No Matter What, You Can't Scrub Away The Pain

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"Ah... a plane?" (Y/N) peeked around the private jet, brushing her fingers against the sleek exterior and tracing along the seamed edges of the aluminum. It was bigger than she thought it would be, but then again, that was to be expected of something that could carry so many people, wasn't it.

"Yes, it'll only take us about two hours of flight using it." Bruno had unzipped the door to unlock it from the inside and let Abbacchio on board to reconfigure Moody Blues and find a pilot for the plane. "It's the fastest mode of travel for us, even if it is risky. After taking off, an airplane glides at a few thousand to ten thousand meters at a speed of around 800 kilometers per hour. Once in the air, there's no Stand user who can control that kind of speed ot power from the ground. We need to be extra cautious that no stand users or machines board with us. Why? Is there a problem?"

"No, I've just... I've never been on one before." It wasn't as if she had the luxury of a passport or even an identity to use one. Sure, there was her fake identification to qualify for school, but it was way too shabby for an international airport. "It's bigger than I thought it would be."

Her curiosity really was somewhat of childlike innocence, her only perspective of them being when they were miles above her, leaving trails of clouds across the sky. "You've never been on a plane before?" Narancia tilted his head, looking up from his radar for a moment to study her face. "It's really fun, so far up, everything looks like little model figures."

"Narancia, anyone nearby?" Mista nudged his shoulder as the younger male entered the plane, getting only a shake of the head in response. Giorno didn't seem to find anyone either, which was a good thing, but did he really have to stand in the hot sun then? "Geez, hope the fridge in there has some soda or something."

"Hey Mista! Something's heading our way!" Narancia shouted from the plane, and (Y/N) glanced outside the cockpit to peer at the man in the distance, speedwalking over to them with determination.

"Stop right there!" He whipped his gun out. "Just so you know, anyone who gets near this plane will be shot dead, even if they're a saint! And it's not like a saint would even come here. If you care about your well-being at all, you'll turn your back to this plane and get the hell off this runway!"

The man only gave a dead laugh in response, soulless eyes boring into theirs. With a tug of the trigger, he fell to the ground and (Y/N) strided out of the cockpit, she knew of his fate, but that didn't mean she wanted to watch. Seated across from Trish, she glanced at her arm all healed. "You're a fast healer, huh?"

"Oh, yea, I guess you could say that." The pinkette ran a hand over her arm, her wrist no longer sporting the band Bruno had zipped on. She was always a quick healer, but she never realized just how fast it was until her arm was reattached within the hour and working as if it had never been sawed off in the first place.

(Y/N) paused, shifting her seat to face her. "Yesterday, in the turtle, you asked me why you could see those ghosts."

Intrigued, Trish sat up, facing the older teen to listen intently. They were interrupted last time, and they never really had a good time to mention it again, she had almost forgotten about asking it, even if the question remained. "Yes, the ghosts, what were they? Why can I see them? Is it because of my father?"

"Well... yes and no, probably yes." She weighed the options in her hands, it was really a maybe, but to be honest, that was mostly likely the reason. " I'm not supposed to be telling you this on the boss's orders, but also, fuck the boss, I'm telling you cause this is probably going to be important."


"You might have one too. A ghost, I mean. They are called Stands, and they are more.... Manifestations than ghosts, per say." She explained. "If you can see them, then you probably have one, but there's no telling what its ability is. For instance, mine is mainly turning the area into a lava lamp. In a certain radius, I can make things float, remember?"

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