All The Dummy And None Of The Thicc

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"Well, I'm just glad you all made it back..." Bruno was rather appalled to see two of them knocked out, all four of them injured, yet none of them dead. They had decided rest would be enough for Giorno and Fugo, but Abbacchio was another problem. "Do you have his hand..? If it's too decayed and dead then we might have to abandon it, but we can always try."

"Yea, it's in my bag." She passed it over to her lap, checking through the charm to dig up his hand from the various other stolen and small tokens that she had shoveled in there earlier.

"...It's in your bag?" Abbacchio had come to just enough to give her the rudest scowl he could muster. "You mean to tell me you saw my cut off and dying hand and just thought to stuff it in your stupid little purse without ice or hell, even a glass of milk-"

"That's for teeth."

"Shut up, twerp. And you decided that just simply throwing it with the rest of your shit would be enough to keep it from dying-"

"Here it is." She pulled it out, the flesh still maintaining a rather lively complexion. As she had thought, time just stops for everything inside that little charm realm thing. Useful. "Attach it quick, Bruno."

"R-right..." He was rather perplexed how some simple bag she bought from the lost and found bucket was capable of keeping the hand in a decent condition for so long after he had seen her throw item after item into there, but oh well, if it means Abbacchio could get his hand back, then it was okay.With a quick zip, all they had to do was wait for it to heal. "Anyways, you four were successful in retrieving the key?"

"Yup! Fugo, you have the key, right?" She leaned against the car, her leg was feeling better and all that, but the loss of blood really had her pretty woozy and cold. Although, she didn't really feel like going through the trouble of slipping her jacket on. Bruno had started to discuss the next course of action, and she quietly listened from the sidelines.

"I thank you for protecting my daughter, Bucciarati. Go to the drinking fountain with a turtle on the sixth platform at Naples Station, and use this key. Then, take my daughter to Venice by train. P.S. My missions for you will end once you get to Venice." He read through the jewel.

"Mmh... Did he only supply those tickets to Rome?"

"Yes, why?"

"We would be pretty easily tracked if there was only one. But... it's not like we could buy more. The odd one out would just be that ticket... " She grumbled softly, lips pressed together in a pout. "Well, nothing we can do about that. Into the car we go."

Giorno had volunteered to be the driver, so Abbacchio took the passenger seat, Narancia, (Y/N), and Bruno the middle, and Fugo, Mista, and Trish the back. She didn't mind, way too tired from the days activities already. It would take an hour or so to even get to the train station so she had decided to spend her time very wisely and take a nap. "Well. Wake me up when we get there."

"Mhmm." Narancia nodded, watching her undo the jacket around her waist and use it as a blanket for her arms. Actually now that he looks, she has goosebumps. "Are you cold?"

"A little I guess. I lost a lot of blood so what can you do." She shrugged, covering a small yawn as the rumble of the engine rocked her to sleep. Sweet baby boy took it in his own hands to tug the girl into his arms so she could sleep better. He was much warmer than her after all. "Aw, you gonna be my personal heater? Thanks Narcy."

"Yep! You can count on me!" He brightened a little at her nickname, trying not to shift too much as she was already out cold. It didn't take too long for him to be bored out of his mind, there wasn't really much he could do and stay still at the same time, and he checked her bag, there wasn't anything in there that he could read or do anything with, ending up watching her sleeping expression. "She kind of looks like a kitten, doesn't she?"

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