Time Flies When You Dont Know What The Fuck Is Going On

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(Y/N) had decided it was better for her to rest inside the closet to mope alone, since she ruined the mood so badly. Would they hate her for it? They wouldn't over something so small, she knew that, but the silence was suffocating, and she just needed a little break from it. "Abba, can I borrow your headphones?"

Normally, he would deny her from using his precious walkman, but something about her sad puppy expression made him fork it over without a word. "Don't break it or else I'll shatter your kneecaps."

"Thank you, Abba." (Y/N) reached out and took them for herself, returning to the closet to take a nap inside the small space with Careless Whisper playing through the earphones. It was comfy enough, so that would be fine. She could care less about the fact that he was listening to smooth jazz. "Someone wake me up when we get there or something."

"Yuh-huh." Mista shut the doors, shuffling around on his feet for a few moments before standing upright and clapping his hands. (Y/N) had headphones on so loud he could faintly hear it even as he was closing the door. "About (Y/N)... shouldn't we cheer her up? She sounds like she's gone through a lot. I mean, she lost her eye from that guy, right? That's pretty fucked up."

Bruno's eyebrows knit together, his eyes trailing over the suit jacket he wore. It wasn't that he didn't feel sympathy for the girl, but he knew she had gone through things much worse than her missing eye. She had left out quite a few details, but he wouldn't blame her. Those dissection cuts that he knows he saw, they haven't healed properly at all. He can see her tracing the lines when she's deep in thought. He can see her hair rise on end whenever she spots a butcher shop, the skinned animals hanging from hooks and the guts pulled out, it was his fault for never mentioning it. He simply believed that she had forgotten about it. She was always so happy and cheerful, but how could anyone forget a horrific experience so easily? This was his fault, of negligence. She hated the topic, and he was too afraid to make her upset by addressing the issue and working with her to clear her through it. He refused to make this mistake again. He just wanted her to be happy after all. "We should, but let her rest for now. We have a mission to complete."

Trish curled in on herself, silently repeating (Y/N)'s story in her head. Her father wanted to kill her... Her father tried on multiple occasions, who was to say this pattern wouldn't continue? She understood on a base level what (Y/N) was going through at least, standing up and knocking on the doors of the closet. Unlike the boys, she quite possibly wouldn't be with her after all of this. So for the time being, she wanted to comfort the older girl together.

Said woman quietly opened the door, a little surprised to see the pinkette standing in front of her. The rest of the gang watched from the corner of their eyes, but did not make a single motion to separate the two. "Trish? Did you need something?"

Without a single response, she crawled in with her, examining the girl's face before shooting the insensitive males outside the harshest glares she could muster upon realization that those puffy eyes and silver streaked cheeks were due to tears. Her cold expression was nothing new, but this time, it seemed more frigid than the Arctic circle. "Stupid males... I don't want to be stuck alone with them, so I'm coming in here with you."

"Oh, you sure? It's kinda cramped in here. And it isn't really comfy at all, so..." (Y/N) mumbled, wiping the cold trails on her cheeks before anyone else could notice. They in return, silently wondered why she would even enter such a space if it wasn't comfortable.

"Then I'll just lay on you. You're warmer than out there anyway." The girl muttered, setting her head against the collarbone of the older girl and wrapping her arms around (Y/N)'s waist. Inwardly, she wondered if this small act would make up for all those nights spent in fear, alone and cold. This probably wouldn't, but hopefully it would mark the start of the days that (Y/N) feels safe confiding in others.  "Abbacchio. Take your headphones back and close the door. Wake us when we arrive."

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