I May Be A Dumb Bitch But I Ain't Fucking Stupid

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"Then... what are we going to do with this?" She lifted the arrow, twirling the wooden rod a few times in her hand to let it glimmer in the sun. It was well cared for despite its age, but that was to be expected of something like this. "We should keep it for safekeeping, but..."

"Well the question of who holds onto it is obvious." Abbacchio chuckled, it would be Bruno of course, he was the one who made all of this possible-

"Yes, (Y/N), give it to Giorno." Bruno sighed. He was a natural leader, but he didn't want to be the head of a mafia. No, he didn't have the heart for all the evils it too to keep the business afloat. Abbacchio and Fugo knew this well, so they would understand. "He will be the new Don."

"...When did you agree to this?" They all knew it. Giorno was always more than a pawn. Bruno listened to him like a superior, but they also understood why. He was more than qualified as a leader, despite being young, he was able to piece things together and create solutions and plan ahead unlike anything they have even seen. It was inhuman, almost, but they trusted him. "...Whatever. What are you planning to do with it?"

"Take it and become the Don." Giorno brought out his stand, and suddenly everyone was on edge.

"Woah woah, Giorno! Think this through! We don't even know what that thing really does! We only saw a single instance of it, and everyone almost turned into a weird amalgamation thingy!" (Y/N) waved her hands in front of him. This was a rash decision, and she was the queen of rash decisions!

"Ah, you're right. I need to do this first." He pressed a kiss to her cheekbone, his hand brushing over the back of her medical patch to undo the strings. As his breath cascaded over her flushed skin, Gold Experience shifted the colored patch to her other eye. "Hold it up, okay?"

"Yea..." (Y/N) glanced away, both her hands covering her face. She had kissed a lot of people from silly games and spin the bottle, but they never made her feel so tingly. "Did you fix my eye?"

"Yes, if this new power is different I wanted to make sure you had your sight back first and foremost." He pressed the arrow into the golden skin of his stand, not flinching even as the blood began to run. They watched their new boss with bated breath as the skin began to crack and crumble around the wound, the arrow clattering to the ground. Did... Did it not accept him? No, that wasn't possible!"

"Giogio? Are you okay??" Oh shit oh fuck, does he need a tetanus shot now?? "You good bro? Are you dying?"

"(Y/N), I don't think you're supposed to ask a dying person if they're dying..." Tentatively, someone reached out and poked his cheek, their hand flying back as it crumbled beneath their fingers. "Oh my god I think he's dying."

"I'm pretty sure you are, like, people ask choking people if they are choking! It's the first step before doing the heimlich maneuver!" She freaked, reaching for the arrow, but it was gone.

"If they are choking, how the FUCK are they supposed to ANSWER!"



"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE DEAD GUY IS GONE?! HE WAS RIGHT HERE." She pointed to the shell of a stand on the floor, and screamed. "HE TURNED TO DUST WHAT THE FUCK."

"No, I'm okay." Giorno sweatdropped as (Y/N) screamed one more time, almost dropping her unfinished eye to catch herself, but instead only falling flat on the floor for the sake of her eye. "Are... Are you?"

"Hey, where did the arrow go?" Someone thankfully changed the subject, but Gold Experience Requiem only pointed to the arrow shaped mark on his forehead. "Wait... so you weren't rejected!"

"Giorno wasn't rejected. He wasn't cast aside by the arrow because he was unworthy! No... In fact... The arrow is forever Giorno's!" Above them, Giorno stood. His braid undone, and his new stand by his side. This was no mistake. "That's Giorno's Requiem... Gold Experience Requiem! Golden Wind has gone beyond the power of the arrow!"

"Hell yea! Then what can they do, Giorno? Got any clue?" Mista grinned, joined in with Narancia. If he had the arrow, then he had to be able to do some crazy stuff, huh? "You can show us!"

"Then... I'm not sure what the full extent of its abilities are, but, I don't need to have direct contact with something to heal it anymore." To demonstrate, his stand shot a beam of light towards a wall, watching it explode and crumple into dozens of butterflies. "I don't know the full extent of this power, but... It feels as if anyone who opposes me, will never get far."

"Then... it's really all over?" (Y/N) slumped to her knees, so tired. "Ugh..."

"I see that you all are alright. That's a relief." A small voice shocked her off the ground, their eyes on the turtle. Did. Did the turtle learn to speak? What sort of slightly anthropomorphic hell was with? Her eyes fell on Giorno with an expression that could only be described as a mix of disgust and confusion, but he only shrugged. "It's Polnareff. I'm still inside the turtle, it seems that I was able to save myself by hiding inside the shell."

"Oh? When the soul switching witchery was happening?"

"Yes." The man nodded, hovering awkwardly halfway outside the turtle just as she did.

"On top of the fridge, huh?"


"Well, you've proved yourself to be more than a trusted adversary, but what will you do now? Since you're in a turtle..." Bruno leaned forward, studying the animal before him as if it was a whole new species. All sense of malformation has disappeared along with the stand, and it seemed to keep its soul, so he would presume that this was the same for everyone else. He didn't get the chance to check on the civilians while he was running after all.

"Well, it isn't as if I can do much, huh? I can think about that later, after everything is set in stone for all of you." He probably wouldn't stay long, he would have to contact the others, first and foremost. Jotaro... he hasn't seen his friends in such a long time. "I would have probably contacted the Speedwagon Foundation. If I remembered their number in the first place..."

"Oh.... Yea I know their number." (Y/N) nodded. "This Japanese dude, Qtaro or something... he gave it to me for info or something." She whipped out her phone, also remembering to contact La Squadra about the news that she blew the boss up with the bomb they so lovingly gave her.

"You... You know Jotaro??" He almost screamed. What a small world! No, this was just impossible?? How could such a crazy coincidence happen??? "Jotaro Kujo? Jotaro Kujo of the Speedwagon Foundation?? Japanese Jotaro Kujo of the Speedwagon Foundation???"

"The one and only, I guess. Why, is he a big deal? All I know is that he wanted some skin." She mumbled, tapping the little buttons on her flip phone. "And that he sent some coochie to get it."



Okay NOW I'm going on break. (A lie)

I swear. (I'm gonna update tomorrow just watch me)

I'm taking a break. (Imagine.)

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