Love and Care

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Hey Guys!!!
I'm really sorry I know I was late to update. Unfortunately my little son broke my mobile screen so it was difficult for me to type and update. Literally I was exhausted. Please excuse me for the delay. To compensate that I tried to give you an exciting chapter ☺️
Hope you will like it.


Author's POV

Vanaa picked up a table lamp in her hand to hit the stranger, when he moved closer to her bed. That man moved so closer to her by holding a pillow in his one hand. The room was in dead silence, Vanaa carefully noticed that man's movement and moved her hand towards his face and she did hit him with a lamp.

Bang.....( A sudden sound)
Ouch.....(A man screamed)

She immediately moved out of her bed, threw the blanket on that man's face and pushed him on the bed. That man tried to get up and shouted her name but she was so tensed so just used her full efforts and pushed him down again. Once again he screamed in pain and tried to get up, Vanaa used that time and turn on the lights.

She was stunned to see the man infront of her, she dropped the lamp she was holding in her hand and opened her eyes widely in complete shock.

"Su..rr...ya" Vanaa murmured.

Yeah it was none other than her beloved husband Surya.
He was standing infront of her, he looked damn tired with messy hair, dark circled eyes and was holding his forehead with his hands it was bleeding a little.

Vanaa was so nervous she trembled and said, "Sur...rya I'm ... I'm so sorry... I... I... didn't know it was you. I..I.. was just panicked thinking about that recent incident I mean I thought it was that unknown man who tried to hurt me. I'm really sorry... please forgive me". She was really hurt and looked at him with a pool of tears. Surya was stunned and forgot to reply her, his eyes were only on his wife's bruises and wounds. He forgot other things completely, even he didn't realised that he was hurt or didn't notice his bleeding.

Without her knowledge her hands move towards Surya and touched his wound. Her fingers shivered while touching his blooded wound, immediately he got his senses and jerked with a pain. Vanaa lost her control and burst out in tears, she was on her knees and muttered sorry again and again.

Immediately Surya realised the situation and said,
" It's ok... It's ok..." He gradually pulled her up to stand on her feet. He tried to convince her it was not her fault and shook her shoulders to make her listen to him, but Vanaa was so emotional‌ she behaved dumb and cried louder.

Surya hugged her seeing in such a pathetic condition, he caressed her head. She too hugged him back and cried on his shoulders, he didn't stop her he let her to pour out her pain. He knew it was not only about today's incident, but also her pain and fear that she went through in that mall incident.

After a while slowly her cry turned into weep. Suddenly she got a flash of something, immediately she detangled herself from Surya and ran away to search something. Surya was confused at her strange behaviour but he watched her act keenly. She returned back to him with a first aid kit,she made him sit on couch and started to clean up his forehead wound.

Surya was pleased with her act he knew she was hurt more than him but, she forgot her wounded leg and rushed to get him first aid. Surya behaved like a kid and obeyed her without a word, he was mesmerized. He noticed how her fingers trembled while touching his wound, she was teary eyed, she tried hard to control her tears. He realised her soft heart now he clearly understood that more than him she was hurt to see him wounded. He was completely lost in her both inner and outer beauty. But Vanaa didn't realise the change in Surya, she focused only on his wound, and she had a guilt of hurting him. She carefully cleaned up it and band aid it.

After she finished packing the first aid kit, hesitantly she was about to leave the couch. But all of a sudden Surya held her hands and pulled her closer to him. She fell on his lap, he cuddled her, closer and carefully observed all her wounds, touched the bruises on her face and elbows. Vanaa was shy with his proximacy and turning red in his arms but he didn't realise it, he was busy in examining her wounds.

He touched her wounded knee gently and without looking at her he asked her " Is it still so painful??".

She didn't say a word she was searching for a words, she felt a twitch in her stomach, instead of word she nodded her head as no. When there was no answer from her he lifted his head and looked at her face which turned red as cherry. He was stunned to see her pink cheeks, fleshy lips and attractive black eyes so closer.

Her heart was beating faster and her breathe touched his cheeks only then he noticed there sitting position. Neither her nor he intends to move they were lost in their own world. After a moment she tried to get up but his hand on her waist was tightened, she was surprised and tried to say something but her lips became dry and were zipped,she had a lump in her throat.

He caressed her cheek and gently pushed her hair strands behind her ear. She was shivering inside as well as outside by his touch, she knew it was a not good for her but she couldn't stop him or stop herself. She looked down, closed her eyes and tried to control her emotions.

On the other side Surya was starring and enjoying at her all cuteness. He slowly raised his one hand and pinched her chin made her to look at him. She obliged him and opened her eyes slowly, her one hand on his chest felt his heart beat faster. He moved so closer there was not even a space for air between them. His one hand was wrapped around her waist another was moving on her neck his fingers were slowly tracing on it. She was shy more than before and pulled his shirt collar tightly. He smiled at her and bend his head towards her face, subconsciously she closed her eyes tightly.

He fixed his eyes on her lips and playfully traced her fingers on it. She was going out of the world and never dared to open her eyes, but she murmured something. He listened to her keenly she said " Surya...", He enjoyed seeing her shy side, softly he held her face in his palms and moved so closer towards her lips.
"Surya... Surya...."

To be continued....

Hey Guys!!

I hope you all like this chapter if you are impressed with my work please never mind to post your comments and share your votes.

Your support is the most important thing for me to write further and entertain you. I believe you will continue to encourage me with your votes and comments.

By the way next week update will be delayed because I have to repair my mobile, it was totally damaged, so kindly wait for next update.

Thank you 😊
Stay safe

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