If You Blast Kids Bop You Never Have To Hear Your Inner Demons

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Leaning back in her seat, she rests her legs over the armrest. According to Cannolo Murolo's stand, things were progressing smoothly, or at least as smoothly as they needed it to be. The leader of the Narcotics team was defeated by Fugo in something they so kindly described as a 'lucky kamikaze-style execution'. He didn't seem to be making any progress in controlling his stand, but there was still some time in the matter. With the death of Sale and Mario, Fugo could take all the time in the world to finish this, just as long as he lived. As long as he didn't act stupid, then she would be happy. It wasn't the greatest thing when it came to their mafia, sure, but unfortunately for them, the Mafia wasn't her highest priority. If it was, then a lot of them really wouldn't be here, would they.

"Oh hey, mail." Mista hummed, watching the mailman shove in some papers and drive off, probably annoyed at how far he had to drive to deliver a single envelope, but so be it. "Who's going out to get it?"

"Not me." Narancia groaned, body slipping off the couch and to the floor in pure laziness. After all the hell they had to do to maintain and clean up, he just wanted to spend some chill time.

"Not it." (Y/N) hummed, yawning and kicking a leg out to stretch. She refrained from making any noises since they so lovingly told her she sounded like a mix of a dying animal and a sex tape, before deciding that silent stretches weren't worth it, letting out the most demonic screech possible just for extra fuck-you sauce.

"Jesus fucking Christ." Abbacchio whispered, unsure whether to shoot her or not. Above them, there was a crash, and then scrambling. Their eyes traced the source of the noise as it descended the stairs, Trish launching herself towards the door and sprinting full speed towards their mailbox.

"Ohh... Her audition results." (Y/N) didn't bother pulling herself up, simply waiting for her to enter the house again. She was out of breath and her nail polish was completely ruined, but this was important. She had to be the one to see it first. "Did you open it yet?"

"No." Trish sat at the table, picking at the edge of it and pausing. She was a little scared. What if she was rejected? No, she made it to the finals. She couldn't give up on herself now. But she almost messed up that one note, and what if her tone was off? Did she screw up the lyrics? Scrutinizing the letter, she searched for anything that could hint at the results. "Do you think I got it?"

"Course you did. I was there when you went up for the finals! You were amazing! Like, superstar levels!" (Y/N) forced herself up, pumping her baby girl up. "Plus, you are ten times more beautiful than any of those other girls! And let's be honest, they don't have the mental strength to be a pop star. They would crash and burn fast, hun. You, however, survived a fuckin murder attempt on your life! Take on the world, bitch! You got this!"

"Yea... yea! I'm not scared!" She grinned, opening the envelope up and taking a deep breath. Waiting in anticipation, the three young idiots quickly plotted revenge on the producers that dare shatter Trish's dreams. Thankfully, they didn't have to! "I... I made it! I got the part!"

"Holy shit! You got it?!" Narancia beamed, peeling himself off the ground to congratulate her as (Y/N) launched herself towards Trish to wrap her in a tight hug.

"Of course she did! Did you see her on that stage? She fucking killed it! Way to go, Trish!" Mista ruffled her pink locks, laughing as the girls were tackled by Narancia in another hug. Her joyous laughter caught the attention of the last two members of their little crew, who were discussing Fugo.

"Did she get in?" Trish quickly flashed the acceptance letter, and Bruno smiled. He was a proud mom. "That's great! Your hard work really paid off."

Giorno nodded. She was very clear on wanting to become a popstar without the Mafia's help or interference, despite being friends with one of the most influential groups in Naples. "It's good that you got it. We're proud of you."

"So proud... My baby is growing up!" (Y/N) bawled. "You're so much better than that lazy little shut in, Barry Bee Benson! I'm so proud of you!"

Giorno hummed quietly in thought. "When will your debut be?"

"Soon, but it'll be a while before I release anything or anything fancy like that, you know?" Trish hummed, rocking back and forth with (Y/N), just enjoying the sway. "There's going to be a radio announcement, I think, but nothing is really set in stone. Ah! I can't believe I got it!"

"I can! You totally deserve it, your skills are unparalleled, man!" (Y/N) kissed her forehead, not noticing how pink Trish's cheeks became. "You're going to do awesome, okay? Man, everyone is going to be so jealous, you're the whole package, Trish! I'm so proud of my baby, you're going to be higher than anyone else, I swear to you!"

"Don't overwork yourself, okay? Nor anything you're uncomfortable with." Abbacchio sipped his drink, shutting the front door that she left open in her panic. "If anyone is harassing you, just tell us and we'll make them regret their lives."

"Try to be rational, okay? No drugs, and no drinking!" She wasn't exactly in the position to say that after being the victim to underage drinking more than once, but pipe down and let her be a decent role model, okay?

"I won't, I won't! That's like rule number one!" She grinned, laughing softly and holding (Y/N) tightly. She wouldn't be here without her friends, that's for sure. Their support and their love kept her afloat figuratively and pretty close to literally. God, where would she be without them? Nuzzling her head into the crook of (Y/N)'s neck, she gently whispered into her skin, something no one but her could hear. "Thank you."


Question to all y'all peeps: What do you think Bruno's chest thingy is? It looks like a tattoo, but I don't think he would be the type to get a tattoo. I totally see him as the type to be wearing like, lace lingerie though. He's a dramatic bish like that. I might think about Bruno shirtless a lot. But that's just the rambles of a useless milf hunter lmao

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm trying to figure out how I'm gonna plan the next arc, since I can't blatantly work off of any stuff. I have a rough outline but I'm a little scared to write it, unlike little blurbs at the beginning of the story, this is a full on arc??? Like how do you????


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