Meenakshi Jothi

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