Sanna Returned

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Author's POV

The same words echoed in her ears again and again, she felt chill in her spine.

" She came back..."

Surya didn't tell her name but Vanaa understood it was none other than her twin sister, Sanaa.

Vanaa felt some negative vibes she felt something big going to happen, because after a long time suddenly she returned. Definitely it was not a good sign for all, she knew that well after aware about her sister's unknown face, at least for her it was not at all good. Vanaa was much worried and confused about her sister so she was sinked in her own world, meanwhile she was not known that the car reached their villa.

Surya patted her shoulders, she came out from her world. He parked the car and signed her to get down, she too anticipated. She slowly looked at his face to know his mind, but she felt dejected because his face was like a rigid stone, none will be able to read what was in his mind.

Within few moments they both got down from the car and walked ahead inside the house. Everyone from Surya's family were sitting together at the living area with a stern face.

" You dirty bitch, how dare you do this ??" Yelled Sanaa on top of her voice with a red eyes and raised her hand to slap Vanaa.

Before she low down her hand to slap on her cheeks a strong arm held her hand tightly and squeezed it. Vanaa tried to stop him but Surya was uncontrollable, he was in fit of rage. Siva and Aathira too tried to stop Surya from hurting Sanaa, but all were failed.

Meanwhile Sanaa felt a pain at the place Surya touched her hand. She was about to cry and asked him to leave her hand though it is paining, causally he left her hand with a jerk like he touched something untouchable. She felt insulted, instantly rubbed her hand and secretly threw a angry gaze at Vanaa, she thought it was all Vanaa's tactics on Surya. She was feared a lot, she understood it will be not so easy as she thought to snatch Surya from Vanaa. So she decided to act precisely to throw Vanaa out of Surya's life cleverly. Immediately she knelt down on her knees and started to cry louder.

Surya's mother asked her "why are you creating a drama here?? We are all living here with a respect. Don't even dare to damage it. We are not ready to see your cheap tactics. It's sin to see your face after what you did with us". Sanaa gritted her teeth in anger but remained silent to gain Surya's trust. She continued to cry louder. Grandma asked her to stop crying and tell why did she return.

" You said you will answer our questions only after Surya come back. Now he is here so straight away we need answers, what do you want?? Why did you come here??" Asked grandma with a stern face. Her face clearly depicts her heart, that she was completely unhappy about Sanaa.

Still Sanaa didn't answer and continued her act, she thought the more she cry the more Surya's heart will melt for her. But actually her plan backfired Surya was loosing his patience at moment, Vanaa was worried about Surya's temper, she tried to handle him.

"Shut up..." Surya shouted on top of his voice, his eyes were boiling red in anger his fists were tightened. The whole family was shocked to see his angry man avatar, Vanaa stepped back from him out of fear. Sanaa opened her mouth widely to see his new face, because she never faced his anger. The man she knew was so calm and compose, always showers love on her but now he is totally new to her. She got up and gulped in fear.

"I don't want to know why did you run away or where were you till now?? It was out of my business. Just tell me why did you come here?? Why did you try to harm my wife??" Asked Surya with a controlled temper. Vanaa was looking at him with an utmost surprise with a teary eyes.

Sanaa was shocked at his questions she thought he would be broken once he saw her after a longtime and he would talk with so much love and care, but...he only cared for that bitch.

" I'm asking you.... answer me " yelled Surya.
Sanaa was speechless at his act, she started to tremble in fear. Meanwhile the whole family was expecting her answer including Vanaa. Sanaa started her cunning play.

"Surya I didn't expect this, you were not least bothered about me. You never knew how much struggle I went through. You know before our wedding, I was into a deadly brutal accident. I was saved by local tribes but I went into coma all these time. Only few days back I regained my memory, after regained my memory I came running to see you, but you were hurting me badly. You and your family want to throw me out of your house.Why are you doing this to me??"
Asked Sanaa while shedding crocodile tears.

Surya, Vanaa and the whole family was stunned at her confessions. They can't believe what she said, especially Vanaa she knew well she's upto something.

Surya pulled her arms in anger and asked her, " What the hell are you thinking?? You are cooking up some stories to fool me. For godsake forget it, I maybe fooled by you once but not again".

"Why would I fool you?? Why do you think that I'm lying to you??" Asked Sanaa with a fake tears.

"Look at him, he was the one who found me in dead bed and saved me from death" said Sanaa showing a man standing at the corner of that living room. Now everyone looked at that new man suspiciously. He looked different with his tribal attires and long beard.

Sanaa said, "he was a local tribe who saved me. Guruji sent him with me to leave me with my family safely".

He came forward and said " yeah she is right, when I went inside the forest to collect some medicinal herbs I saw her unconsciously with severe bleeding. She was fighting with death, I was scared. Immediately then I took her to our Guruji, he only treated her and saved her life. But she was in coma all the while only few days back she regained her memory. When we asked her about her family details she said your name and wanted to see you. That's why I brought her here. See look at her belongings while I found her in the forest".

"What...??" asked Vanaa shockingly.
Sanaa cried again. The entire family was shocked. Vanaa now forgot her enemity with Sanaa and felt pity on her condition, she wants to console her. Surya was stunned and became dumb.

"Yeah someone pushed her from the mountain cliff, so her head was severely injured. We struggled a lot to save her life" said that new man.

" What are you saying?? Someone pushed her from the mountain??" Asked Surya.

"Yes Surya someone tried to stop our marriage... someone plan to kill me..." said Sanaa. Everyone in the family was beyond the shock, they were all shocked how did it happen?? And about the person who did this??

" What?? Someone plan to kill you??
Tell me who was that??" Asked Surya angrily.

Without a second Sanaa replied with a smirk, "Vanaa".

To be continued...


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Meenakshi Jothi

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