Sleeping Is Good For You So I'm Going To Sleep Forever

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"You know a very cheap way to spend a day?" (Y/N) waved her hand in the air, gesturing to the expanse outside their window. It overlooked a quaint little private beach, large enough for a small volleyball court and a little dock, but it would surely be more fun with other people. "We can go to the beach in our backyard. We haven't gotten the chance to use it, and I think now would be a splendid time to."

"Well, that is true. But does Jolyne have a swimsuit?" Bruno glanced outside. With regards to the few cotton clouds dotting the sky, it was a sunny and warm day out; light winds carrying the sea breeze and an entire day ahead of them, it's the perfect conditions to spend at the beach. "We can't go to the beach without one."

"I do! It's in the hotel room, but Daddy said we would go to the beach later, so he said to leave it at the hotel" The young girl pointed back at the hotel, and they glanced at each other. Well, that should be fine. They could just wash it there afterward. Jotaro was discussing something with Giorno and Polnareff at the moment, so they could ask to borrow their hotel key to fetch it. "Are we going to bring the others too?"

"Hm, yea, we can see if they're free. I think your dad has work later, so he might not be able to join us." (Y/N) tapped her chin, turning to go ask everyone if they were free that day. "Can you guys ask them? They're in the conference room."

"Of course." Bruno gave her a reassuring smile, led by the little guest to pester her father into forking over the one key to the hotel room. She wasted no time sprinting up the stairs to barge into the closest room, which was Narancia's. Not only was he the type to choose the first room he sees, but he was also the type that had to be dragged out of bed. If he was right in front of the stairs, it's easier making sure he is up and ready. Next to him was Mista and Fugo's rooms. Fugo chose it for the close proximity to Narancia, and Mista chose it because there were four bedrooms on the next floor, which were claimed by Trish, (Y/N), Bruno, and Abbacchio respectively. Giorno had the room on the very last floor, the master bedroom. He didn't really use it a lot though. But nonetheless, with so many rooms and people, she needed to recruit someone to help rope them all in.

"Narcy! Beach!" It was undeniable that both (Y/N) and Narancia shared the genuine love for the outdoors and adventure. It was in their somewhat childish nature, but the minds of two fools are deeply connected emotionally. Without a single need for words, they have already sprinted out to begin herding the others.

"Beach!" The echolalia filled the second floor amongst not only (Y/N) and Narancia, but now Mista, and the two boys dashed upstairs to infect the others with their outdoor glee. Fugo was a little more stubborn, however. He wasn't the most outdoorsy person, and he hasn't even gone to the beach many times before.

"C'mon... Fugo, the beach is so fun!" Bouncing on her feet, she gestured to the wondrous views outside his windows. The emerald waters rivaled gemstones itself, wavering with life and the mirage of heat on the dock. The views hadn't phased him.

"I sunburn easy. I don't want to." Burrowing back into his bed, he did his best to ignore the puppy eyes (Y/N) unleashed. "I'm not Bruno, those won't work on me, you know?"

"I have sunscreen you can use. Really good sunscreen that isn't oily! Fugoooo, it's no fun if you don't come too..." She pouted, pulling her face closer and closer to chide him more and more. His cheeks flushed from the close proximity, scooting farther and farther back until finally caving in.

"Fine fine fine! I'll go, just get your face away! Jeez! When are we going out?" He shouted, feeling his blush spread far enough to reach his neck. In efforts to hide the crimson, he turned to dig around for his swim trunks in the closet. "And I have my own sunscreen, I don't need yours."

"Great! And we'll be going out in like... thirty minutes, probably? After lunch, since Jolyne needs to get her swimsuit." Lifting herself the rest of the way onto the bed, (Y/N) faceplanted herself into his bedsheets. "Mmh... I need to tell the others..."

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