Sorry But I Don't Do Sinners. I Dont Care How Thicc Your Ass Is

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"I thought I was just telling it to you?" (Y/N) sat on the floor as the seven others had spread around the room, attention shifted on her subtly, but no doubt they wanted to hear her Tragic Backstory™. She blames Bruno for mentioning it once they snuck onto a passing truck, because everyone was rather desperate for entertainment in these trying times, and knowing (Y/N), it had to have been something worth listening to. "I feel like I'm being put on trial or something."

"Being in court is much worse." Abbacchio grumbled, leaning farther into the seat, foot tapping from boredom. Standing around in a stuffy room all day for someone guilty to walk away Scot-free just because of a little pocket change got boring quick, after all.

"Yea, and you know like, all of our backstories and stuff, so we just want to hear yours, you know?" Narancia grinned. He wasn't expecting hers to be too long, just something to occupy the time. "It's only natural you tell! We're your team!"

"Ah! You're absolutely right! Well it all began on the day of my actual birth..." (Y/N) struck a woeful pose, as if a fallen maiden had embodied her very soul. Dramatic bitch.

"Oh god."

"Both of my parents failed to show up!" She wailed, Mista nodding along to her pitiful tales. Maybe she was right, Bruno should have never mentioned this, because she never took anything seriously when any of them were around.

"That's literally impossible. Stop beating around the bush!" Of course Fugo found her behaviour vexing, even though it wouldn't be too significant, he wanted to know her past and how she ended up so cheerful. Was it like Narancia? Who did she hang out with? Why was her record missing? Why did she not exist?

"Fine fine fine, Uh... Where to start..." (Y/N) tapped her chin. Her mother had never said much, but she's had over a decade to contemplate her words. Connected dots and simply things that never made sense until she was older, her mother's story was a puzzle pieced together over the years, the only thing she had left behind.

"Uhhh, maybe what started it all?"

"Right right.... Where was that..."

"(Y/N), you got it wrong!" Mother's euphoric expression had always confused the young girl. She was a brilliant young woman with memory not unlike a steel trap. When she was with her family, her talents would always be praised. She would surely grow to be the perfect young woman that would bring them out of their debt, yet here she stood at the lowest social class she could be, teaching the child she never wanted. Odd enough, she never had that smile whenever (Y/N) had done something correctly, only when she messed up. It wasn't long before the young girl had begun to pretend to make mistakes as often as she could. "Oh, what am I going to do with such a stupid little girl like you?"

"Um... Well, my mom and I were poor. The only money made was by selling her body. We lived in this little shoebox apartment in the ghetto, you know? Sucky place. Not a lot of furniture, the pipes always leaked through the ceiling even though we had no running water, shit like that. It was just my mom and me, cause my dad..."

"Fathers? Fathers are terrible things, (Y/N). Do not ask for human filth such as a father." Her mother cupped her daughter's cheeks, (E/C) eyes reflecting the young child's face in them. (Y/N) didn't look that similar to her mother, who was as thin as the splinters on the walls. Her mother still held an air of elegance around her, even in their dire living situation. Even their hair color didn't match, they weren't similar in shades. Mother always said she looked like (Y/N).

'But Mother, you forgot the article.' The young girl would bite her tongue and say nothing whenever her mother mentioned those things, being correct never made Mother happy.

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