I Only Break A Sweat When I'm Running Away From My Problems

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"(Y/N) your room is empty all the time! How the hell do you have so much stuff?!" Mista gawked at the growing mass of boxes outside her door, watching her haul another one out. It was astonishing how much she shoved into the crevices and everything, but it couldn't have possibly come from only her room.

"It's only five boxes, chill out." (Y/N) sighed, glancing at the boxes she had stacked. "One of them is just all my skin and hair care and all that, this one is clothes, this one is my blankets and fragile items, plus other stuff, and these are all that's left over. How do you only have one?"

She pointed at his single box. It was probably because he only joined recently, but he didn't have a lot of stuff, and he didn't feel like taking the stuff he didn't need, so he was planning on donating a lot of it. "Hey! I'm a space saver, okay?"

"The only thing he owns is a pair of dirty socks." Narancia answered, stacking his final box outside his door and labeling it Snoop Dogg. Three seemed to be the trend for everyone else, besides Fugo, whose room required five to house all his books and items. "Bucciarati says we are going in a few minutes, so we need to pack everything in the car."

"Nahhh." (Y/N) squat down, letting the new charm on her necklace absorb the boxes. "I labelled everything properly, so I'm good."

"Hey! Do me too!" Narancia quickly scribbled his name and a few doodles on his boxes to differentiate them, shoving them towards her down the hall to be sucked up. "It's better in there because things don't break and stuff."

"(Y/N), nothing spoils in that, right?" Bruno leaned forward, watching as she was dragged around to take in box after box. Abbacchio didn't feel like carrying the weights, Fugo wasn't there, everyone was lazy... but that was also including him. It was easier for her to take the entire fridge because the other one didn't have any, and he didn't want the food to go to waste from their sudden trip. "Can you take the food with you too?"

"Wow I really am the errand boy. Triiish! They're so mean to mee..." (Y/N) grumbled, throwing her body into her friend for support. It wasn't like it was much of a big deal to her, everyone knew that, but still. It's annoying. "Hm... I should demand compensation."

"Yea, you should." Trish agreed full heartedly, totally not planning on asking her to help her carry some stuff too later when she decorates her room. "But uh... nothing too hard, go easy on them..."

"Aw, you're really warming up to them! I remember just a few days ago you wouldn't even spare them a glance!" (Y/N) cooed, pinching her cheek softly as they trudged down the stairs. She understood why, when surrounded by a bunch of strange, sketchy people, you definitely didn't want to show that you were weak. "They're good people. Even if they are kind of assholes sometimes."

"Do we have everything?" Giorno walked around the halls, it didn't look too weird to see everything so barren, but for the others, it must feel vastly different than the home they resided in for so long. These walls housed memories and the irreplaceable moments that their team shared, but he couldn't read them. He didn't know the story behind the dent in the table and the mornings of accumulated coffee rings on one end of the table, they were only markings to him. "We aren't taking anything else?"

"Nah, these are due for an upgrade anyway." Mista ran a hand over the wooden table, fond memories flickering behind his eyes. This was the table he first met everyone, now that he thinks about it. "There isn't enough room for all of us, so we're switching it out for a bigger table."

"Oh. alright, then we should go." Giorno nodded, pushing in one of the chairs and glancing at all the others. They already went through the house thoroughly to check for any remaining objects, but everything of importance was taken and boxed up already, so all that was left to do was just to leave.

"Yep! Off to our new house! I can't believe we get to live in a mansion!" (Y/N) clapped her hands, piling into the car with all the others. Giorno wasn't allowed to drive after they learned who taught him, so it was Bruno who was driving this time, the kids sitting in the backseat as Abbacchio took the shotgun seat.

"Big houses really aren't that cool, they're a pain to clean..." Narancia grumbled, leaning back in his seat. He was still pretty excited about the whole ordeal, since it meant he got a bigger room.

"So what? We're rich! We can just get a maid or something to fix things up for us!" Oh Mista, always looking on the bright side of things.

"Or clean the damn house yourselves, brats. I don't trust maids. They swipe stuff." Abbacchio drummed his fingers on his forearm, pulling his seat back with no care as to who was behind him, namely, Giorno. "Don't need random people in the house."

"Speaking of the house, how big is it?" Trish hummed, joining in.

"It's large enough for all of us. Three floors with plenty of space and plenty of land. It's well hidden and has good defenses." Bruno listed off like a realtor, using the turn signal like a sensible, decent human being as they drove. "Although, there isn't any furniture. At all."

"Trish, do you want to go shopping later? You need some stuff for your room. And more clothes." (Y/N) mostly wanted to get out of unpacking. She'll just throw everything into her room and it'll be fine, won't it? "I'll go with you, we can check out the shops together."

"Yay!" Trish smiled, turning from the scenery to her. This was a nice break from everything, she really is lucky to have met them. To have met her.

So I asked for a trim of four inches

They cut off eight...

My long locks....


My emotional stability has thrown itself off the cliff and I refuse to do anything until it grows to an acceptable length I'm so mad

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