Canon Ending

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She knew that if she stayed like she had before, all her life, there would be no chance of winning against him. Any sliver of doubt within her conscience could cost her valuable seconds in this fight, and those could very well be her last. Her fear has always been her enemy, but right now, as their final shot flies, her willpower only grows.

Glittering pink overlaps with electric blue with the sound of crackling wires. Like oil and water, they refuse to combine, repelled as if the same ends of a magnet. Barely a fraction of a second from their fired shots, the collision sends a shockwave powerful enough to throw her back. It takes a moment for both parties to stand up, and (Y/N) wonders vaguely if the metallic taste in her mouth was from her blood, or the electricity lingering in the air.

"Child, why do you continue to fight? After I've taken everything from you, time and time and time and time again, why do you even bother trying?" There was an undercurrent of annoyance in his tone, masked by the dry rasp of his throat. His build even further gaunt it left an almost cadaverous figure under the expensive linens. He shambled closer, his gait more akin to an undead than a human. "What point is there to your life? You were born from nothing and that you stayed, why do you try to be anything at all? I find it insulting, I find your entire existence to be insulting."

Mind Electric quivered, rust accumulating at its edges, cords fraying and crackling in bright sparks. It reached forward, the dull pulse at his palm a discordant hum. Almost like a haunting voice, it lulled for her, chanting so quietly she could barely hear the underlying message: give up. Give up. Give up.

There wasn't much of a choice. The last of her acid expended on that last shot meant that there was nothing much else she could do. Everything around her had basked in the sun for far too long, and fighting... fighting was never her forte. She was quick witted as she was quick, more suited to escape.

Mind Electric raised its palms to hover by her temples, the tugging sensation threatening to cloud her mind with a blurring mist. Fogging eyes lifted, drilling into the blacked holes where his eyes were. Her teeth grit, and SCF emerged once more to land their final blow. Pink and purple looked to be glitching together, barely holding onto itself. It was in no position to attack, but fuck that. Her wrist struck the ground, shattering the glass of her arm into cruel, jagged fingertips. The reflection on her physical body had her hand almost explode, but pain was nothing right now. With a last desperate strike, her jagged hand slashed at the wires on his throat and something clattered to the ground. Mind Electric melted away, leaving nothing in between. Her nameless father stood there, balancing on teetering limbs as he clawed at his open throat. Blood trickled to the ground, soaking into the concrete as he desperately fell to his knees, grasping at the growing puddle in search of the arrow. His words fell through the void in his neck, only a wheeze to signify his urgency to speak, but she's sure she knew what he was trying to say.

It already scattered before her feet, and she picked up the shattered pieces. "I have nothing left to say to you."

He tried to look at the hazy figure, the exhaustion seeping into all that was left of him, leaving him with nothing but the inability to move. Cracked lips formed harsh words, ones that she didn't bother trying to understand. With a turn of her heel, she walked back to the house, not turning back when she heard him collapse, or when she felt the body's temperature drop.

The door swung open for her, the crowd of concerned faces going unnoticed as she poured the bloodied shards of the arrow onto the nearest table. She turned to face them, sucking in a deep breath as she searched for the right words to say. "Well. I think it's all over?"

"You're an IDIOT! Why did you scare me like that-"

"I'm so glad you're okay! We saw things happen and it it looked like you got mind swapped-"

"What the FUCK did you do to your hand- Giorno, come fix this stupid bitch!"

"I'm on it..."

"Did you see that?! You were like so cool and like you were throwing things and-"

"You are NEVER doing that again, why didn't you ask us for help-"

"And THEN you slashed his THROAT out and walked away like nothing happened-"

Their words melded together in a muddled scramble, swamping their friend in a mix of excitement and worry. Her wounds fixed themselves within seconds under Giorno's care, but the relief she felt was beyond that of physical healing. "It's over... It's over! It's all over! It's finally over!"

Her happiness sung throughout the house, carried on the delight of her dearest friends. It felt almost unreal, as if the looming weight on her shoulders finally lifted, and with her spirit, so did she. Lifted into the air, Trish was the first one to jump into action, pushing off the walls in order to tackle her in a hug, but Narancia and Mista were quick to follow, the four of them laughing like young, dumb idiots as they careened through the air. Mista rammed into the wall, coughing out as he groaned. "Ah shit... that's what I get... But hey, some alcohol would get rid of this pain real quick."

"Is wine and food the only things on your mind?" Fugo navigated his way over as carefully as always, prodding her to get her to quit it with the floating fuckery.

"Yes, Mista is right. We should celebrate." Giorno flashed a pretty smile, turning to Leone to ask for some of his good wine.

The eldest was moments from smashing that brat's face in if not for Bruno holding him back, and they glanced at the girl on the ground, heaped with the others in a laughing fit. He could spare some wine, just for today.

Oh bro that was harder than I remember- I seriously need to write more man...

Also now I like need to plan out shit again and y'all know how much I hate that lmao-
It definitely won't be 140+ chapters tho, probably a short lil thing, as long as one of these arcs? Should I just continue it in this book or make another one?

Also now I like need to plan out shit again and y'all know how much I hate that lmao- It definitely won't be 140+ chapters tho, probably a short lil thing, as long as one of these arcs? Should I just continue it in this book or make another one?

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So SCF is deemed inappropriate lmao sorry you tiny toddlers you don't get to look ig

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