Social Media Fucked The Streets Up More Than Crack In The 80's

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(Tons of thanks to Senkuswifey0942 for the title name!)

"Hm? A call for me?" (Y/N) took the phone, swinging her legs as she sat atop a nice flat rock. It would have made the perfect seat if it wasn't so angled, but her stand was more than happy to comply with her useless need to sit atop the almost 45 degree angled rockface. "Yello?"

"(Y/N)." The blood drained from her face at the sound of Risotto's voice. Was he angry? Well, her teammates almost killed him, so of course he was angry, wasn't he? Wait, but they tried to kill her teammates too!

"Rissy, I'm sorry they shot at you, I really tried to stop them and the others are actually okay, I'm sorry I didn't tell you I kinda just forgot because they kept trying to kill us and also I didn't want you to kill me, and also the big cheese might be somewhere around here and we think he is which is kind of a problem so maybe watch out for that..." She rambled through the phone, hands waving back and forth as she squeezed every word she could into those few seconds before he cut her off. "But also I kinda hurt everyone a lot and I know you said self defense but I'm not sure if Illuso will ever recover from what I did to him but it was pretty funny, I bet Maggie would laugh if he still could-"

"(Y/N)." His voice was clear and firm, silencing her immediately. "The boss will be targeting you and who you are with, most likely. Stay on guard."

"Mhmm. I will. Did you face him?" She swung her legs a bit, nudging against a few loose rocks on the cliffside. "Sorry, did we get in the way?"

"Yes. I would have won if I didn't get shot." So maybe he was a little salty about that, but he knew it wasn't her fault. He could have been in a much worse predicament if they had just went guns ablazing. 

She hummed a dull tone in thought, checking her messages again. "Oh, Rissy? I don't... I don't think you guys are idiots. I know you were the one that opened the message a couple days ago, when I called you guys stupid, maybe to tell me something, but I just wanted to say that you guys aren't idiots. Mostly."

She bit her lip, opening her mouth to find the words to say and let them all pour out and fill the silence. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I know what happened to Sorbet and Gelato, and I'm sorry I let you guys hurt and pretended like nothing was wrong. I know there isn't anything I can do to fix it, but I just want you to know that they would be happier to know you were all safe in the end-"

The click of the receiver snapped her out of her spiral and she quickly set the phone down next to her. "Oh fuck-" She seemed to forget she was on a slant that should have been imposible to sit on, and her non-gravity defying phone would not stick to the rock as well as she did. She dived into the grounds to catch her beloved little handheld device, her phone buzzed once more from a text from Risotto. It was short and simple, as most of his texts were, but this one came from the heart. Thank you.

"So? What was it?" Abbacchio hummed, giving no fucks for the fact that she just ate dirt. "Is everything okay up there?"

"Yep, I was correct, it's all settled, but the boss is lurking somewhere, they think." (Y/N) spit out a leaf, tucking her phone into her pocket and moving to go watch Moody Blues. There wasn't much else to do at the moment, wasn't there? No heat signatures were approaching, and she would tell the instant they start moving closer. That left her rather bored, so what else to do rather than give Moody Blues a pat on the head for being a good boy?

"What the fuck are you doing?" Abbacchio turned towards his stand, the sensation mimicked on his own head.

She didn't answer, reaching forward and stretching the Stand's cheeks. To her surprise, they were oddly pliable. Almost entranced, she continued to stretch Moody Blues cheeks, watching the timer speed up, then slow down. Then speed up... "Hey did you know the timer speeds up when I tug his cheeks out?"

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