It's Alright Password I'm Insecure As Well

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"So who do you think it is this time? I don't remember anyone on the news." (Y/N)'s question was met with Abbacchio's vexed sigh, not wanting to even think about the next stupid little brat they have to babysit. It was already bad enough that all of them were little teens, besides Bruno, and the only two eighteen year olds are just idiotic in general. He swears he once caught them arguing if the skeleton was inside you or if you were inside the skeleton. Honestly, he had to agree with (Y/N) on that one. Call it favoritism, because that's what it was. (I would love to see people actually argue this in the comments, gimme your reasoning, are you in the skeleton or is the skeleton in you?)

"He said it was someone he trusts, so maybe it's someone he knows?" Narancia scratched his head with the tip of the pencil before Fugo hissed and brought his attention back to the paper to reteach him how to multiply.

"(Y/N), please. Can you not bring that up when I'm trying to teach him?" He was a little on edge, possibly because this was the third time he had gone over this exact same concept today. It didn't seem to help that her only response was a thumbs up and for her to pull out a magazine from who knows where, flipping through the pages and humming a random earworm in her head. He sighed in relief, continuing his lesson in peace.

Haven't they been at the restaurant all day? How could they stand being in one area so long? It's a feat she could never even imagine, standing up and dog earring the magazine. "Scuse me."

"Where are you going? Bucciarati told us to stay here, don't you remember?" Don't get Fugo wrong, (Y/N) was a great friend and usually a very reliable person. She did what was told and she got shit done. But goddamnit that woman just can't sit still for anything. "Are you going to disobey him so soon?"

"What, you want me to piss in the teacup? I don't think so. Mista, can you order some cake?" With a wave of her hand and an elongated goodbye, she disappeared around the corner to use the little ladies room and Fugo silently fumed in his seat, cheeks red from her argument. Her rather blunt way of exercising her points was also irritating, he really wondered if sometimes she understands if she lives in a household with five other men. And no this isn't about the shower thing.

"She never said what kind, Hmm... Strawberry shortcake?" He adjusted his gun, placing an order for enough cake for everyone at the table and shooing the waiter off to peek at what exactly she was looking at in her magazine. Was it jewelry? A handbag? Maybe some celebrity gossip? "Nail polish? Doesn't she have like, twenty bottles already?"

"In what kind of hellish plane of existence is only thirty seven bottle of nail polish acceptable. I need more Holographic ones. Rainbows." She had crept behind him, pressing her icy, freshly washed hands into his neck and laughing at his yelp. "Narcy, how is math going?"

"I um... I think I get it now." He adjust his headband, working on some sample questions under the watchful eye of Fugo. It was a slow process, but their encouragement really helped. Fugo wasn't the greatest teacher, but he drilled those multiplication tables so deep in his brain he could probably see them when he closed his eyes. (Y/N) was a motivator, she was a little more understanding, but her way of explaining usually made him more confused. She was really a 'look for the patterns' type of person and Fugo was a 'memorize these patterns', the complete opposite. It was helpful though. "Kinda?"

"You got this, bud." She cheered, flexing her fingers a little to help warm her hands up some more. "If you get it right then I'll break Mista's mind again."


"Wait no not a deal excuse you." Mista hissed, (Y/N) always had one too many mind breaking shower thoughts up her sleeve and apparently, watching him freak was a delicacy that no cooking could even hold a candle to.

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