Deepak To Be Caught??

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Author's POV

Aathira's pre wedding rituals were about to start in another two days, her marriage will be at the weekend. So everyone in the family were excited about it, but at the same time they were equally worried thinking about Surya and Vanaa's relationship.

After Sanaa's return Vanaa completely ignored Surya, even she avoid being infront of him. She lost her hope on him, now she was keen to prove her innocence. Another side Surya was watching Sanaa's actions closely to catch her red handed.

Meanwhile Sanaa tried her best to put down Vanaa in everything, but Vanaa ignored her.
Sudhir and Aathira requested Vanaa to participate actively in their wedding, neglecting Surya's behaviour. She too agreed and started to pretend like Surya's closeness with Sanaa was not affecting her.

Sudhir offered Vanaa to ask him any help of she needed, he added he is also a brother to her like Gowtham. Vanaa got emotional and asked him to help her in getting some details of Sanaa secretly, he too obliged.
Meantime Surya asked Shiva to follow Pradeep's friend, Deepak (Disguised as tribal man) to get some clues about Pradeep's whereabout. They were sure definitely Sanaa will send him to his place very soon.


Next day evening Surya's family arranged for a pre-wedding party for Aathira and Sudhir. All the house members were busy in doing the arrangements, Sanaa offered to help Aathira in getting her ready. But she denied saying that, she will get help from her sister in law, Vanaa. Sanaa fumed in anger, she decided to show them all tonight, what she is capable of ??

One by one guests started to come, the family started to gather at the party area, Vanaa avoid going there and stayed in her room. But Aathira insisted her to accompany her, she was unable to refuse her request so she said she will come soon and sent Aathira to the venue.

At the same time Sanaa dressed up like Vanaa, as a married woman and introduced herself as Surya's wife in Vanaa's absence. Family members were shocked at her shameless act, but they kept quiet thinking about their family's reputation and Aathira's wedding. Sanaa took that chance as an advantage and made them all dance for her tunes.

Surya finished his work and joined the party later, he was stunned to see Sanaa's dressef up as Vanaa, her irritating behaviour and got irked with her. She casually held his arms and asked him for a couple dance, Surya got agitated and he was about to push her. But all of a sudden, he was stopped by Shiva, he signed him to distract Sanaa for sometime, indicating Deepak. Surya understood his plan and followed his words.

Surya pretends to dance happily with Sanaa, she also believed his act, forgot everything around her and enjoyed dancing with him. His family was surprised to see his sudden change, his grandfather suspect something fishy and asked everyone to be patient. He was in doubt whether Surya was upto something??

At the same time Shiva called Deepak's number like someone anonymous and started to scare him,

" Hi.... Deepak, how are you?? Of course you will be happy now, by enjoying the luxurious life. Am I right??" Asked Shiva and laughed.

Deepak started to sweat, because in Surya's house he didn't tell anyone about his original name or any of his details, for them all he is a tribal man. So he was panicked, who was it?? Who knows his name?? Without showing his fear he said,
" Hello...this is wrong number, I'm not Deepak, you are mistaken" said Deepak.

Shiva expected this, instantly he laughed louder and said ," Hey Deepak I'm not a fool like Pradeep to believe your words. So stop lying to me" said Shiva, by insisting the last sentence. Deepak panicked more than before after hearing Pradeep's name. Shiva noticed all his act from distance, he was happy that his plan works.

Shiva said, "Deepak... I know you hided Pradeep somewhere and here pretending like a tribal man. Don't worry I won't tell others about this, because I would like to be your partner".

Deepak was scared a lot when he said his secret, immediately he moved aside from others and he managed to act that he is not Deepak.

He said," Listen I don't know anyone as Pradeep. Don't call me hereafter, I'm a tribal man not Deepak" said Deepak nervously and tried to disconnect the call.

But he was stopped by Shiva's question,
" Why are you scared to talk?? Why are you lying that you don't know Pradeep?? I have seen you both together many times. It means my doubt was right, so you are the one who kidnapped and killed Pradeep, am I right?? " Asked Shiva.

"No... No... I didn't kill him. He is alive...
He is alive...." Deepak blabbered in fear. Shiva smirked and said,

" Ok...Ok... relax, I believe you. I was just doing pranks, don't worry. Listen I'm your well wisher not an enemy" said Shiva.

Deepak was confused and asked him,
" Who are you?? What do you want?? "

Shiva smirked and said, "I will tell you who I'm and what I want later, but now I'm going to tell you something really important, it's about your life so,listen carefully". Deepak became anxious and asked him"What".

" Deepak.... Someone from your group helping Pradeep to escape, yesterday he called me and said that his life is in danger. Moreover he took your name saying that you cheated him" Said Shiva calmly.

Deepak was shocked to hear him. He wondered how come he contacted him??
Shiva said, " I promised him that I will help him, but I won't. Like you I'm also in need of money so, I don't care about Pradeep's life". Deepak was scared.

Shiva continued to say, " Just give me some big amount I will keep quiet but, before that you need to find the traitor in your group. Because if Pradeep go to police or someone else then, you will be caught".

Deepak started to shiver in the fear of being caught. He started to sweat profusely, Shiva enjoyed watching him and hang up the call.
Deepak was drenched in sweat with the fear . He was thinking that who was helping Pradeep?? What will he do, if he was caught?? He was so scared and tried to call his employees, buy stopped himself. Atfirst he decided to tell everything to Sanaa immediately, to find the truth.

He went to the party area and saw Sanaa was dancing with Surya happily. He tried to call her but she failed to notice him. Immediately he called her number but it was switched off, he get irked with her careless behaviour and left that place.

Shiva was expecting this move from him and smirked thinking that how he took Sanaa's mobile and switcted off it, when she was lost in dance with Surya. He looked at Surya and signed him that their plan works, Surya smiled at him without anyone's doubt.

When the whole family was busy in the celebration, Deepak silently walked away from the party. Shiva who was expecting this moment, and started to follow him with a safe distance.

Meanwhile Surya was keeping Sanaa away from all this, he tried to keep her away from Deepak, until Shiva find out Pradeep's whereabouts. He danced with her and held her hands firmly to stop her from move away. He pretends to flirt with her to distract her. Unfortunately Vanaa, who came to party as per Aathira's request witnessed all this and misunderstood Surya. She became very emotional and left the party with tears.

To Be Continued...


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Meenakshi Jothi

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