I May Be Dyslexic But I can Still Spell Fuck You

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(Y/N) glanced back at the room, staring at the three masks attached to the ceilings. Oh, if only she could hide the lighter somewhere on her body, but the flame will likely burn her, and she has a shit pain tolerance. "How am I going to... You know what? No, I'm going to harness the power of the force. I'm literally going to join the dark side for chocolate." She closed her eyes, her hand held before the lighter as she hummed. "Mmh.... airbend it or some shit... float, my child..."

You could imagine her surprise when the lighter did in fact, start to float. "Holy shit I'm literally magic-" The door opened and she quickly pulled the levitating object behind her, a pink arm reaching out to keep it in place. She wasn't aware of this, but so be it. "Hi, officer!"

She went through the pat down no problem, quickly worming past the guards and out of the prison, grabbing the lighter once she was out of sight, the bright rays of the sun glinting off the sleek design of the lighter. "Oh my god, I can't believe that actually worked...! I just did that! I totally just did that!" She mumbled, leaning against the cool walls of the alleyway. "Uh... float!" She pointed at a dumpster nearby. It sat undisturbed.

"Was... Was I just imagining it or something?" She glanced at her hands. No, she felt it rise from her grip. There was no way she could have faked that. Was it withdraws or something? Those nurses pumped her with horse tranquilizers, can people get high off of those? Is she addicted to Horse Tranquilizers? "... Why's my hat floating?" She pulled it back on her head, only to notice that she couldn't feel the ground anymore. Looking down, she was met with an odd sight, her body was a foot off the ground. Now, that didn't seem right, the people outside of the alley walked just fine, and nothing else but a small bag of dog shit floated with her.

"H-holy shit..." She muttered, flailing around softly as to not fuck up the small flickering flame that rose above her head, she didn't understand what was going on, why were some things floating and some not? "Um... Uh... down, I need to get down...!"

As if the gods heard her prayers, she dropped to the floor, the green compostable bag landing with a wet plop and the lighter clattering on the ground, no flame in sight. Crap...! It hadn't even been ten minutes and she already done goofed! It was still working, oddly enough, the gas was still leaking and it didn't seem too damaged, So... Maybe she can just...? Her finger found its way to the igniter, a small spark flickering and bursting into a bright flame, quickly settling into it's much smaller counterpart. "Oh okay groovy I guess-"

"You relit the lighter, didn't you?" Her breath hitched, indents clenched into her neck as her body ceased its movements. She threw a distressed glance around, as if someone would appear and help her, but no one came, Time slowed once again as her eyes locked on an odd humanoid figure under a large hat dangled several tassels. "I'll give you one more chance. You have two options. Your first chance is to live and become a chosen one." in the fuzzy, dark corner of her one eye, she managed to steal a glimpse of a very pink form. The girl was a few inches taller than her, Hot pink hair styled into two poofy buns with gold bands holding them up, small golden charms dangling under them and bangs cut an inch or two below the bridge of her nose, shielding her eyes. The large golden hoops that hung from her ears clinked against the glassy, reflective skin. Her face was expressionless, despite the grip the petite hands held on the grip around its neck. "The only other choice is Death."

"W-What's going on?!" Somehow, she subconsciously knew that this was trouble, that she had to do something that. She grit her teeth, extremities going numb as her voice croaked out a single sentence.. "Punch that bitch right in the fucking throat-"

And that's exactly what Pinkie did, small, bony little fists sucker punching the creep right in the esophagus hard enough to force it back. The pressure on her throat dissipated, and she crumpled into a ball, hacking and coughing. "What the f-fuck?" The pink lady stepped toward her, allowing the girl to drag her eyes down their body. Instead of a torso, they had an hourglass shaped lava lamp encased in two bands of shiny gold above the hip and under the breast, bubblegum pink blobs rising and falling in the purplish mixture, almost see through. "W-what are you?"

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