I Want To Suffocake Myself

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"Giogio! My man! And how are you this lovely day?" (Y/N) had walked off her sore ass, sliding into the seat across from him with a little wince. Of course, to the observant gaze of her friend, these actions did not go unnoticed. He raised an eyebrow, and she just waved it off with an exasperated look. "Don't go jumping out of the seventh floor of a building, not the best idea."

"Right." He had learned not to ask questions like a good friend, calling over a waiter to order two creme brulees and have a chat. While (Y/N) leaned back in her chair, rocking on the two back legs, he poured themselves some drinks. He had earned a lot of money from his last haul, of course, there were certain things he couldn't sell to the man, and he kept them in his dorm to try and pawn off somewhere else. With this haul, he had planned a simple day for the both of them to spend together. They didn't get to go often, but he enjoyed what times they did have. "Are you free today?"

"Well, I'm here, aren't I? I got moved under someone new, but he shouldn't mind. He's busy looking for someone anyways." She leaned forward, chair striking the concrete tile. Bucciarati was a bit of a mom, kind of like Prosciutto, actually, but she's sure he wouldn't mind if she was gone for a few hours. Maybe she's gotten too comfortable with her former routine, because no way was she staying in one place all day. "You said you wanted to talk about something?"

"Yes, I wanted to ask you about your involvement in the gang Passione." His eyes flickered over her face, searching for any reaction at all, although he was granted none. "What do you think of the drug trade?"

"Personally? Well..." She narrowed her eyes, memories of her best friend trickling into her system one by one, and she brushed her fingertips over her necklace. "I don't agree with it, you could say. It's wicked, how they target children."

"I was hoping you would say that. You're a wonderful person, (Y/N)." His eyes narrowed, as if hesitating to say something. "And I-"

"Giorno!!" Someone squealed behind her, and she rocked her head back to look at whoever that was. A pack of girls all donning the same school uniform sprinted past her, crowding the boy. "Giorno, can we sit with you? I can buy you tea!"

"What? Wait, I'll pay for you! The creme brulees here are pretty expensive, right?" They swayed their hips and squeezed their breasts together, completely ignoring the woman behind them, who ignored them back and ate her sweet treat. She wasn't one to force herself into someone's love affairs, unless they were both emotionally constipated and totally in love and she has no choice but to intervene.

"You guys are too loud. I'm spending time with my friend. Go away." He sighed. That was kind of contradictory since (Y/N) was literally the loudest person ever, and he seemed to be fine with her, but whatever. They left with a pout, glancing back at the older woman who's only response was a lazy peace sign and a kind smile. With their goodbyes, (Y/N) hummed.

"Quite the casanova, aren't cha, Giogio." Her sing songy voice caught his attention, and he rolled his eyes, flicking through a large stack of money to pay for the food. She turned to the young child... no, short teenager that walked up to them both, then back at Giorno, who leaped back in surprise.

"Hey! Whose money is that? Is that mine?!" The short man pointed at Giorno accusingly, and she sipped her coffee, very carefree between the two distressed boys. It was pretty obvious what was going on, but if he got caught then that was on him. And apparently, he had gotten caught. Koichi hit the table out of anger and she scooted the dishes away from his reach. "Give me back my passport! And where's my luggage?"

"It hurts me to say this, but I sold them off, unfortunately. So stop following me." Giorno was annoyed. There were just so many distractions today, he only wanted a little time with (Y/N), but when he reached to pull her with, his hand pressed into the wooden table with such force it dented it. "Th-this weight... wait, then that wasn't a malfunction earlier? Don't tell me... He has the same type of powers as me...!"

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