hI WeLcOmE tO cHiLiS

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You know what I'm not gonna do polls anymore tf-

Mf I did both cause it was so close but shortened the shit and now-

Ew it's gross now I wrote this brain dead

Happy Valentine's Day tho-

Bucci Gang

Valentine's day is a day filled with love and cute dates and red roses and confessions, but who cares about all of that? The only thing that really got people excited was the chocolate. White, dark, milk, with caramel centers or toffee crumbles on top, in the form of cake or ice cream or a bar, it was the only thing (Y/N) looked forward to. As a person with absolutely no romantic experience under the belt or a lover to her name, she sought the comfort of hot cocoa and marshmallows all cozied up inside. Speaking of chocolates, someone left a box out, and she went to make her claim.

That is how we are left with this situation right now, with (Y/N) drunk off of delectable spiked sweets and off to roam the world. Well, just what trouble could she get herself into in only a few hours?

Narancia didn't really celebrate the holiday. He didn't see the need to yet since he didn't have a girlfriend, but he would definitely shower them in kisses if he had one. His lonesome didn't bother him, to their group, days like these were just like any other. So he didn't think much of (Y/N) when she walked into his room and flopped onto his bed. "Hey, (Y/N). Whatcha doing?"

"Mmmh..." She shook her head, turning to look at him fiddle with a model airplane he was working on. The dizzying amount of chocolates she consumed stirred up her thoughts, and she smiled. "Narcy, has anyone else told you how cute you are?"

"Huh?" His head snapped to her figure, the flushed cheeks and dazed eyes and messy hair, was she... What WAS this??? Was that just a compliment? Where was this going? What was with that face?? Tripping over his own words, he managed to stumble out some sort of response. "I-I, um, well, you have, just now, but no, I guess not? I mean, you're cuter, so if anyone should be complimented for that, I think it would be you. Because you're cute. Yea."

"Awww! You're so adorable! I love you so much, you know that?" She squealed, pulling him into a hug to pet his hair and let him silently freak out over her words. Was this a confession? It was Valentine's Day after all, right? Maybe he was mistaken? Was that tomorrow maybe?? But just as he continued to silently freak out, her warm but anxiety inducing hug was gone, and she skipped off, leaving a shaken Narancia in his room.

Trish usually spent her holidays with a piece of cake and some time to care for herself. Facemasks, massages, three hour bubble baths and music with some cold grapes and soda, anything goes. Unfortunately, her nail polished dried up and she ran out of the stupid little nail polish thinner. She knows (Y/N) has a lot because she uses it to light stuff on fire, but she didn't have a clue where the girl was. It takes a little, but she finds her on a couch enjoying the sun. "(Y/N), can I borrow something?"

"Borrow..." (Y/N) nodded a few times, her eyes shut in thought as she processed what the fuck that word was. "Anything for you... So it's okay... Trish is okay, yea..."

"Thanks." She smiled, glad to be thought of so highly. "Do you want me to do your nails too? I got a lot of good colors, but I just need to thin them out some before we can wear them."

"You're so sweet..." (Y/N) cooed, sitting up to pull Trish into a hug. A warning everyone should know about her when she is wasted is that she gets very touchy, apparently.  "I wish I could hold you forever and ever... all too myself, y'know?"

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