Well Well Well If It Isnt The Problems I Tried To Escape By Taking A Nap

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"Last night, Something very strange happened...! A woman floated into one of the trees in the forest! My wife and I both saw her, a lovely woman indeed, with (H/C) hair. I'm not sure if she's a spirit or a succubus, but my wife got mad at me for staring!" Mr. Moretti bellowed with a hearty laugh, he had been rambling about the strange phenomena all day that it had even caught the ears of a certain man clad in white with sapphire eyes.

"Mr. Moretti. If I may ask, where did you see the woman go?" He questioned, leaning forward as his head tilted to the side, perfectly straight, black locks tilting with. Was this woman a stand user?

"Oh, certainly! She went about a few hundred or so yards in the forest, it's a little hard to tell where exactly though." he mused. "I've never seen something like that before, as if an angel fell from the heavens, a gift from the moon!"

"Thank you." He smiled, finding the stand user would definitely be worth his time rather than just sit around after all. It wasn't as if the area needed to cover was too big either. Give or take an hour or two, and he had started to notice that certain leaves had started to float, he almost mistook it for the cold winds, but no. They truly did hover above the ground, but there wasn't any woman in sight? He looked up, a flash of pink catching his eye. Just as Moretti told, a young woman possibly only a few years younger than him sat on a branch, coddled by a very pink stand. He didn't fail to notice the lack of clothes on the woman either. Had she taken one too many drugs? His eyes narrowed with distaste as he brought out Sticky Fingers, unzipping the tree. The stand and the girl gently floated to the ground, they didn't seem very hostile, especially after a 'fun' night. He clicked his tongue. He really wasted an hour and a half on some sobriety teen..? His attitude quickly shifted after noticing speckles of dried blood all over the girls' body, morphing into concern after noticing more running down the right side of her face, and finally, the many, many very deliberate cuts on her abdomen, expertly stitched together, yet the skin has been almost seared black and would definitely leave a crossroad of scars over her abdomen. The young woman floated into his arms, wisps of (H/C) hair draping her body. He quickly pulled his jacket off, wrapping her smaller figure in them. If he knew anything about wounds, those were very recent. "What the hell happened to her..?"

Stand users heal pretty quick, but that's considering they actually survive long enough to do so. If not for seeing the faded outline of her stand, he would have been sure she was dead. Bruno turned toward the city, already determining the quickest route to a proper medic. The stand dissipated, her (E/C) eye opening weakly and gazing at the man above her. He looked down, taking a sharp breath when his eyes met hers, she really did look like a fallen angel, that is, until a fist collided with his nose.

(Y/N), poor poor (Y/N), barely able to stand, was now running from a weird shirtless man in the woods. Don't get her wrong, he was very handsome, but she wasn't exactly into that, y'know? As fast as her weak legs could, she darted into the woods, clutching the white jacket wrapped around her. Where did it come from, she didn't know. All that she knew was that last night was a fucking nightmare, she passed out and woke up in a tree, and that not only did everything hurt like fuck, she was missing an eye and quite possibly a kidney. Her feet ached and bleed from the sharp rocks and twigs hidden under the carpet of leaves, and it didn't help that she could hear the same man that she decked in the face sprinting after her. She never knew how absolutely terrifying being chased by a shirtless man could be until that moment, sparing him only a glance and screaming from how quick he had caught up, well, to be honest, she wasn't in the best state to be moving, let alone running. And if things just had to get worse, she tripped over a root, smacking her forehead against the tree in front of her. Her vision blacked out, as if a TV screen had flickered off.

"Mothertrucker dude.... That hurt like a buttcheek on a stick..." She groaned, a wobbly hand reaching to cup her aching head. It was met with fabric instead, and she realized someone had wrapped up her eye. Too bad she couldn't tell because there was no fucking eye there. Out of her one (E/C) eye, she started to notice the unfamiliar furniture, cots and equipment packed into a tiny room with some taken by other patients with terrible injuries too. How long had she been out? Unbeknownst to her, after yeeting herself into a tree, Bruno carried her to a small mafioso infirmary to heal up and to make sure his nose wasn't broken. It was, actually, so he ended up with a few days in the cot room next to the new arrival.

"Watch your profanity." He mumbled, the bandages on his nose gave his rather smooth voice a bit of a nasally aftertone. He wasn't annoyed at the thought of having to spend the next few days next to some random girl who socked him in the sniffer, not at all. Why do to ask?

"Ugh where am I?" She went to sit up before letting out a pathetic wail of pain and giving up immediately. They may have injected her with all sorts of painkillers, but that didn't seem to do much when she was being an idiot.

"You shouldn't move, your stitches are still healing. You're lucky that whoever fixed you up did so, apparently there's so much damage you should be dead." Now he doesn't really know a lot of what happened to her, but he can guess it was a terrible fight. Something must have happened to her eye and they had to remove it, and who knows wherever the fuck happened to her abdomen to make it look like someone photoshopped Frankenstein's monster on it.

"Hhhhnnnjshmnghsnag." Her brain rang from whatever the hell she just did earlier, not having the patience to correct him, the person that 'fixed her up' also did this to her, you dumb, hot fuck. Thankfully, a nurse walked in, but she quickly learned that she was in insensitive intensive care. They really only came to tell her to shut up and put a tranquilizer in her arm. Bruno watched as she tried to kick a nurse away (lift her leg) only to fall off the cot and scream louder before fading to sleep. They gave him a soft smile and apologized for the disturbance before walking out, leaving her passed out on the floor as the man across from her leered at the drugged teen. Since he wasn't a heartless, vindictive bitch, he set her back on the cot and tucked her in before any of the bottom feeders got any ideas.


Bruno: Another CHILD to adopt.

(Y/N): decks him in the face

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