Sanaa's Plan

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Author's POV

Six months over after their first meet, Surya left his home and moved to abroad to complete his assigned work. But, still he was not able to come of that moment, every nerve of him was longing to see her again. Many times he scolded himself for not asking her name or any details about her. Before he left to abroad he asked Shiva to find any clues about the girl, whom he met in old fort. Shiva was sceptical, but still he tried to search for that unknown girl. Now almost after more than half a year, Surya returned back to his home to take charge of his family business.

"Siva did you get any clues about her?? Asked Surya excited.
"Surya do you think it's that easy to find someone without any identity??" Asked Siva.

"You didn't know her name , didn't have her picture or any of her details. Then how will I find?? But still I'm searching for her, you know it was like searching something in vast ocean" said Siva annoyed.

" Ok leave it, you don't bother about it, I will find her on my own" said Surya and left upset. Siva felt bad about him, he didn't think that his cousin was really serious about that unknown girl. He determined to help him to find her.

After somedays he got a clue about a girl who comes there often from nearby village, he said the same to Surya. Excited Surya went to that place immediately to confirm about her.

He saw Sanaa in that place instead of Vanaa assuming that she was the same girl whom he met in that old fort. He tried to strike a conversation with her without aware about her twin identity. Soon after he made a friendship with her and proposed her for marriage, she too accepted happily.

All this while Sanaa was very careful with him to hide her twin identity and pretended as his first love. She came to know about him through her sister's diary and drawing about him. After Vanaa left to her college hostel to continue her studies, Sanaa came to to her parents house to stay for sometimes. She was always jealous about her twin sister,she felt everyone loved her sister more than her. So that was the reason she left her parents and and went with her uncle and aunty. But after that also she was not happy, she longed for her parents love, soon her anger turned into hatred for her sister. She returned to her family after so many years, she though everyone will shower love on her ignoring her sister. She was happy about her family's love and Vanaa's absence. She behaved very sweet and lovable with all to get all their attention and love, but still she was not happy whenever they speak about her twin sister.

One fine day she checked her sister's room to get any information about her, as she expected she got to see her sister's drawing about a man and note along with it. She found her personal diary and started to read it. Now she was completely aware about what happened between them both. She looked at the drawing of a very handsome man and it was mentioned as my "First love where are you??" Sanaa was ecstatic she had a evil thoughts to spoil her sister's name in family with that love note and drawing. But, when she met Surya first time, she lust for his charm and money. She was irked to know about his love for Vanaa, she became mad at her sister for getting her family's love and now a lover like Surya. She planned evil against her sister, she thought to cheat him and marry in her sister's place. So she started to pretend like his love and posed as Vanaa. He too believed her and fell in her trap.

Finally when the things fall in her hand as she wish, she became overjoyed to marry a rich and handsome man. She mocked Vanaa, when she returned back but she was clueless about all this. None was aware about her plan, everything went well as she planned. But her lover Pradeep came as a hurdle in her plan, exactly he returned a day before her marriage. He threatened to expose her truth, he asked her to marry him. But Sanaa refused thinking about the lavish life with Surya. She planned to her rid of him , she acted to him and asked him to get ready tonight and come to the park near the mountain . She said she will come with her luggage, so that they can elope from there.

She went out at mid night with a bag of money and jewel, she drives alone to the secured place with Pradeep.
She thought to give a chance to him by tempting pradeep with a money and jewellery to get rid him. But if he ignores her request she decided to push him from the mountain cliff.

Pradeep defended her act and refused to accept the money and jewellery. They both started to fight physically, he tried to force her and threatened her to expose their engagement to Surya. She acted like scared and begged infront of him, suddenly she pushed him from the mountain. She thought he was dead and felt relieved, she threw his bags down. And she tried to take her jewelry bag and runaway from there but she too fell down from the cliff accidentally. She went into coma after she suffered with severe injuries. After some months she regained her conscious and came to know about Surya and Vanaa's wedding, once again she planned evil and entered Surya's home to ruin Vanaa's happiness and to snatch Surya from her.

To Be Continued....


Hey Guys!!!
Sorry the late update, I was not well all these days so couldn't update any of my stories.
This is not a lengthy update but I hope you will like it. kindly excuse me and share your support with votes and comments.

Thank you
Meenakshi Jothi

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