Sure You Have The Horse In The Back But Do You Have Jesus At The Wheel

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"Are you really sure though? Like really? Isn't a last name super important to people?" (Y/N) fumbled over her words. Not having one was something she was used to, but it never really struck her as something she would ever receive. So casually, either.

He had already informed the receptionist to change it, although he wasn't the type to throw his name all willy nilly, he had a feeling she wouldn't keep it for long. For now, it would simply be a placeholder, because he would not deal with listening to that dumpster fire of a last name. The one who brought up this idea was his beloved daughter anyway, since she so desperately wanted a big sister, and she believed that (Y/N) and Trish were great elder sisters, so this was the least he could do for their kindness towards his kid. "It's a placeholder. Don't use it too much."

"I won't, thank-thank you!" Unsure what she called for, (Y/N) gasped. "Right! Passione formally requests help from the Speedwagon Foundation! We want to take down another gang. Because they are selling people. Like human trafficking. And that's not cool."

There was a pause on the other side of the line, a mixture of annoyance and tiredness seeping into his voice. "So you came to me for this? The foundation already understands that Passione is working with them. Just tell the receptionist to forward you to the Passione division. You can trust them in whatever you have to say. They will agree as long as you have a reasonable plan."

"Oh... okay, thank you, sorry for bothering you. Can you tell Jolyne I said hello?" The line was quiet, nothing but a gruff hum to show he had heard her, before cutting out, leaving her with a dull tone that rang against her ears. Does... Does she call them again? Redialling the phone number, (Y/N) wrapped a finger around her necklace, toying with the small metal charms.

"Hello, you have reached the Speedwagon Foundation! How may I assist you today?" The cheerful voice greeted once again, but (Y/N) swore she could hear a hint of annoyance in her words. Working as a receptionist must be hard.

"Hi, I need to talk to a specific department please. The... Passione, department?" This felt off, was she supposed to say the Mafia name allowed? They did say there was one, but this felt a little weird, didn't it?

"Alright, I will forward you to the Passione Faction, please wait." The receptionist's voice had softened a tad, either glad to do something other than bother a certain researcher, or perhaps a little unnerved that this caller was a part of a mafia. It didn't matter which it was anyway. She didn't have the time to chat, and neither did (Y/N), who still had to strike a deal and get moving. If they wanted to take down an entire mafia from the inside, it would take a lot more than a single girl posing as a buyer. Their money primarily comes from human trafficking, so the Capos in charge of such a large profit is no doubt in direct contact with the upper echelons of the mafia to ensure that nothing goes wrong. There would be different Capos for different sections, but unfortunately, she would have to go in blind. Using anyone to try and search for answers would only alert them that something fishy is going on.

"Hello?" The receiver was a little grainy, but she could tell that she was right where she needed to be. Sucking in a deep breath, (Y/N) opened her mouth to relay the plan. Or at least, all that they needed to know of it.

(Y/N) had her own plan of course. Giorno didn't give her much to work on, but she knew what she had to do. Or at least, a faster way of completing it.  Knowing her friends, however, she wasn't sure if they would be up for the task. After all, she had to keep her stand hidden for as long as possible. Would she be alright without Soda City Funk?

As if sensing her anxiety, SCF separated from her master's body, floating down to give (Y/N) a reassuring hug. It felt familiar, like the first time her Stand held her, both of them clinging for life hundreds of feet up in a tree. "We'll be fine."

"Yea." (Y/N) nodded, drawing a shaky breath. As risky as this was, she was the only one that could do this. "I got the plan. Should we tell Giorno that we're ready?"

Soda City Funk dissipated, and (Y/N) took the answer as a yes. Alright! She got this! With a pep in her step, (Y/N) bounced outside her bedroom to go meet up with the others. Oddly enough, it was a little quiet in her house, but she ignored it, throwing open the door to the meeting room and an awesome pose. "I just got the Speedwagon foundation to agree! We're golden! Wait a minute there's no one in here."

"Hm? Yea, They went out to drag Mista to his dentist appointment." Narancia peeked his head from behind a corner, halfway through a bag of chips. "I'm surprised you didn't hear, he was crying pretty hard."

"Damn, I thought he was fine with dentist appointments?" Turning around, she strode up to him and took a chip for herself. "Was he with four people or something?"

"No, he just had a cavity they needed to fix." He waved it off. "They would have brought you along too but you were busy, and they left me behind cause Abbacchio said I would just tease him the entire time."

"Would you?"

"Duh." Finishing off the bag, they invaded the kitchen for more snacks, settling on a few oranges they found. "Anyway, you said something?"

"Yea, I'll save it for when the others get here, so let's hang out, Narcy!" looping an arm over his shoulders, she tugged him over to ruffle his hair. "We can play videogames, or replace Abbacchio's wine with grape juice, or just anything in general, since they made the mistake of leaving us together!"

Narancia grinned, lighting up at the prospect. "Hell yea!"


*frantically writing*

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