I Drink Espresso To Cure My Depresso

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(Tons of thanks to Purple_Chan27  the title name!)

It was a miracle that only one day into their search, they would already have the name and face of their target. Such progress would be unachievable if not for the luck that blessed all of them, but they were still skeptical. "Diavolo? Just because you said that name doesn't guarantee that you are on our side. Giorno cut the connection."

"His Stand is able to skip through time!" The mystery man quickly added in, and (Y/N) and Bruno flinched, Giorno's hand pausing right above the esc button. "Did you know that? Though I'm sure you knew that. You're in a hurry to find out who he is because of that."

"He's on our side," Trish whispered, leaning forward to point at the screen. "This guy's on our side. No underling of my father could've survived knowing his stand ability."

"Be quiet, Trish, we don't want to reveal anything about ourselves yet." Abbacchio hushed her, eyes narrowing in disbelief. Unfortunately, they didn't have much of a choice.

"All right. Let's hear what you have to say. First, tell us your name."

"My name doesn't matter. My body is already in a state that prevents me from fighting. What's important is whether or not you are actually able to defeat him. His ability to erase time has no weakness. I'm sure you're planning on assassinating him, but you are certain to fail!"

"Are you saying you know a way to defeat the boss?" Bruno raised an eyebrow.

"His King Crimson is invincible! But I do know of a slight possibility to defeat him. It's just a possibility, though. You will have to obtain that possibility." Sounds sketchy as fuck, but they were intrigued. "Come to me. Come to Rome! If you do that, I can give you this possibility!"

This really sounded like a kidnapper trying to nab a child, and none of them were having it. "Do you really think we'll go to you? We don't know if we can trust you."

"I'm sure at least some of you know what this is." A photo of a certain arrow swirled forward like a shitty middle school presentation, and (Y/N)'s eyes widened along with a majority of the group, most of them were either stabbed or encountered that fucker before, so they knew exactly what it was and what it did. It was the arrow, or at least, it was a digital recreation of it. But why did he know what this thing was? How did he come across its importance? That was a story for another day. "You must come to my location to retrieve this. He doesn't know of the true way to use this arrow. This arrow doesn't just awaken Stand abilities in people. There is hidden wisdom within it. I will tell you what that is. Come to Rome. This arrow will defeat him. It is your last and only hope!"

They glanced at Bruno, this was a gamble, but it was their only option. "Alright. We will head to Rome."


"Let me tell you a little story from the past. In Greenland, there's a place called Cape York where only Inuit people live. It's famous for having a crater created by a meteorite. It's said to have fallen tens of thousands of years ago. In 1978, Two men from a team that was surveying for natural resources within the crater contracted an unknown illness. They both ended up with blisters all over their bodies, and eventually, they died looking like tomato sauce. On top of that, one of them suddenly shot a jolt like a stun gun from his finger and accidentally burned a few fingers off the doctor treating him. In later investigations, it was discovered that a virus tens of thousands of years old had been trapped within the meteorite inside the crater. That virus may have flown here on the meteorite." He rambled. It was an interesting story, but what was the intent behind making Author type all this out? "I tracked this virus down! This arrow is made from the same material as the meteorite found in Cape York! Centuries ago, a man who craved absolute power like that of the gods found out about this rock and created arrows from it. This is one of them. This killer virus culls lifeforms. This is a theory called "viral evolution." Most people who contract this virus will die, but some possess something that lets them survive. And as if it were rewarding them, the virus gives them a new life ability. This has already been proven with your own bodies."

"Okay, well what about the Stands that aren't from the arrow..." (Y/N) wondered allowed. Hers appeared randomly near a garbage can and Trish had an awesome fight scene arc, but they didn't get it from any arrow.

"It is carried even through the genes as a dominant trait, if a child is born from a stand user, the child will no doubt have a stand ability." He explained. "This is the Arrows root and soul."

"I see, I understand now. But what's this secret way of using the arrow that we're supposed to retrieve?" Bruno leaned forward, wanting answers, yet he was given none.

"I can't tell you that until you come see me in Rome. On top of that, I can only tell one of you what it is. Because no one else can ever find out about this secret power. But once you find out that method, I guarantee that it will take you to another dimension. It is the only way to defeat Emperor Crimson."

"There is no way to confirm if your story is true, But if the boss hears about this, he's definitely going to eliminate you. I'll trust you." Bruno declared. "How do you want to meet?"

The man on the other side of the computer narrowed his eyes, staring down at the city below, peaceful and beautiful on a night like this, but he knew it would not last. "Come to the Colosseum in Rome. Once you get there, You'll know. It doesn't matter what time. I'll be waiting. Everything will be revealed there."


oh my god I am playing too much genshin someone help-

Lmao but if you want to play then come at me bro help me fight the stupid oceanid-

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